Becoming Pro-Life Archives - Focus on the Family Helping Families Thrive Mon, 26 Feb 2024 18:27:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Becoming Pro-Life Archives - Focus on the Family 32 32 FROM QUILTS TO CONVERSATIONS Sat, 24 Feb 2024 00:44:21 +0000 A significant aspect of advocating for the pro-life movement involves engaging and educating others with compassion and truth. Often, we think this means rallying against the opposition, but thankfully, “we can passionately argue against abortion while treating people with love and respect.” With that in mind, can we share the pro-life philosophy with those closest […]

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A significant aspect of advocating for the pro-life movement involves engaging and educating others with compassion and truth. Often, we think this means rallying against the opposition, but thankfully, “we can passionately argue against abortion while treating people with love and respect.” With that in mind, can we share the pro-life philosophy with those closest to us? Can we foster open dialogue within our local communities or families? How can we discuss being pro-life within our church?

Options And Opportunities

The answer to these questions starts by capitalizing on opportunities. One such opportunity is supporting the Option Ultrasound program. The Option Ultrasound program helps equip pregnancy medical centers with ultrasound machines because research shows that when a mother considering abortion has an ultrasound and counseling, more than half will choose life.

When you donate any amount to rescue mothers and babies from abortion, you’ll receive a free, life-affirming Baby Quilt Kit. This kit has easy-to-use instructions and materials to make a small quilt to celebrate life. It includes everything needed for the quilt except batting. It even has extra blocks and border to create other projects. This is an excellent opportunity to make and share pro-life values.

In addition to the quilt, a gift to support the Option Ultrasound program will provide the training and equipment to introduce mothers to their babies in the womb. Revealing life softens hearts and saves lives. It will also help provide abortion pill reversal training and support the My Choice Network online search that connects moms with pregnancy medical centers.

Equipped For Conversation

Now that you are equipped with quilt materials, here are some ideas on how to use them. The first scenario would involve constructing the quilt with a grandparent. “Getting to know seniors on a personal level becomes much easier when you discover shared interests.” This is yet another way to create memories with a grandmother or great-aunt and opens an opportunity to explore their experiences in the pro-life movement.

The second option involves donating the quilt to the local church nursery. This is an excellent way to kick-start conversations and potentially share your pro-life story. Additionally, if the church has a quilting ministry, you could attend their next group session and inquire about their pro-life journey.

The final scenario is finishing the quilt and seeing if a Pregnancy Medical Center would like it. Take the quilt and some coffee or other goodies for the staff. Or see if they have prayer needs. These nonprofit, community-based organizations are dedicated to providing compassionate medical support to women facing difficult pregnancy decisions. They would appreciate your support and encouragement. 

More information about Pregnancy Help Organizations:

Meaningful Impact

Some people feel uncomfortable participating in pro-life rallies or talking through pro-life arguments. Yet we each have an important role in the pro-life movement. So embrace the opportunities within your reach. Grab a quilt and start some conversations. 

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Induced Abortion: The Facts Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:19:34 +0000 Twenty-five years ago, my mom walked into an abortion clinic with her boyfriend to undergo an induced abortion procedure. She walked into the clinic with fear and uncertainty, not knowing if the procedure would bring pain physically or emotionally. Then, by God’s unending grace, my mom walked out of that abortion clinic still pregnant. Later, […]

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Twenty-five years ago, my mom walked into an abortion clinic with her boyfriend to undergo an induced abortion procedure. She walked into the clinic with fear and uncertainty, not knowing if the procedure would bring pain physically or emotionally.

Then, by God’s unending grace, my mom walked out of that abortion clinic still pregnant. Later, she married that same boyfriend she walked into the abortion clinic with, and they are still married to this day. She had her baby, and that baby is me.

Major Decisions

Fear and uncertainty drove my mom to decide to have an induced abortion. Today, I feel called to use my voice and platform to instill boldness in abortion-minded women and to inspire their partners to shoulder the beautiful responsibility of parenting.

First, I am someone who was a near victim of induced abortion, but I am alive to tell my story. Second, My amazing parents, who were once young and fearful of their future, made the bold decision to choose life. Though they were young, they were (and still are) incredible parents. I love them dearly and will forever be grateful for their bold decision to become parents.

Medical Realities

Now fighting to inspire women and men to choose life, I have found that there is undoubtedly a tremendous amount of uncertainty surrounding what abortion is. Still, the medical realities of abortion still need to be understood with clarity. Undoubtedly, the number of voices inserting their opinions online can often confuse people about what abortion actually is.

If there is a muddled understanding of the medical realities surrounding abortion, how can someone have an informed opinion about it?

