Master the art of doing what truly matters

Private Coaching

I work with highly ambitious, mindful human beings who are doing nearly-impossible things. And that’s amazing except…’re tired.

Yes, you can power through–you always do. OR- you can take a blissful pause and learn to feel good even when life is messy and imperfect. As improbable as it may sound, you – and your current, wild and beautifully imperfect life! – can feel easier, more joyful, more abundant, and more peaceful.

We work together to help you show up for your big, complex and demanding life as your kindest, most creative, resilient, tenacious and feeling-good self. With a safe, trusted ally in your corner this is truly a state you can reach now, without tearing everything down and starting over. (Although, let’s be honest, starting over is its own flavor of genius!)

Yes, let’s chat to see if we’re a good fit

A little bit of sanctuary goes a long way.

I help my clients…

  • Make room for yourself. Create the permission to put yourself first, so you can soar toward your dreams and desires.
  • Tune into how you’re feeling and live your days with meaning and intention.
  • Shake off that nagging feeling that it’s never enough and instead feel a resolute and breathtaking pride for all you are and how far you’ve come.
  • Get off the merry-go-round of guilt and worry and thereby breathe easier, reduce stress and improve mood, focus and energy.
  • Make decisions based on what’s best for your higher purpose (without abandoning your people) and take inspired action that attracts a steady flow of abundance.
  • Create space. In your chaotic schedule and your inner world–to root down, dream and just take a deep breath!
  • Step into unprecedented levels of self-trust, self-respect and self-care, experiencing the most transformational time of your life – change careers, find your life partner, buy a house, start that passion project you’ve been dreaming about.


My clients see results

  • Sue Life Coaching Review

    In our countless rich and meaningful conversations I felt seen and heard. Danielle is not only a coach, she’s your friend!

    Running a successful Australian company, being a wife, mother, and daughter to an elderly mother, is a constant juggling act. And yet, when Danielle showed me how to give myself the same support I so freely give everyone else, I flourished. Life is still chaotic but I now have the confidence and tools to root down, and find my happy place amidst the storm.

    - Sue Marks

  • If you’re wondering if coaching with Danielle is worth the investment, I would say-100%. You are worth anything that can be so life changing.

    Danielle has been instrumental in helping me make positive and lasting changes. I feel happier and more optimistic than I have felt in years and I attribute a lot of this to Danielle; I feel so much healthier both physically as well as spiritually and emotionally.

    - Samantha Dean

  • Woman Smiling

    After a twenty-seven year marriage had long ended, I deeply wanted to be in a reliable, lasting and passionate relationship once more.

    Danielle was such a joy! We worked through old hurts that were affecting my self-esteem and ability to love deeply. Today, I am dating a marvelous, interesting, insightful and funny man! I feel centered in my worthiness and are giddy with excitement! I didn’t realize that fresh, profound love could manifest so easily.

    - Ivy S.

  • Ash soulmate love coach review

    I was feeling stuck in my romantic life. As a smart, successful woman with a full life I was frustrated and angry to have accomplished so much professionally, but seemingly unable to find a relationship that felt right on a deep and soulful level.

    Danielle’s program The Soulmate Code and private coaching totally rebuilt my approach to dating, and carried over into my friendships and relationships with family. I now show up secure in myself and my inherent worth, able to give the best of myself to relationships worth that investment.  AND-I’m recently engaged!

    - Ashleigh Weeden

  • woman smiling

    Nothing was obviously wrong, but I was deeply unsatisfied. I wanted to find that sweet spot of doing the “big work” I know I was born to do while also relaxing into laughing and enjoying. I wanted to fall back in love with my partner, look amazing and take a deep breath.

    Danielle has helped me become clearer, braver and more confident in my career and my heart.  I say no to people, circumstances and demands that make me feel heavy and yes to opportunities that light me up! She’s also a big reason why my boring bedroom curtains are now a peaceful sky blue and my boudoir feels like a sanctuary!

    - Natalie Hagnee


Why it works

Psychology + Coaching = Lasting Change

Benefits of Psychology

We all want to have lives that are full to the brim with meaning, purpose and joy! But so many of us have past wounds that prevent us from living the bountiful life we really want. It’s always easier to ignore pain and hope it will go away, but without tackling old hurts head on, we can remain chained to the past and unable to move forward.

This is where the healing magic of talk therapy comes in. Psychology helps us work through the ‘why’ of our current struggles to find the root of unpleasant behavior. Together, we shed some warm, loving light on the heart of the matter and end any hold those wounds have on you.

