The Thrilling Terror Of Getting Out Of Your Professional Comfort Zone + 6 Ways You Can Do It, Too.

“What about THIS one?” Amanda hands me a tiny amber bottle to consider.

I turn it in the light and compare it to the seven other tiny bottles I have placed in a row on the counter of the lab – cobalt blue, clear, faceted glass, tall and narrow, rounded and squat.

This is NOT where I thought my Doctorate in psychology would take me.

For the last 15+ years my work has essentially consisted of two things:
a) talking to people
b) guiding people

I LOVE my work and, if I may be so bold as to say so, I’m quite good at it. My clients regularly say that I helped give them a “total spiritual and mental makeover” or helped them change the way they show up in the world.

I LOVE my work and – just like I counsel my clients to do – I knew I needed to get out of my comfort zone. (Keep an eye out for my totally new product, launching on January 8th!)

When we hear that age-old advice about getting out of our comfort zones we usually apply it to our personal or creative lives. We try a new hobby, we date someone who’s different from us, we go on a trip by ourselves. Lovely!

Why are we so reluctant to get out of our professional comfort zones?

Well, it feels a lot more risky. Many of us have spent dozens of years and a lot of money earning these degrees and our professional reputations. If you, like me, are in your 40s you might feel a bit … cemented in your current role.

If you’ve spent years becoming known as the best interior designer / CPA / casting director in your city, changing gears or trying something new can feel impossible. What will people think if you leave a career in law to open a catering company?

(Sidenote: That’s a career change that one of my clients went through and I can tell you nobody cared and she’s much happier now!)


If you’re thinking about getting out of your professional comfort zone but you’re not quite ready to change careers, here are a few things that you might want to try …

6 Ways To Get Out Of Your Professional Comfort Zone

  • Think about a career that fascinated you as a child – veterinarian, ballerina, astronaut. Find a memoir by someone who’s done that job and read it!
  • See if you can find a Community Ed or online course for beginners about something a professional topic that’s totally outside your professional comfort zone. Low risk and low cost!
  • If you work for a big company that’s frequently assembling teams to work on different projects, put your name in for a project that’s different from what you’d usually work on.
  • Do a “self-directed project” for something that’s outside your professional comfort zone. If you’re interested in fiction writing, take part in NaNoWriMo. If you want to get into interior design, offer to help your sister decorate her living room.
  • If you have a friend who took a big professional leap of faith, buy them lunch and ask them how they did it and where they started. Confidence can be contagious!
  • Network outside of your usual circles! If you usually go to networking events filled with people who live in your city, work in your industry, who earn, look, and think the same way you do – try a new networking group!

The average American spends 90,000 hours working. Even if you – like me – love your job, it’s good to stretch yourself every once in a while.

If things have been feeling a little stagnant at work, please consider this your nudge to try something new. And please stay tuned for MY “something new” coming early next year! (You can make sure you’re the first to know by joining my mailing list!)

Truly Doable Self-Care That Takes 5 Minutes Or Less

My friend swans into brunch looking remarkably well-rested and relaxed. She tucks the napkin into her lap, sighs happily, and launches into an endorsement of the amazing spa where she just spent a three day weekend. “You’ve got to check it out, girl. You’re always talking about self-care, you deserve some yourself!” I know. I […]

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Maybe I’d be Happier with Someone Else?

  I spent an enormous amount of my twenties and thirties swimming in the dating pools of NYC and L.A., asking myself some version of the question “Maybe I’d be happier with someone else?” At the time, I didn’t even realize that’s what I was asking myself. Instead, I wondered if maybe I shouldn’t be […]

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Mastering An Attitude Of Gratitude & How to Maintain Feeling Grateful

Life over the last few months has made it hard to feel grateful or maintain an attitude of gratitude. It has been a treadmill of heartbreaking illness, family struggle, the challenges of having both a young child and an aging parent. It’s been red eye flights and tough conversations and too much paperwork. And, yet, […]

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How Do I Find Joy in Life?

If I’m going to be honest with you, the last four months of my life have been some of the most challenging I’ve ever lived through. I’ve often felt like I wasn’t sure how to find joy in life. Illness, loss, heartbreak, challenge after challenge after challenge. I’ve tried to juggle motherhood and business and […]

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Why Is It Important To live Your Life Purpose?

  Why is it important to live your life purpose? This might seem like a straightforward question with a clear answer, but it isn’t. Certainly, it’s important to live your life purpose so that you can be fulfilled. But what exactly does that mean? And how do you ensure that you live your life purpose? […]

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5 (Unexpected)Tips for Manifesting Abundance

  You want to learn all about manifesting abundance so you can enjoy a full life. You’ve heard of others calling forth all that they desire and you want to do the same. But how do you go about manifesting abundance? What is the secret to a life of abundance? Maybe you’ve tried manifesting abundance […]

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How to Accept Yourself – 4 Steps to Self Acceptance

young woman smiling

Self-acceptance is the act of embracing all that you are, where you are and how you are.  It’s the ability to acknowledge and find peace with what is while also looking forward in anticipation of what can be. I’ve never been particularly “good” at this but then again few are, yes? It seems our desire […]

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When life gives you sour grapes….

life feel to serious? ask yourself this

If life didn’t seem serious enough, the world events from the last few months, including the war in Ukraine and inflation, have compounded the sense of already present angst.  Therefore, it was almost near impossible to not feel further discouraged by the recent Supreme Court ruling. I am of the mindset and belief that trying […]

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Crying is Self-Care + How To Cry It Out As An Adult

  Is crying self-care? You bet your bottom dollar it is! Crying is not only a form of self-care but also self-compassion. It is not, as some might say, weak or a waste of time. In fact, crying and releasing pent up anger, upset and angst can be the fastest way to relief all around. […]

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Is a Blissful Life Possible?