Additionally, to have any conversation about abortion, a firm understanding of the medical realities should be understood. This conversation must start with this question: what is an induced abortion?

An induced abortion, or an elective abortion, is a medical procedure that intentionally terminates a pregnancy. An induced abortion is not to be confused with what some medical professionals call a spontaneous abortion, which is synonymous with a miscarriage. Undeniably, induced abortions are the intentional termination of pregnancy, and this type of abortion is completed using several different methods: medication abortion, aspiration abortion, dilation and evacuation, and dilation and curettage.

Additional Resources:

Medication Abortion

Medication abortion, often referred to as the “abortion pill,” involves a two-step process. The first step typically takes place in a healthcare facility and involves the administration of a medication called mifepristone. Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone, essential for the pregnancy’s sustenance. This leads to the detachment of the embryo from the uterine lining.

The second step occurs at home, where the individual takes another medication called misoprostol. Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract, leading to the expulsion of the embryo. This method is usually performed within the first ten weeks of pregnancy.

In-Clinic Abortion

In-clinic abortions include several surgical methods, with the choice of procedure influenced primarily by gestational age. Common in-clinic abortion procedures include:

  1. Aspiration Abortion:
    Also known as suction or vacuum abortion, this method involves the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy from the uterus. Consequently, it can be performed within the first 6 to 16 weeks of gestation.
  2. Dilation and Evacuation (D&E):
    D&E is a surgical procedure that requires dilating the cervix and using suction and medical instruments to remove the pregnancy. It is typically performed in the second trimester, between 13 to 24 weeks.
  3. Dilation and Curettage (D&C):
    D&C is an older surgical method where the cervix is dilated, and the uterine lining is scraped to remove the pregnancy. It is less common today but may be used for early pregnancy terminations or to manage pregnancy-related complications.

Additional Resources:

  • Video Series: What is Abortion? (Warning: Contains graphic description of abortion procedures.)

The Biblical Approach to Abortion

Clearly, the devastating nature of abortion on innocent children in the womb should never be overlooked when thinking about this issue. Still, Christians must never lose sight of what drives women to make these decisions.

My mom intended to have an induced abortion. Specifically, her boyfriend encouraged her to have the procedure. They agreed with this decision. The natural question to ask is: what drove them to choose abortion?

For my parents specifically, financial instability and fear of rejection from family and friends drove them to the decision. These are two of the most common reasons women choose abortion.

Next Steps

That begs the question, how can the body of Christ step up to alleviate these fears for abortion-minded women by and large? Ask my mom, Amy Ford. She asks how can the Church be the first place a woman runs to when she finds out she is pregnant instead of the last? As I have noted, the body of Christ must create a culture of belonging, support, and celebration over expectant mothers. Therefore, the topic of abortion should not be avoided in the pulpit. These conversations belong in the Church.

How can you work to inspire your local church to be a trusted place of support for abortion-minded women? Will you be the one who sparks change in your community?

The post Induced Abortion: The Facts appeared first on Focus on the Family.

Top Pro-Life Movies and Books for the Whole Family Fri, 24 Mar 2023 21:29:00 +0000 Top pro-life movies and books that encourage conversation about adoption, preborn, special needs and elderly.

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There are always a lot of choices to choose from for entertainment. If you are like me, I often get stuck trying to choose. What is the best use of my time? In addition, what can I read or watch that is enjoyable and edifying? Are there any pro-life movies or books that will encourage family discussion? In fact, we have learned that morality demonstrated in stories can alter judgement for early adolescents. Watching a pro-life movie or reading a pro-life book can encourage families to have a pro-life worldview. Specifically, by saying pro-life, I mean entertainment that encourages adoption, elevates the pre-born, appreciates those who have special needs and honors the elderly. Where can I find that kind of media?

Pro-Life Movies and Books

Here is an offering of movies and books that can be shared with the whole family, categorized by age. Please note that not all the offerings were created with a pro-life view in mind. So, a producer or writer may not be happy to have their product called pro-life. Yet, protecting the innocent and examining the value of human life are universal themes – something that calls to the better side of our humanity and shows up in movies and books in a wide variety of ways.

Grandfather reading a pro life book to his grandaughter

As with all things, know your family. If a particular genre or theme is not for you, skip that idea and go to the next one. Entertainment – to a certain degree – is like art. We can have preferences based purely on like or dislike, and that is fine. Yet, in all things, enjoy the beauty and empowerment of the pro-life view. Find it in your entertainment, but more importantly, live it out. Protect the pre-born, enjoy those who have special needs and value the ones who have been on the journey a long while.

