Hello, Joy Group Coaching Program - Learn how to choose and create joy and prosperity with Dr. Danielle Dowling

Hello Friend,

Inside all of us, we hold our deepest of desires, intentions and aspirations…

Yet, what good are the unfulfilled and unlived dreams of our heart?  Without the proper guideposts and inspired action steps taken 

along the way, our desires sit unfortunately sidelined and sidetracked.  

You have a mighty and grand life, filled to the brim with glorious dreams and hopes… 

It’s time to claim it, and make every one of them come true! 

“Easy for you to say, Danielle. You don’t understand how challenging it is for me…

I’m doing the work.  

I’m putting a smile on my face.

I’m saying all the positive affirmations.  

So why haven’t I manifested the joy-filled, prosperous life that I want?”  

The truth is,

You cannot fool The Universe.

observing petals of promise to find joy and create an abundant, joyful lifeThat’s because the Universe works on an energetic level.  

The Universe doesn’t pick favorites. 

The Universe doesn’t choose sides. 

The Universe doesn’t discriminate.  

The Universe DOES bring you more of what you’re energetically putting out into the world.

So here’s the real secret to manifestation…

In order to attract the joyful life of your dreams, you need to become an EMOTIONAL match to joy and prosperity

It’s not just what you say or do…

Most importantly, it’s about how you FEEL.

See, we live in a Universe that is governed by The Law of Attraction, which firmly and lovingly states that “like attracts like” and “you get more of what you’re focused on.”  

That means,

When you experience the feel-good emotions and think feel-good thoughts, you become an emotional match to all you desire! 

“Exactly, why is that,” you might ask? 

Good question! 

Our dreams, as one can imagine, are of a high energy. 

The bountiful bank account…

The loving, adoring partner…

The once in a lifetime business opportunity…

These are all made of high vibrating, excited, joyful energy! 

So as you focus on feeling GOOD, you become an emotional match to all you desire.  

When that happens, manifestation takes an easier turn, and a direct pipeline between you and all you yearn for is achieved! 

Truly, there’s nothing more important in the process of manifestation than feeling GOOD:  

Feeling GOOD Thoughts
Feeling GOOD Feelings =
Manifesting The Desires Of Our Heart!

It’s kind of like standing in front of a mirror, waiting for the image to change.  

The mirror will only reflect what you first put out…right?

The Law of Creation works the very same way!  

As you start making changes in your life that bring joy (even little moments) and make choices based on your highest excitement, the Universe MUST reflect what you’re the emotional match of.

That’s exactly where the Hello, Joy!® 6-week group coaching course comes in….

What is Hello, Joy!®

Dr. Danielle Dowling Creator of Hello, Joy! a group coaching course to help you find joy and fulfill your dreamsHello, Joy!® is a six-week, interactive, live, group coaching course that shows people how to live an inspiring, joyful life of infinite abundance by developing mastery over emotions, especially the ability to feel good. 

The time has arrived to learn how to make living in joy a lifestyle rather than an ideal we say we know but fail to embody. The reality is that people often do not have mastery over their emotions, especially the ability to feel good. Furthermore, the experience of abundance and prosperity are directly related to feeling good. Simply put, when we fail to embrace the good, we fail to embrace the abundance. Therefore, learning how to wisely navigate upset and tap into feeling good is essential to attracting one’s deepest desires, dreams and wishes.

Hello, Joy!® will show you how to do just this in a way that is sustainable and lasting. 

Oh, yes…

Life seems to have many problems to solve and challenges to overcome. And yet, 

Each problem is a grand opportunity in disguise!  

Joy is your birthright. But it is also a choice!  

If joy and prosperity were birthrights alone, then we would just HAVE that joyful and prosperous experience of ourselves and in life.  

It would just happen automatically.  

Yet, while it’s true that joy and abundance is gifted to us by a loving and generous Universe…

WE must be the ones to activate it and incorporate it into our very beingness and experience.

So HOW do you activate the gift of joy and prosperity, then?  

How do you move into the experience of greater joy, prosperity and inner clarity with ease? 

How do you begin to leave behind the problems of the past and plug into the feelings of expansion and freedom with a sense of grace? 


Natural recipes to help you attract joy and manifest your ultimate dreamsStart by deciding that you will pay more attention to what feels good and not to what doesn’t feel good.

The truth is, YOU are a powerful creator…

See, life doesn’t happen “to you”…  

It happens in RESPONSE to you. 

That’s why life is like a mirror, always reflecting back the energy, mood, etc. that you are already radiating. 

The GREAT news is, this means that YOU are in charge of it all! 

You can live the life of your wildest dreams… 

It is possible…

You can attract what you want, simply by adjusting your energetic output.

I’m Going To Teach You The Skill Of CHOOSING Joy And Creating Prosperity! 

It’s time to make sense of it all, together! 