Happy couple during golden hour

Bliss. What does this word mean for you? Most likely it has wonderful connotations. It could mean ice cream before dinner. Or sticking your feet in an ice cold pool on a blistering hot day. Or the bliss of a most anticipated kiss. Or the deep satisfaction of completing a job well done. What causes […]

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From Disappointed to Delighted

couple in the ocean

You know what makes me anxious?  Unmet expectations. You too? I find expectations very rarely help me meet my intentions to feel good. Expectation, as I see it, is expecting something to happen, or someone to do something and having one’s feelings tied into the results. When expectations aren’t met, you feel disappointment, even outrage. […]

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Let Yourself Off The Hook and Un-Prioritize

woman smiling

What if you were to ask, what are your un-priorities? Priorities. What does that word conjure up for you when you hear it? It has a rather serious tone to it, doesn’t it? A weighty tone, even. A “you better take notice of this” tone. What if you were to turn the word upside down? […]

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Patience Will Get You Nowhere

young girl in a pool

Patience will slow down the arrival of your dreams.  “They” say patience is a virtue. Yet, I say: How utterly boring! Why Danielle, you may think, what an unlikely message from you! Is patience not a virtue to be exalted? Am I not a good and proper person if I can be patient in the […]

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Butt Out, Already!

female in the forest

Today is a great day to mind your own business. To butt out, as they say. Do such statements conjure feelings of insult? Do they leave you feeling aghast? Or does it feel quite liberating, sensical even? How often do you find yourself engulfed in the business of others? Consumed by their drama and the […]

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Why More Self-Love Isn’t What You Need

sisters with face painting hugging

Having and attracting what you want has very little to do with self-love. And yet, specifically around Valentine’s Day, there’s a slew of well-intentioned suggestions on how to love yourself more, so you can attract what you desire. I don’t believe this is true.  The constant repetition to women, in particular, to “love yourself first […]

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How to Find the Flow of Effortless Abundance

mother and daughter dancing

When you’re happy, you’re magnetic.  You’re aligned with inner-wisdom, radiance and the flow of well-being. Inside the energy of a happy-dance you find the ease and flow of effortless abundance. Here, in this state of being, you are the most you one can ever aspire to be. It is grand and it is glorious and […]

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How to Find Your Life Purpose

watering plants

The soul desires the most auspicious of adventures on Planet Earth. It sends itself, full of giddy delight, careening for the most thrilling of experiences of you being you. The soul is full of purpose, you see, and it leaps at the opportunity to know and expand upon that sense of purpose in the richest and […]

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The Most Effective Stress Management

reading a book

Ah, stress. It’s a doozy, is it not? Ongoing stress can trigger increased levels of cortisol in the body, resulting in exhaustion, inflammation, lack of focus and a really sour mood, if I do say so myself! We’ve all experienced the physical and emotional side effects of stress, and yet, these symptoms are simply a […]

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Up-Lift & Manifest Your Joyous Destiny

female with balloons

This is a year of profound and remarkable up-lift.  The energy field of this year is one that invites you, in the softest of ways, back into balance with your aligned and highest self. The you who’s unequivocally in tune with the vision of your destiny. Meaning: you can unlock and clearly see into the-life-of-your-wildest-dream’s […]

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The Manifestational Might of Being Frivolous (Video)

quote image with spiritual definition of the word "frivolous" by Dr. Danielle Dowling

Hi friend! Welcome back, yet again, to another installment of Dreamscape Journal December. Last month we were uber-focused on producing the high vibes necessary to receive the desires of our heart and soul with effortless ease and abundance. But not to worry that December is over. You can keep the magic going! WOW! That sounds, fun, […]

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“If I Want It to Be–It’s Meant to Be!” (Video)

collage of photos on a wall Photo by Andy Art on Unsplash

Welcome back to Dreamscape Journal December where we are putting a pause on practicality and giving ourselves permission to dream and dream big again! We understand that we are powerful creators, and we can either create by default or create the life of our desires with intention and focus. Therefore, in addition to resurrecting our […]

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“Let Me Be Dazzled!” (Video)

hands and flowers against the sky. Photo by Evie S. on Unsplash

Everyday is a precious new opportunity to begin again, to dream anew and call in–with more clarity than ever before–the dreams and desires of the heart. As you wake in the morning, your energy has been reset, if you will. Before you remember that something from yesterday was wrong or off or unwanted, the mind and […]

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When Did You Last Let Your Heart Decide?

"Maybe it's possible..." quote image

“Tell me, princess, when did you last let your heart decide?” Aladdin sings this lovely and heart-provoking lyric in the well-known and adored Disney tune, “A Whole New World.” He asks the princess to think and feel and see through her heart’s eyes, rather than the logical mind. Aladdin takes her on a magic carpet […]

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