Pro-Life Books for the Early Years

Little Lives Matter – Book 2 by Elizabeth Johnston

  • Little Lives Matter features a boy with a missing limb. It talks about his value and how his mother loves him just as he is. It is book two in a series of Brave Books that teaches conservative values. Each book ends with a Brave Challenge section that helps families engage, play games and ultimately talk about the lesson and how to apply it to their lives. The Brave Books series builds a universe where families can have learning experiences woven into story adventure.

Pro-Life Kids! and Coloring Activity Book by Bethany Bomberger

  • Bethany Bomberger and her husband have worked to help illuminate the value of life for a long time. Pro-Life Kids and the Pro-Life Kids Coloring Book is one of their newer offerings and will help teach children an age-appropriate, pro-life worldview that embraces all types of children.
  • Also, there are some great free coloring pages with verses available.

Horton Hears a Who! By Dr. Seuss

  • While Dr. Seuss’s books aren’t wholly pro-life, Horton Hears a Who! is an exception. This is demonstrated by Horton’s determination to protect the Who community that no one else can see or believes exists. A solid example that can easily be related to protecting the pre-born.

Bronco and Friends: A Party to Remember by Tim Tebow

  • Tim Tebow and his wife have a long history of celebrating children with special needs in Night to Shine. That same celebratory heart comes through in Tim’s new children’s books, sharing about special needs as we find out Bronco and his friends, with their unique challenges, are essential guests at God’s big party.

You Are Special by Max Lucado

  • In another classic book, Max Lucado helps demonstrate that the labels others put on us are not helpful or accurate. It reminds us that God made each of us unique. And when we lean into God’s story, we find out just how special He thinks we are, just as we are.

Thoughtful: Discovering the Unique Gifts in Each of Us by Dorena Williamson

  • This book shares important lessons about friendship, disabilities and the value we each have as God’s children.

Love You Forever by Robert Munsch

  • Another book that was not necessarily intended to be pro-life – yet, the beautiful journey of a mother loving her infant son to her son eventually holding her and loving her in her old age is extraordinary. This book is an excellent example of how life from the womb to the tomb is beautiful. The love shared through their lives brings dignity to both the parent and the child.

The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams

Written in 1922, this classic story tells of how nursery toys come to life. Additionally, that real life – the one worth having – has a cost. The cost of love and sacrifice is what makes us better; more real.

A mother and two daughters watching a pro-life movie

“Remember, you are special because I made you. And I don’t make mistakes.”

Max Lucado (You Are Special)


Pro-Life Movies for the Early Years

Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!

  • The concept of being alive but not seen is super important to help children understand pre-born life. A famous line from the movie and book is, “A person’s a person, no matter how small.” Also, the antagonist (a grumpy kangaroo) accuses Horton of telling lies. An excellent springboard for discussion about the debates around pro-life and pro-choice.

Despicable Me

  • While there is a lot of toilet humor in this movie, one can’t help but be touched as the once-villainous Gru changes his way through the love of his adopted family. A great movie to discuss the adoption of sibling groups and all that entails.


  • An animated movie that shares an adventure of an unexpected baby delivery. The delivery team that brings the baby to the family and what they sacrifice to do so and the family itself shows the value of children.

Meet the Robinsons

  • A fantastic adoption movie about kids who are in foster care. Sometimes adoption is the right choice, and the family that comes together because of it can be amazing.

The Ant Bully

  • The Ant Bully, Lucas, learns about the value of not picking on those smaller than him. Additionally, when we work together to protect each other, we become better versions of ourselves.

Daddy Daycare

  • A comedy that shows caring for kids is even better than a high-powered career. It’s especially good to see fathers and mothers making sacrifices for the good of their children.


  • It is an accidental pro-life message, for sure. Yet, two people chose to protect the child, Cruella, from death. This sacrifice on their part is seen as praiseworthy. Even the famously evil Cruella acknowledges her love for the woman who saved her.

“What you believe about the future will change how you live in the present.”

Daniel Nayeri (Everything Sad is Untrue)


Teen reading a pro-life book

Pro-Life Teen Books

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

  • The diary of a young Jewish girl living in hiding from the Germans and concentration camps. It is a hard time in history to learn about, but seeing the humanity of a young girl deemed “subhuman” is an important lesson that no one should forget.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

  • A horror book that looks at what happens when life and even death are not honored. When humans try to play God and make decisions outside of nature, a monster is created.

The Children of Men by P.D. James

  • A dystopian novel about a future where the human race is infertile, and because of that infertility, the future is bleak. The idea of a world without children is a world without hope gives one something to ponder.

Waking Rose: (A Fairy Tale Retold #3) by Regina Doman

  • A retelling of the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty, set in contemporary times. The theme of abortion is discussed in the book.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

  • Another story placed in Nazi Germany with an interesting twist, as death tells the story examining the value of life and foster care. Liesel, the book thief and main character, learns much as her foster family hides a Jew in their basement.

