Why There’s No Need to Feel Guilty About Being Happy (Video)

Image of woman looking to the ocean

We tend to feel guilty about being happy when someone we know is in pain. We feel callous, insensitive and cruel when we rejoice or bask in our joy as the world experiences different states of unrest or strife. Yet, your happiness does not deny another’s pain. You can be happy and compassionate of others. You do […]

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Why Wanting Something is a “Good Thing” (Video)

woman in a blue dress in a field with a mountain in the back

Hi friends and welcome back to the Dazzle of the Day series where we prioritize feeling good feelings and thinking feeling good thoughts! The “Dazzle,” as we lovingly refer to it around these parts, is a high vibrational happy event, circumstance, occasion, affirmation or mantra. Basically, anything along the spectrum of pleasant to awesome that […]

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Me and My Dreams Are Worthy of the Spotlight!

coffee mug on top of note books

Welcome back to The Dazzle of the Day! “Dazzles” do keep us high vibing and in high energy. And as we uplift our energy, we automatically and with greater ease become an emotional match to all the heart desires. Do you know of the importance of becoming an emotional match to your dreams? Oh, it […]

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Being at Ease Is Wise Not Weak (Video)

Woman laying and smiling among large leaves to represent being at ease

What would it feel like to always be at ease? A deeply profound question to spark our loved and anticipated “Dazzle of the Day.” A hard working mind is likely to scoff at the idea of always being at ease, insisting it’s lazy and irresponsible. Sure, we’ll allow ourselves a moment of ease here or […]

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The Puzzle Pieces Always Fall Into Place for Me

woman wearing a hat surrounded by flowers looking at laptop

Welcome back to what I hope has become a beloved and anticipated event for you–”Dazzle of the Day!” A Dazzle is a high vibrational happy event, circumstance, experience, affirmation, awareness or realization. A Dazzle is anything awesome and of abundance that happens in your day. Something that you recognize is worth paying attention to, because […]

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I Am Where I Am and That’s Alright! (Video)

woman in the middle of a flower field focused in life

Hello, and welcome back to The Dazzle of the Day series! I am in great hopes that today’s “dazzle” will serve you as it has been serving me. A dazzle is a high vibrational, happy event, circumstance, experience, affirmation, awareness or realization. Basically, a dazzle is anything awesome and of abundance that is worth paying […]

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Prioritize Your Action Items by Enthusiasm

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Welcome back to another delightful and delicious “Dazzle of the Day!” Surely, the thinking mind will have a bit of a huff and puff with this week’s subject! For here we are again milling about in the waters of feeling good and having fun. A topic the ego often refers to as inconsequential and childish […]

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Be, Be, Be to Make Yourself Free, Free, Free!

dazzle of the day square banner image

Hello again and welcome to another fun and fabulous Dazzle of the Day! Today, we are exploring the feeling of being free, which is inextricably linked with the practice of being in the now. Not so long ago I was speaking with a mentor who I turn to often when feeling discouraged or perplexed. I […]

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I Don’t Have a Problem. I Have a Choice.

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Welcome back to yet another Dazzle of the Day! Today, we’re talking about the somewhat touchy topic of problems and problem solving. Have you ever thought of problems as a controversial topic? Indeed, they are! For although we desire to be “problem free,” people take great pride in being a “good problem solver.” Oh my, […]

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Focus on the “Some” & the Rest Will Come!

Quote "focus on the "some" and the rest will come"

Welcome back to another installment of the Dazzle of the Day Series! “Dazzles” do keep us high vibing. And as we high vibe, so to speak, we automatically and with great ease become a vibrational match to all the heart desires. Do you know of the importance of becoming a vibrational match to one’s dreams? […]

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Abundance Is All Around Me & Divine Timing Is My Friend

dazzle of the day square banner image

Hi Friends! Welcome back to another installment of the “Dazzle of the Day” series I jubilantly introduced recently. I can’t help but be over the moon about this high vibe, abundance producing practice! As a gentle reminder, a dazzle is a high vibrational, happy event, circumstance, experience, affirmation, awareness or realization. Basically, a dazzle is anything awesome […]

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Nothing Is Off Limits! (Introducing Dazzle of the Day)

Quote "I can do, be and have anything I desire. Nothing Is off limits!"

Big abundant hellos to you! My, am I so, so, SO happy that you’re here.  If I seem extra excited today, it’s because I am!  I’m feeling quite over the moon, as they say, to introduce and share with you the “Dazzle of the Day” series!  Now, you may be thinking, “What exactly is a dazzle?” Good question!A dazzle is a high […]

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