In the Hello, Joy!® coaching course, you will learn how to:

  • Understand the importance of how feeling good is the cornerstone of a prosperous life.  
  • Awaken your intuition and feel confident about where you are in life
  • Let go of overthinking and worries
  • Open up to deep spiritual connection and discover that life is your friend
  • Manifest love, miracles and your greatest experience of yourself
  • Heal the emotional scars that have kept you from living the life you dreamed of as a child
  • Ease your anxiety, calm the mind, and elevate your mood and energy!
  • Tap into deep relaxation and better, more restful sleep 
  • Create an effortless flow of money and financial support 

Here’s A Breakdown Of Everything You Gain Access To When You Join Hello, Joy!®

  • A six week course beginning Monday, OCTOBER 4th.  I would very much like to encourage you to think of this as a SOUL TRIP!
  • Group classes will be 2x a week for 90 minutes on Mondays and Thursdays at 4pm OR 5pm PT on ZOOM. Final class start time will be decided by group members depending on convenience. I will be teaching each class LIVE. Recordings will be available for those who cannot attend live.
  • Members will have access to a private Facebook group to ask questions in between sessions, interact with one another and generally feel the love! 
  • On Sunday mornings, members will be emailed the upcoming week’s downloadable lesson as well as featured essential oil blend. Each week’s class is comprised of an emotional healing lesson as well as an essential oil elixir (blend) from my natural healing line, the HELLO, JOY! complete elixir Collection ™. A key component of the class is the opportunity to practice with and enjoy the magical physical and emotional healing benefits of essential oils. Each week’s oil blend will help one fully absorb, embody and radiate the high energy latent in the teaching. The cost of the oils are built into the payment for the class and I’ll mail the oils directly to your home!

Joy does not happen without first having the INTENTION to create it.

So let’s begin by getting intentional.

Are you ready to prioritize feeling truly good and setting course for a joyful, abundant future with intention as your captain?

Click the button (or scan the QR code) below, and join me for six weeks of fun, inspiration and motivation! 

Purchase the October Class Via Paypal: $597

Please email me and share that you have joined the class! I will respond with a welcome email and kit: ddowling56@yahoo.com

YOU are pure magic, mystery and a million millicuries of electric power, dear one… 

And over the next six weeks, together, we will set you sailing in the direction of a more joyous, more expansive life!

Hello, Joy! was just the emotional, feel-good booster my soul needed!

I cannot say enough lovely words and sentiments about my experience with Hello Joy!™ After doing 1×1 coaching with Danielle a few years back, I was so excited to reconnect with her through this class and it was just the emotional feel-good booster I needed! Between COVID, moving states, and jobs I was feeling a little lost. The love and support I received in this class and the community it created got me back and transformed my thinking and way of being in more ways than one. Between the amazing ladies I met, the essential oils, and the recipes/lessons Danielle taught, I’m feeling so much more joy in the everyday moments. I recommend this class for anyone and everyone who wants to feel happier and more excited by life than then have felt in a long time!

Andrea F.

Fantastic Guest Speakers and An Exceptional Group of Women!

I can’t say enough about Danielle and her Hello, Joy!™ course. Danielle was always positive, prepared, and her messages and lessons relatable and enlightening. The women she brought together were exceptional and I’m so glad I did this for myself. She had some fantastic guest speakers and I learned much from all of them. She encouraged all of the women to connect outside of the course and made sure our community was thriving. Danielle is one of those people that just makes you feel good and it was wonderful to see her in her element and be on the receiving end of her insights. I can’t wait to experience Hello, Joy!™ again.

—Kelly Moran

An interactive group of inspiring humans helped me release anxiety and live in greater joy!

I was not seeking a coaching course to help me release anxiety and focus on the joy and abundance in my life, but an acquaintance of mine posted on social media that she had taken the course and was about to start it a second time. Wow, if she found it valuable enough to take a second time, it must have been helpful! Dr. Danielle Dowling’s Hello, Joy! did not disappoint. The tools and guidance that Danielle provided throughout the course truly helped me release anxiety and shift my thinking to focus on joyfulness and all that brings with it. Having an interactive group of inspiring humans to share ideas and talk about our experiences as we progressed through the six-week course was very encouraging. I am so grateful that, by chance, I found Hello, Joy!

—Michelle Rodgers

I met some of the best ladies and now count them as friends!

I’m not a joiner by nature. However, with life’s current state of affairs, I found myself missing the feeling of connecting with others. Danielle is a kind, wise and authentic leader. From daily reflections, affirmations, gratitude journaling to those heavenly oils I grew so much on the inside. I’m learning to take up space. I also met some of the best group of ladies and count them now as friends. I’m happy my circle got bigger and I can’t wait to take more courses!

—Tammy Bisco

Six Week Workshop Became an Awakening

Words cannot not express what I gained in taking the Hello, Joy!™ workshop. The things I learned and tools I received connected the dots, narrowed the gap significantly between thoughts/feelings and action. I had pieces of the puzzle, but didn’t know how to fit them together. Danielle provided the pieces I was missing. I got more out of this workshop than I have any other one I have taken in any of my areas of interest. Danielle also presented little goodies throughout the six weeks and connected with each one of us during the week in addition to the class days. I couldn’t recommend this workshop more!