Everything Sad is Untrue by Daniel Nayeri

  • What beliefs are so core to our existence that we would give up comfort and wealth for them? This book has humor mashed with profound questions about what we believe. Everything Sad is Untrue will give families a glimpse into how our faith and the value of family are worth everything.

Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas

  • This book is full of profanity, drugs and questionable choices. Nevertheless, it still shows a young man accepting the demanding responsibility of being a teen, single father and the community that comes around him. A gritty tale, but one that elevates choosing life and being responsible for our choices.

The Chosen: I Have Called You by Name by Jerry B. Jenkins

  • The dramatized story of Mary, Matthew and Simon and their complete change from who they were by their connection with Jesus because Jesus sees value in their life. Each life is unique and called into existence by God.

Tilly by Frank Peretti

  • A story of a woman’s healing journey after discovering that an abortion from her past is causing her mental anguish. A story filled with grace.

Run, Rose, Run by James Patterson and Dolly Parton

  • Authors James Patterson and Dolly Parton have created a well-written and immersive tale. It’s a heaven-and-hell story of an abused young woman reaching for stardom showing the horrors of human trafficking. Yet it finishes with a positive note of love, acceptance and redemption. 

Person watching a pro-life movie on tablet

“When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.”

Pro-Life Teen Movies

Shazam: Fury of the Gods!

  • This continues the lovely story of Billy Batson’s foster family and their unconditional love for one another.


  • Auggie’s mom calls him a “wonder.” And after 27 surgeries to help him function from his congenital disorder, he is a wonder. However, that doesn’t mean everyone else, especially classmates, sees Auggie as a wonder. Yet, the friends mature, and the family comes together in a way that encourages others to see the wonder in Auggie and themselves.

I Heard the Bells

  • In this story about Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, we learn more about his triumphant and sometimes tragic life. Including his work as an abolitionist, writing poems that pleaded for the cause of the South’s enslaved population.

  Amazing Grace

  • This movie goes on the historical journey with William Wilberforce as he works to abolish slavery in England. Slavery was a concept that was considered legal and perfectly acceptable, much like abortion today.

Hunger Games

  • Not necessarily intending to be pro-life, this movie highlights Katniss and her willingness to replace her sister in the Hunger Games. It also looks at a society that oppresses others and has so little value for life that they consider it entertainment watching children fight to the death in their games.

Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2

  • This vampire and werewolf movie is not for everyone. However, when Bella finds out she is pregnant all of the family and friends make extraordinary sacrifices to help Bella through her pregnancy and protect the child from those who mistrust a half-human half-vampire child.

August Rush

  • A young boy who is orphaned is bullied because he is different. Yet, he uses his differences, the music inside of him, to find himself and his family. This movie has a strong message of accepting everyone’s unique qualities and the importance of family.

The Forgotten

  • A mother grieves the death of her nine-year-old son. Yet, one day, she wakes up, and everyone denies he even existed. The mother fights back, showing that children are a blessing and affirms the humanity of pre-born children.

The Giver

  • What happens when murder is no longer called murder? At the center of this movie is the examination of euthanasia and what happens when someone else determines which lives have value.

The Island

  • The Island is a place where humans are genetically created to be “spare parts” for the rich and famous.  Who has the “right” over another human body? If someone is “paid for,” do they belong to the buyer?

Alita: Battle Angel

  • Alita, a robot, is found in the trash. What others had deemed as disposable, a kind doctor saw as something beautiful and worthy of life. The doctor repairs her and she ends up helping others.


  • Nina doesn’t want to have her baby. She explains all the reasons why an abortion is a good idea to her new friend, Jose. Jose encourages her simply by listening to her story and being there as they ponder the layers of fear a young woman faces with an unexpected pregnancy.

October Baby

  • A young woman discovered that she was the result of a “failed” abortion. She then searches for her birth mother. A deep movie that highlights the value of redemption.

“Never trust a decision you don’t want your mother to know about.”

Abby Johnson (Unplanned)


A tablet that can be used for pro-life content

Pro-Life, Non-Fiction Books With Mature Themes

Unexpected Choice by Patti Giebink, MD

  • Learn from Dr. Giebink about her faith journey and how she left Planned Parenthood, eventually becoming a pro-life advocate.

The Case for Life by Scott Klusendorf

  • Scott has a way of making the pro-life convictions easy to grasp and share. His thoughtful approach helps even the most fearful pro-life person feel confident in engaging the debates around abortion.

You Carried Me by Melissa Ohden

  • An important group of people to hear from in the debate on abortion is from those who have survived an abortion. What are their feelings and how do they feel about abortion?

