Want to Find Lasting Love?

find lasting love - person holding a rose gold balloon made of the letters spelling love

Ah, how long in life I have spent looking for validation outside of me. Perhaps not in an obvious way to those around me. And yet, nonetheless, I peered over the horizon of my soul in hopes another would reflect back how worthy and worthwhile I am. I have doubted and therefore discounted my worth […]

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The 10 Minute Daily Ritual That Will Spark More Intimacy in Your Relationship

red envelopes

Long-term, committed relationships can be tough. You’re co-existing with another complicated human. Maybe they lose some of the luster they had during the early days, or maybe work, kids, and just life itself get in the way, making communication in marriage and partnerships hard. This undeniable challenge is not a knock on commitment and monogamy; […]

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How to Move Out & On After a Breakup: A Compassionate Guide

How to Move Out & Move On After a Breakup: A Compassionate Guide

Today’s blog post is my response to a reader’s question regarding how to break up with someone you live with and what to do about moving on after a breakup. It all comes back to setting up respectful, clear boundaries after a relationship has ended. Read on for the full scoop. Dear D, I moved […]

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How to Easily Spot an Emotionally Unavailable Man

how to spot an emotionally unavailable man

Most women know better than to try and connect with an emotionally unavailable man—the problem is that we’re not always as adept at reading the signs when we see them (or rather, admitting that the signs are there). That’s what I want to help you work on today. Because if you’re reading here, I’m sure […]

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Attract Your Soulmate Now (Not 10 Years From Now)

Soul Mates Anniversary Card

My husband and cherished soulmate, Jose, and I are celebrating our three year wedding anniversary! THREE YEARS! (Take a peek at the card he gave to me…my heart just melted!) I can hardly believe how quickly these three years have passed, or comprehend how grateful I am to have spent them with such an incredible […]

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How to Deal with Insecurity & Shame in a Relationship

How to Forgive Someone Who Hurt You (in 3 Simple Steps)

Today’s post is my response, as a life & love coach, to a reader’s question regarding shame and insecurity during and after a relationship. Though it speaks directly to a romantic relationship, the same principles apply to any relationship and any situation where you’re holding on to feelings of worthlessness. The tools below will teach […]

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How to Find the Perfect Partner (+ a Free Download)

Finding the perfect partner

Maybe you’ve heard of these mythical creatures. Or seen them in movies. Perhaps your best friend/sister/neighbor is even dating one. The Perfect Partner. They always clean up after themselves. They plan surprise weekend getaways. They buy sweet, thoughtful gifts and spontaneous bouquets. They say things like “I’m so lucky to be with you” and “You’re […]

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34 Unique Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

cafe with red tables and chairs

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. This can be such a challenging day — for both singles and couples alike — And even the most bodacious babe can find herself feeling a little down on February 14th. It doesn’t matter whether you’re single or hitched for life; if your one and only doesn’t show […]

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5 Secrets For Finding More Genuine Love

More genuine love

Love. It’s the one thing we’re all seeking. From the youngest to the oldest among us, we’re all looking to love and be loved—and often making the process a lot harder than it needs to be. Unlike what you might read on the cover of the latest women’s magazine, finding love doesn’t necessarily require joining […]

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How to Receive the Love You Deserve & Desire

Love you deserve pink balloons

Everybody’s looking for love. It’s one of the top reasons people seek my help. They want to find love, attract love, keep love. And more specifically, they’re seeking that love outside of themselves; in romance and partnership. They want a relationship. With their perfect partner. Their other half. Their soulmate. But really, they’re coming to […]

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4 Ways To Attract Deep Love + Success In Your Relationships

pair of rings

Hi bright soul!  Of course you want to be loved and in love! It’s only natural of you. Human beings are built to be in relationships with one another and we are happier when we are in quality partnerships built on mutual respect, trust and affection. This is why it can be so hurtful and […]

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10 Tips To Help Your Relationship Thrive

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Great relationships don’t happen by accident. Just like that sweet little vegetable patch in your backyard, the more you nurture and nourish your relationship the happier you’ll both be. And what does that look like? Quality nourishment requires pausing, listening, and paying attention to your partner. It requires that you learn to love people in […]

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The difference between letting go and giving up

Difference between letting go and giving up

You’ve been plugging away on That Huge Goal for years now. You’ve taken all the classes. You’ve worked your way through checklists. You’ve had friends take a fresh look at it and you’ve brought in experts. And it’s still not happening. Is it time to give up? Or is it time to let it go? […]

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An Ode to Love (on the heels of my recent wedding!)

Danielle Jose wedding

Love is primal.  Love connects us to our mission, to other people and — most importantly — to our own unfolding selves. Love in its darkest, most foreboding of forms, can be unnerving. It can sting, decimate, and dismantle. But there is a particularly riveting flavor of love: passionate love. The “Oh man, I’m standing […]

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The Life You Want Most — Get it Here

It’s here! Finally! My book Soul Sessions: A 5 Week Guide To Crafting Greater Joy And Making Big Things Happen In Life launched today. BUY NOW $39 I made this book just for you.  You, with the impressive job you don’t love anymore. You, who thought you’d feel complete once you got married. (And you […]

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Why Do Relationships Hurt? (How to Hurt Less + Love More)


Being one half of a couple can be wonderful, inspiring, heart-poundingly lovely. Romance! Compliments! Someone to share inside jokes with while giggling into your cocktail! Being single can be thrilling, invigorating, heart-poundingly lovely. Flirting with charming strangers! First kisses! Going wherever you want, whenever you want! While single-ing and partnering both have their merits, like […]

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Our Love Story: The Secret to Making Marriage (+ Relationship) Last

One of my favorite past times is asking couples what makes their relationship work. Recently,  I was fortunate to sit down and hear the story of Cindy and Ken Schmale who have been together for 25 years! What’s the secret to making marriage/relationship last? This question can be a difficult one to answer.  In my […]

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Loving Yourself + Your Body and Getting The Sex Life You Deserve

Love Yourself

Sally McGraw is a Minneapolis-based freelance writer, blogger, and communications professional.  Her blog Already Pretty helps women recognize their beauty, one post at a time.  You can befriend her on Facebook and Twitter. Have negative body image issues ever affected your relationship with your romantic partner? I have grappled with bedroom-specific body hang-ups for ages. They’ve […]

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How To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work (sweat required)

italian sunset

This post originally appeared on the uber talented Michelle Vargas’s website Fart With Headphones On.  I was thrilled to write it for her + delighted to share it now with you! ***************************************   Long distance relationships are not for the fearful; they’re for the audacious. The brassy, bold + brave. You exchange massive time alone for fleeting […]

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4 Signs You Should Breakup With Him

4 Signs You Should Break Up With Him

We’ve all been there. You and your honey have been together forever and a day. You’ve even mentally designed the ideal wedding,  kitchen island counter-top and  the kids’ grammar school graduation. But lately, the relationship is hitting the skids and getting through an average day feels like wading through knee-deep Mississippi mud. You thought you’d […]

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