Blogs I Heart

blogs I heart a book with flowers sticking out of the pages as bookmarks

What would happen if you just opened the door?
When I see you standing on the doorstep, I am yearning to take your hand and guide you gently though the opening and over to the other side.  I want to call out; just do it! Open it! What are you waiting for?
But I won’t.
For this is not my door to enter. This is the part of the journey that I can’t walk beside you. This is the door you must pass through, alone.

Three tools to keep your business simple.

What do you do when the universe comes a’ knocking?

I imagine this is helpful to, oh, all of us. How to get support from unsupportive people:
When you share your dream with others and they don’t support you, it has nothing to do with you. People’s reactions most often reflect their own insecurities and fears. Be okay with not having everyone’s approval; the only thing that matters is your own self-approval.

For the love of glitter. Related: how pretty are these earrings?

Ugh. Haven’t we all felt this way? Not cool enough for social media.

Want to add a few healthy habits to your morning routine?

How amazing are these shoes?!  Auuuugh!

Think you’re too young to start your own business? A few reasons why your twenties are the best time to start.

Got a blog? Here are 10 ways to drive traffic towards it!

Don’t think skinny pants are for you? Wrong.

The details don’t matter.