Fighting for Life by Lila Rose

  • Fighting for Life is a guidebook on activism by Lila Rose of Live Action. People will learn more about her journey and how they, too, can be pro-life advocates.

The Walls are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories by Abby Johnson with Kristen Detrow

  • Abby shares stories of former abortion clinic workers and how they left the abortion industry after a change of heart. These are hard stories but also ones of hope.

Courageous: Students Abolishing Abortion in This Lifetime by Kristan Hawkins

  • Generation Z is called the pro-life generation. Find out why and how they are making a difference for life.

Unplanned by Abby Johnson

  • This is the book that inspired the creation of the movie, Unplanned.

Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments by Randy Alcorn

  • A concise handbook that gives honest, easy-to-understand answers to common pro-choice arguments.

Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind by Dr. Bernard Nathanson

  • Dr. Bernard Nathanson was famous for helping legalize abortions. He was involved with over 61,000 abortions, but then everything changed. This autobiography shares how the doctor of death became the defender of life. He converted to Christianity and helped create the documentary, The Silent Scream.

Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement by Amy Ford

  • It is a discovery process where everyone can learn their unique way to help empower women to choose life for themselves and their pre-born babies.

Pro-Life Movies and Documentaries With Mature Themes


  • A movie about Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director, and how she changed her mind about abortion. Warning: there are a few graphic scenes depicting an abortion procedure.

Drop Box

  • An inspirational documentary about Pastor Lee and his wife who saved abandoned babies in South Korea.


  • A film about infamous abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, who kept the baby parts he helped abort.

Roe V. Wade

  • A historical movie about how Roe V. Wade came to the supreme court and then became law.

The Silent Scream

  • The 1984 anti-abortion film narrated by Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the original doctor to help abortion become legal.

Pro-Life Thought Begins in the Bible

In conclusion, the movies and books listed can help us think through the critical topic of the value and sanctity of life. Of course, this is a listing of entertainment. Movies and books are good, but they are fluff compared to the foundation of The Word. The most important book for all of us to look at is the Bible. Below are several links about passages of scripture that speak to what the Bible says about life. So, as you choose the best movies and books for the whole family, keep your Bible handy!

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5 HUGE Misconceptions We Have About Planned Parenthood (ft. Abby Johnson) Fri, 24 Feb 2023 23:24:25 +0000 In October 2009, after witnessing an abortion on ultrasound, Abby Johnson resigned as director of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. Fueled by her haunting experiences with abortion and the abortion industry, Abby went on to write a book exposing the inhumanity of Planned Parenthood’s services. Despite the work of Abby, and many other former pro-choicers […]

The post 5 HUGE Misconceptions We Have About Planned Parenthood (ft. Abby Johnson) appeared first on Focus on the Family.


In October 2009, after witnessing an abortion on ultrasound, Abby Johnson resigned as director of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. Fueled by her haunting experiences with abortion and the abortion industry, Abby went on to write a book exposing the inhumanity of Planned Parenthood’s services.

Despite the work of Abby, and many other former pro-choicers who’ve denounced the abortion trade, Planned Parenthood remains a titan of the industry, aided by government funds and celebrated by those who claim to be pro-choice.

We sat down with Abby Johnson and asked her what some of the greatest myths that people tended to still believe about Planned Parenthood were.

Myth #1: Abortion is Safe and Clean

“People believe that abortion is this clean, sterile bloodless procedure, which is far from the truth.” Says Abby Johnson, “Abortion clinics are filthy; they are dirty. They can’t pass their inspections. They’re not run like other healthcare facilities, and abortion is incredibly bloody.”

Even if we set aside the intention of abortion (to end a life), there’s plenty of evidence to suggest abortion clinics and their practices are both messy and inhumane. Over the past few decades, several undercover investigations have produced shocking proof of Planned Parenthood’s cruel practices.

Investigating Planned Parenthood

  • Lila Rose — Live Action founder and UCLA student, Lila Rose, went undercover as an abortion-minded 15-year-old. The investigation catapulted her into fame as she exposed how Planned Parenthood deals with cases of sexual abuse and trafficking.


  • David Daleiden — A series of undercover videos from investigative journalist David Daleiden exposed several inhumane practices within the abortion industry. His investigative footage revealed everything from the trafficking of baby body parts to Planned Parenthood “dealing” with babies born alive.

Physicians Agree

Undercover journalists aren’t the only professionals speaking out against abortion practices. The American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists has thousands of members and associates. According to the AAPLOG, elective abortion endangers the health of their patients, both mother and preborn child.

