For ambitious, spirited souls

Courses + Digital Downloads

Join me on your own transformative journey and be prepared to see you as you’ve never been seen before.

If you think this could be the best year of your life… then I truly believe with my whole heart that our work will be the catalyst that propels you forward into a future you’ve only dreamed of!

It takes at least three to twelve months to really experience the skyrocketing success you’re after—and I speak from experience. My courageous clients have seen magical, transformational results within this timeframe—and it can happen for you, too!


Make Happiness A Habit: 11-Day Mini Course
Learn how to make happiness a daily habit just like brushing your teeth, taking your vitamins, or walking the dog. Happiness is a skillset anyone can learn! You can feel better and happier in the midst of your busy, imperfect life – without rebuilding everything from scratch or expecting everyone else to change. This is a doable, actionable mini-course delivered over email for 11 days; it also includes audio versions of each lesson and worksheets that will help you internalize and retain each lesson.



Hello, Joy!®: Eleven Week Program on Mastering Emotions + Creating Prosperity
Learn the skill of choosing joy and creating consistent prosperity! Prosperity and joy are a skill set anyone can master and not the product of sheer luck or circumstance. Imagine harvesting and mastering this ever-so-reliable skill to create the life of your wildest dreams! You possess the knowledge and “magic wand” to create the “yellow brick road” life you desire!



The Soulmate Code: Six Month Mentorship on Creating Lasting Love
Join hundreds of smart, successful women just like you who are rewriting their love story……and calling in their husband! I will share with you a step-by-step blueprint of how to quickly let go of the pain from your past and welcome in a man that will love you, support you and believe in you for the rest of your life.



Digital Downloads

36 Ways to Climb Out of a Bad Mood, Today

Bad moods happen to the best of us. But instead of letting it ruin your day, discover 36 simple ways to turn things around and reclaim your happiness!

For less than the cost of a take out pizza you could be on your way to a happier life. Say goodbye to bad moods and hello to brighter days!



Unlocking The Ultimate Abundance Mantra

Your life can feel better with just two words!

We need to have a talk about your busy, exhausting, overwhelming life.

This is NOT where I offer you meal planning hacks or tell you about an organizing app or try to sell you an energy-boosting supplement.

This is where I tell you that gratitude and adopting a mantra of ultimate abundance can do more for your life than any app or supplement or lifehack every will.

And making gratitude a habit that’s incorporated into your everyday life will truly transform you and your life.

Here’s how I did it 👇



Schedule your complimentary discovery call today!

Let’s Talk

Before I found Danielle, I had this feeling that something just didn’t feel right. I felt like I was running in place both in my career, and in my relationships. I knew I needed a new perspective and a tangible plan. So I consulted with Google and I came across Danielle’s website and immediately I felt like I had found what I was looking for in a Mentor/Coach! Her coaching style seemed both positive and impactful, so I called her right away and we have been jamming ever since!

It’s hard to put into words the amount that Daniele has helped me. Things came up during our conversations that I never knew existed in my thought process. She has a way of gently guiding me to my own answers and that is an amazing feeling. Because of our sessions I feel empowered, truthful, and more kind to myself after just a few months of working with her. I wake up early now after never being an early riser, I work out (happily), I have been making incredible strides in my television career, I feel resolved regarding  past hurts, my relationships are so much better, and the list goes on!

Now Danielle feels more like a friend who happens to be freaking Awesome Life Coach and Mentor and I’m so happy that Google sent her my way.   Thank you Danielle!

—Jennifer O. Reed

I was stuck, no motivation, no direction, overwhelmed by everything and at the same time feeling like I wasn’t doing enough. Nothing was obviously wrong, but I was never satisfied with where I was. Frozen by the guilt for feeling like there should be more and disappointment of not doing something about it.

After meeting with Danielle, this fog is on its way to clearing, the clutter has become manageable and I find joy in the steps along the way. She has helped me become aware of myself and taught me to lean into fear and worry so that it doesn’t stop me from doing so much more.

I’m more productive at work and a better partner to my significant other. In fact, after 8 years of dating, I am recently engaged. I can’t help but think that my improved outlook may have had some influence on this new development. I am forever grateful for the guidance she has given me to help shift my perspective and attract positivity. She is a constant source of inspiration and I look forward to continuing the journey!

—Natalie Hagnee

After a very unexpected divorce, I found myself with a head full of a hundred voices telling me what to do with my life, but pointing me in all different directions.  I knew that there was more to life; I wasn’t meant to just go out and get any ol’ job, and merely exist for the rest of my life.

Working with Danielle helped me to sift through all those voices, to find the ones that were most important to getting to my truth.  And once I figured out what that truth was, we started setting goals and focusing on them.  Focus, sweet sweet focus.  And I never would have had it if I hadn’t worked with Danielle.  I cannot tell you how much more confident I am knowing that I didn’t pick the easiest and quickest options, but Danielle helped me do the soul-searching that helped me figure out just how important it was to me to go back to school and get my degree, the right degree. But our work didn’t just stop there.  Many years ago I started a spiritual journey – the kind where you find yourself asking so many questions but not finding any of the answers.  Again, Danielle helped me down a path where I’m finding my answers and finding my truth.  And she makes it so easy – even though I make everything so hard.

I have found myself on the other side of a MAJOR transition, thanks to Danielle.  And I’m so much happier and so much more secure knowing I’m on this path of adventures and not crazily spinning out of control as I was before our work.

—Donna Chance

WOW – isn’t it incredible how hard one can fall from the punches that life delivers? What a gift to have found Danielle! It has been the needed hope and belief that I was looking for to build the change I knew I needed.  She listened and said yep that is messy and complicated but you get to choose how you deal with it and what happens next.  She has been like that amazing girlfriend who guides you and reminds you of how incredible you are and that you are capable of being the change agent for yourself. The stuff we know but doubt and fear when roads get rocky.  While I asked Danielle to help me solve and prioritize for what felt like a massive uncontrollable vortex of life chaos – she has really lead me to adopt a new life philosophy which will always be bigger than any obstacle and will provide grounding and application to all my next chapters.

—Kristi Lind