—Cathleen McGrath

In the midst of a pandemic I learned that I can experience the grace of abundance 

In the midst of a pandemic, naturally I was feeling stuck and my energy level was low. I didn’t feel happy or hopeful. Then my daughter invited me to join Danielle’s sessions of Joy. What Joy! It brought me! It enlightened me. The tone of the sessions were always so light and open. Always greeted with a smile, leading me to a state of Joy. I learned that I can experience the grace of abundance. Practicing gratitude which can be as simple as saying “I am thankful for…” even if we find ourselves in a negative state. Focusing on the wanting of abundance — there is nothing wrong with wanting more and receiving all that the universe has to offer. “Just focus on what you want,” helped me to be dazzled to be in a receiving mode. Danielle taught me that it is a gift to ourselves to shift our mindset to our wants and desires. When we do this, our world, our financial abundance, and our joy will expand exponentially.

—Carol Gavitt

With Covid, Furloughs and an Unsettling Political Climate, I Asked for Help!

Hello, Joy!™ has guided me tremendously in such a tumultuous time in my life. With COVID, furloughs, and an unsettling political climate, I asked for help. Danielle answered and introduced me to a group of women who accompanied me on my journey of transition. Arming me with the tools- recipes- to assist and guide me during this transformation, she reminded me that it was ok to feel and that I can breathe through anything while remaining open. There is a curriculum – which I much needed – and it set structure and the practice in place. This process of practice allowed me to heal and grow. I am forever grateful to the whisper that guided me to Danielle and her Hello, Joy!™ 6 weeks of community.

—Estella Perez

Hello, Joy!™ has allowed me to feel grounded, fulfilled, and at peace.

These six weeks with Dr. Danielle Dowling and a wonderful group of women flew by and I didn’t want it to end. Week by week, we explored new lessons that went hand in hand with Danielle’s amazing elixirs. I truly believe this aromatherapy experience helped take the course to a whole new level, and I can’t stop using the elixirs on a daily basis! It’s amazing how much more grounded and at peace you really can feel when you welcome aromatherapy into your life. One of the most invaluable lessons for me personally, was when we began to look at problems as doorways toward self-growth and self-discovery. Not everything has to be “fixed” nor does every “problem” have to be negative. I am more loving and accepting of myself, and of circumstances. I can now open my mind and my eyes with a bright, new, positive perspective and it feels wonderful. I have learned so much about myself during this journey and I can’t wait to see what the universe has in store for me next! Allow Hello, Joy!™ to illuminate your world. Dr. Danielle Dowling does not disappoint!

—Caitlin Gavitt

I LOVED learning about the healing benefits of essential oils!

Danielle is such a gracious, generous, and knowledgeable instructor and guide. Also, it was amazing to connect with all of the other women — everyone is so loving and supportive. It couldn’t have been better. I walked away from the course clearer about my intentions for this next chapter life and how to go about manifesting them with more ease and grace. The bonus? Learning about the healing benefits of essential oils. I now have a love of aromatherapy thanks to this course. Can’t recommend it enough!

—Sonja Perryman

Danielle created a sacred space for us to open ourselves up and share. I had a wonderful experience!

It was such a peaceful time for me to check-in with a love filled group each week, to share, connect and learn. Just being in each session felt like I had carved out time for self-care. I love that Essential Oils were a primary part of the course, I had little experience with oils going into the class and I felt like Danielle’s custom elixirs were a perfect addition to each session. Her expertise each week led me to feel grounded mentally and physically, allowing myself to open up and find joy in my everyday life. This was beyond important as the state of the world around us was filled with illness and hate. She made the environment sacred for us to feel confident to open ourselves up. To round out the course she curated guests who fit in perfectly with the curriculum and exposed me to new ways of thinking which I am grateful for. If you are looking to bring a little slice of heaven into your daily life, sign up for Hello Joy!™ with Danielle.

Brooke Allen

The lessons are well organized, simple to follow and thoughtful. I am so thankful I signed up for Hello, Joy! 

The lessons are so well organized, simple to follow, thoughtfully planned out and easy to implement! I really have enjoyed meeting and talking with everyone in the group and I always feel motivated and energized after every meeting! These joyful lessons I will take with me and use over and over for the rest of my life! This also came at just the right time in my life. Thank you, Danielle!!

—Allie Hunter

Hello, Joy! has shifted my thinking in so many positive ways.

I view life and love much differently even on difficult days. I find myself more mindful, calm and inspired. The elixirs are the icing on the cake of life. When in challenging situations I just breathe through it and I can again see the path out. Thank you, thank you Danielle for your teachings. Love you

—Anita Griffin

Hello, Joy! has been a blessing.

The past six weeks have helped me be more gentle with myself and open to the world around me. Danielle’s teachings + her essential oil elixirs + inspiring guest teachers + the vulnerability of the other women in the group created a very powerful experience. Thank you Danielle for creating an uplifting experience!

—Kerri Poe

Danielle brings extremely effective ways to move past anxiety and into prosperity and ease! I look forward to every class.

She brings simple, but extremely effective ways to move beyond my anxiety, offering a new, prosperous way of experiencing life. I love the group format; it’s connected me with amazing individuals that create a new circle of support. I’d encourage anyone looking for an integrated, comprehensive, heartfelt approach to life to take this course.

—Meghan Reynard