"We are extremely concerned about the potential long-term adverse consequences of abortion on a woman's future health. We realize that, in the United States, reporting of both abortions and associated complications is generally not adequate to provide meaningful conclusions. We continue to explore data from around the world regarding abortion-associated complications (such as depression, substance abuse, suicide, other pregnancy-associated mortality, subsequent preterm birth, placenta previa, and breast cancer) in order to provide a realistic appreciation of abortion-related health risks."

You can find more in-depth healthcare discussions from the AAPLOG here.

Myth #2: The Abortion Industry is Pro-Choice

“Your choice will be taken away whenever you walk into an abortion facility.” Abby Johnson says. “Abortion facilities are about making a profit. They’re about turning every client visit into a revenue-generating visit. And the only way they can do that for a pregnant patient is to sell her an abortion.”

Peek at Planned Parenthood’s social media. Their messages are typical “We’re all about self-empowerment” type messages. But are they really about empowerment? 

5 misconceptions about planned parenthood square 1 Abby Johnson

Girls just wanna have equal pay.

Your weight should not impact your access to quality healthcare.

When black women thrive, we all thrive.

The page even hosts an inspirational quote from MLK, who would have undoubtedly reviled the abortion industry for how many black lives it’s claimed.

Other abortion providers share these same sentiments. And this makes perfect sense. The pro-choice position on abortion is supposed to be motivated by the love of freedom and the reverence of bodily autonomy. Hence the term pro-choice.

Despite all the pomp and circumstance, the stories of women with tragic and horrifying in-clinic experiences are ever-growing. One needn’t look far to find these stories. After all, these stories come from abortion clinic patients and workers alike. Here are a few examples:

Anti-Choice Abortion Stories


Eva Rubalcava, a former abortion worker, witnessed the concealing of important procedure details to patients while employed with Planned Parenthood.


Andrea had hesitations about taking the first abortion pill. When she voiced her regret, the clinic told her she had to continue the pill regimen and carry out the abortion, despite there being abortion pill reversal which has saved thousands of babies (including Andrea’s) from the abortion pill. 


Cynthia Wenz conceived in statutory rape and was taken for an abortion by her mother. Years later, she would discover her journal from that time, which records how she wanted the baby. She would not have chosen the abortion had it not been orchestrated by her well-meaning mother and the industry.


Catherine recounts how her abortion clinic refused to show her the ultrasound of her child before conducting the abortion. The clinic claimed it was against their policy. 

Can an establishment claim they are pro-choice when numerous patients and workers are denied essential information about the service they supply or secure? Is it pro-choice to enable coercion based on our own opinion of what is “good” for them?

These stories are not rare occurrences. They serve as startling reminders that the abortion industry is merely pro-choice until a patient’s choice isn’t the one they prefer.

Myth #3: They're All About Women's Health

This myth is disproven by the strategies employed by abortion providers, specifically when it comes to promoting and distributing abortion pills.

Ectopic Pregnancy and Abortion

Research shows that “Ectopic pregnancy occurs at a rate of 19.7 cases per 1,000 pregnancies in North America and is a leading cause of maternal mortality in the first trimester.”

The abortion pill is now the most popular form of abortion for ending pregnancies in this trimester. Meanwhile, ectopic pregnancy is life-threatening, impacting nearly 20 per every 1,000 pregnant women. In Planned Parenthood’s 2021 service report, the organization served 2.16 million patients and conducted 236,407 telehealth appointments. We can safely assume that most of these online appointments were related to Planned Parenthood’s primary service — abortion. 

Also, in 2021, due to the pandemic, the FDA lifted specific regulations for providing abortion pills. These regulations included preliminary ultrasound screenings that would detect the life-threatening, ectopic pregnancies that thousands of their telehealth patients were at risk of experiencing.

Two years after the pandemic, these regulations remain missing from the abortion pill distribution process. If abortion providers cared about women’s health, one would think the well-being of their patients would be front and center when providing abortions, and they would insist on an office visit. Insist on an ultrasound to detect an ectopic pregnancy. Where the abortion pill is concerned, this doesn’t seem to be the case. 

Abortion Only

According to Abby Johnson, the idea that abortion clinics provide essential non-abortion services to their community is the biggest misconception of all.

Many people believe “the abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood are providing some sort of necessary service for their community. Like, they’re providing preventative healthcare. They’re providing healthcare that these women can’t get anywhere else, like birth control, pap smears, and STD testing. And that’s simply a lie. In fact, in the past ten years, they’ve provided fewer healthcare services other than abortion than at any point in time in history. They are not about providing healthcare. They are about providing abortion and abortion only.”

And there’s data to back up these claims. 

Planned Parenthood’s annual report lists how many non-abortion services they offer yearly. At first glance, this report seems impressive, boasting services like adoption referrals, STD testing, ultrasounds, pap smears and more. However, a breakdown from Charlotte Lozier Institute helps reveal Planned Parenthood’s focus is on their primary money maker: abortion. 