Once you’ve made peace with those experiences and emotions, you’ll have the power to envision and create a life that once seemed impossible. It’s this clarity and confidence that paves the way for a successful coaching partnership.

Benefits of Working with a Life Coach

As a coach I help you find inspiration, hold you accountable, and help you tap into your potential in an entirely new way. Coaching helps you organize your thinking in a manner that moves you forward powerfully and strategically without wasting time or energy. It helps you look at the world with a refreshed perspective and take action to create the results you seek.

I’ll help you unlock insights that move you closer to what you truly, deeply want – and once we pinpoint those desires, we’ll make them a reality by creating a plan to get you there! That plan will help us prioritize next steps so you’re more effective, efficient, and happier along the way.

I will be your biggest cheerleader, helping you see all the possibilities that exist even with desires that once seemed out of reach. Change is unavoidable, but as your friend and coach, I’ll help you deal with change more effectively so that any struggles or transformations you do experience will be strategic, manageable and soul expanding.

That Sweet Feeling of Returning to Yourself

We’re not really taught how to set up a life that feels good. And so while the disciplines of psychology and coaching provide a meaningful framework, the true transformational ingredient is simply the time you grant yourself to return to yourself.

Because when you allow yourself the space and care you give everyone else, here’s what happens:

  • You immediately feel better
  • You focus on the “big” stuff and let the petty things go
  • You’re clear headed, steady and wildly creative
  • You accept help and delegate rather than “going-it-alone”
  • You relish time with loved ones rather than feeling pinned down by
  • You allow yourself to dream and dream big again

You’re safe here

All coaching packages include

A Safe Container

A three, six or twelve month sacred space of on-going support and constant kindness. Just you and me, friend. I’ll bring my honest, loving guidance and undivided attention. Here, you’re safe to unravel, spill your deepest secrets, swear, cry and fall apart. We’ll celebrate your very essence, toot a few horns, cheer meaningful ‘wins’ and send you back into your world clearer, braver and filled to the brim with joy.

Private Coaching

A non-rushed space to tap into what would feel most nourishing and rejuvenative. This is your sanctuary away from the demands of the world. Here we’ll take the time to let things deepen, bloom and if needed- fall away. I’ll be your biggest cheerleader, helping you shift your emotional orbit, take charge of your physical world and create breathing room. (No matter what drama may be going on behind the scenes!)

Crystal Clear, Doable Next Steps

The soul expansion continues in between our sessions with crystal-clear, doable action steps. We’ll end each session with next steps designed to help you create forward momentum into your true potential. It’s all too easy to get swept away by life’s challenges. And yet, with the assistance of small but meaningful weekly goals you can continue to sail in the direction of your deepest priorities and desires.

Elegant Tools

Designed to keep you moving toward the things that matter most to you, access will be given to a library of elegant self-growth tools and systems. Think- inspiring videos, gorgeous thought provoking downloads, mindful meditations, magical elixirs and journaling prompts. Shared on a as needed basis and always, always with love.

Coaching Packages

Strategic, emotional and spiritual support for
whatever you need most right now

3 Months

  • 3 calls a month for 3 months: 9 sessions
  • Payment plan available OR $500 discount when paid in full
  • Three months of steady, on-going and meaningful calls designed to support whatever delightful adventure you’re about to dive into next!
  • Email and text support in between sessions.

Investment: $4,000

Apply Now

6 Months

  • 3 calls a month for 6 months: 18 sessions
  • Payment plan available OR $500 discount when paid in full
  • Six months of rich and rewarding calls designed to help you create space for yourself, go deeper and see the big picture of endless possibilities.
  • Email and text support in between sessions

Investment: $6,500

Apply Now

12 Months

  • 36 calls scheduled over 12 months. Generally 3x a month but can be modified based
    on progress and need.
  • Payment plan available OR $500 discount when paid in full
  • Twelve months of helpful, strategic and replenishing conversations designed for the woman who yearns for a complete and total spiritual makeover.
  • Email and text support in between sessions.

Investment: $12,000

Apply Now


I’d love to chat!

Step 1. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult. You can do that right here.

Step 2. Watch your email for questions from me. Before we hop on the phone, I’d like to know a bit about you and what you’d like to get out of coaching with me.

Step 3. Hit “reply” to that email and answer the questions.

Step 4. At the scheduled time of your consult, we’ll consult! We’ll use the opportunity to make sure we’re the perfect fit before you commit.

Step 5. Then we’ll get started! If you decide to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps for getting started. If you decide not to work with me or if we aren’t a perfect fit, I’m happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.

Have questions? Email me at