“In 2019-20, abortions made up 96.6% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy resolution services, while prenatal services, miscarriage care, and adoption referrals accounted for only 2.2% (8,775), 0.7% (2,793) and 0.5% (1,940), respectively. 

For every adoption referral in 2019-20, Planned Parenthood performed 198 abortions. Over the past 10 annual reports, this ratio was approximately 126 abortions for every adoption referral.”

Myth #4: They Care About Communities and Families

The idea that a family or community could benefit from “Family Planning” via contraception and abortion is most commonly attributed to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.

At first glance, the idea that a couple could plan their size and timing makes sense. After all, isn’t it better for a child to be brought into a world where they can have the best chance at life? Isn’t it better if a child never has to experience the hunger, neglect, or rejection that might come if born at the wrong time or into challenging circumstances?

The sentiment is genuine. However, the issue with family planning lies in Sanger’s inhumane approach to the topic. Her work pioneering the abortion industry planted toxic roots that remain visibly present throughout Planned Parenthood practices and abortion culture today.

Sanger’s “Means to an End” Approach

Sanger notoriously preached eugenics. She believed that eliminating the weakest of the human population would better society. Though now buried under mounds of “it’s your choice” rhetoric, her beliefs remain the core motive behind abortion seekers and providers. 

Exchange one human life for one that is better, stronger or more beautiful.

There is no pro-choice argument that does not hinge on this idea.

Does that life have a disability? Why not show a little compassion? Remove their pain by removing them completely. Their families and communities will also benefit in the long run, won’t they? How much hassle and heartache will we save them from?

Will ending this life mean that your life will have a higher quality? Why not make the simple exchange? After all, the life at stake won’t even object. And that’s basically consent, right?

Removing the "Defectives"

Sadly, the weight and reality of their services still haven’t seemed to set in for abortion clinics and their supporters.

Take, for example, the view of a Rewire Newsgroup contributor concerning the issue of abortion regulation. In one article, the author rails against the regulations of one particular abortion clinic, saying, “If it were a dermatologist’s office, the Falls Church Healthcare Center wouldn’t need a facility license. Not only is it medically unnecessary, but the license is redundant, given that other medical bodies already oversee the abortion clinic’s equipment and staff.”

You read that correctly. This article equates taking human lives to skin care.

But abortion supporters treating human life like a cosmetic blemish is nothing new. The idea that abortion can rid the world of unsightly lives dates back to the early pioneers of abortion in the U.S. More specifically, it was Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, who referred to children from minorities, those with disabilities, and those born in difficult circumstances as “unfit,” “delinquents,” and “defectives.”

Myth #5: They're Unaffected By Their Work

Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

No choice is made that does not create a ripple effect in our world. When it comes to abortion, we like to think that most of these ripples are small and secret, only felt by the woman who made the abortion decision. But no human life is insignificant enough that it only impacts one person when taken from the world. At least three people are involved in a clinical abortion procedure: the baby, the mother and the abortion worker.

Abby Johnson and the Quitters

After Abby Johnson quit Planned Parenthood, she recognized the need in the abortion worker community for support and a haven for healing from their experiences. From that realization, she found, AND THEN THERE WERE NONE. Members of this ministry refer to themselves as “Quitters.” From front desk workers and patient escorts to abortionists and nurses, every Quitter has a story of how being in the business of ending lives took its toll. You can find a collection of their stories here.

Amid their stories, we find a common theme. Workers tend to be more desensitized to the impact of their work than immune to it. According to Abby Johnson, it’s often the abortion worker’s heart for their community and their desperation for their loved ones that leads them to rationalize their work.

Busting this last myth creates the most significant challenge for not only abortion workers but Christians and pro-life advocates alike. Taking a stand against the abortion industry would be easier if our “enemy” were one person, a criminal, some smirking villain that we could pinpoint and prosecute. But neither the abortion worker nor the abortion-determined woman is the enemy of the pro-life movement.

Abortion alienates men and isolates women. And the abortion industry preys on the abortion worker and preborn child alike. So, how do we address the abortion issue in a way that counters and heals the many wounds abortion can cause?

How to Shut Down Your Local Abortion Clinic (Ft. Abby Johnson)

Since Abby’s departure from the abortion industry, she’s spent countless hours helping both abortion clinic workers and abortion clients find healing from their experiences. As both a post-abortive woman and a former abortion worker, she says the best way to reach those impacted by the industry is to apply truth and grace alongside love and charity.

“I believe that, overwhelmingly, women who start working in the abortion clinic do so because they want to help women. Also, the majority of them have had abortions themselves. So, they desire to help women go through what they have also been through…

“The abortion industry, when they start to recruit for staffing positions, they’re recruiting from that same population of people.” Abby Johnson continues, “They are recruiting women who are primarily single mothers desperately looking for a job… And so these are women that are just simply trying to provide for their families. Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, they are predators. They’re predators for the women who walk in and have abortions. They are predators for the women who walk in and work at those abortion clinics… And so that’s something that we really need to understand. That’s the heart that we need to have. That’s the heart that we need to have when we’re reaching out to these abortion clinic workers…”

In closing, Abby Johnson says the key to ending abortion, closing abortion clinics and seeing workers and clients healed hinged on people understanding their true value in Christ.

“…the heart of winning this argument, period, is helping people understand their value in Christ. That’s how I think we win.”

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Maternal Mortality Rates and Abortion Fri, 20 Jan 2023 20:59:12 +0000 Today, pro-abortionists present the abortion argument alongside maternal mortality rates. But when we break down the stats and facts, this statement is neither in context nor discussed in a way that's beneficial to at-risk women.

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The argument that abortion is safer than giving birth predates Roe v. Wade. In fact, Sarah Weddington, Jane Roe’s attorney, made this plea in the original Roe v. Wade hearing. Today, pro-abortionists present the abortion argument alongside maternal mortality rates. But when we break down the stats and facts, this statement is neither in context nor discussed in a way that’s beneficial to at-risk women.

Maternal Mortality Rates and Abortion

Imagine if we sat down to discuss abortion safety, and I said, “I’m not saying every abortion clinic is out to harm women. What I am saying is no one has ever seen an abortion clinic and Batman in the same room together.”

You’re probably familiar with the “I’m not saying I’m Batman” joke. Likewise, you’ve probably heard a pro-lifer claim that abortion hurts women (which it certainly can). Even though I can knit Batman and abortion clinics into an argument you understand, neither statement provides clarity nor justification when set alongside the other. Comparing the safety of abortion to that of someone giving birth is much like my Batman-abortion clinic claim.

If we’re genuinely concerned about women’s health, we need to discuss these concerns — mortality rates and abortion safety — separately and in the context of when and why they occur.

What is Maternal Mortality?

A more straightforward definition of maternal mortality is pregnancy-related death. As of 2022, the CDC estimates that “Each year in the United States, about 700 people die during pregnancy.” Furthermore, an additional 50,000 people experience serious health consequences after giving birth. Death may result from blood loss (hemorrhaging) or heart-related conditions during delivery. However, maternal mortality is most commonly due to infection (at birth or shortly after).

The vast majority of abortions occur during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy and for reasons unrelated to the physical health of the mother. Comparing abortion safety to the safety of birthing a child is like comparing the risks of a heart transplant to chemotherapy. Patients at-risk for each scenario do not benefit from the other’s situation.They are different challenges, each with their own risks and reasons for taking those risks.

Statistically, it is doubtful that a woman facing an abortion decision will wait until the time of birth to make that decision. Likewise, protocols for saving a woman’s life during labor do not include abortion. Take, for example, the preventative steps for preventing maternal mortality, as offered by the CDC:

Preventing Maternal Mortality

The CDC gives helpful suggestions for preventing maternal mortalities:

During Pregnancy: Improve access to and delivery of quality prenatal care, which includes managing chronic conditions and educating about warning signs.

At Delivery: Standardize patient care, including delivering high-risk women at hospitals with specialized providers and equipment.

Postpartum: Provide high-quality care for mothers up to one year after birth, which includes communicating with patients about warning signs and connecting to prompt follow-up care.”

You’ll notice that nowhere in this list is abortion mentioned. Even if abortion sported enough reliable evidence to prove it was safer than giving birth, it wouldn’t matter. At best, abortion is an archaic and uninformed suggestion for treating the health challenges of modern women. 

Is Abortion Safer Than Giving Birth?

Most abortions occur within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Researchers estimate that more than half of today’s abortions occur via the abortion pill. 

You may have heard the claim that the abortion pill is as safe as taking Tylenol. This statement is grossly misinformed and stems from poor and non-mandatory reporting. Moreover, the most recent Medicaid data shows that more than 60 percent of abortion pill-related emergency room visits are miscoded as miscarriages. This means that the majority of occurrences of the abortion pill being life-threatening are never properly linked back to the pill.

A charcoal graphic with text, "Real health concerns should be met with real healthcare."

Some sources claim that abortion providers still provide reporting on the pill despite these poor standards (claps and snaps for them). But let’s put this into perspective too. Abortion providers, charge hundreds of dollars per abortion pill regimen. Currently, they’re given a choice of whether or not to report the harmful side effects of their product. 

Again, I’m not saying abortion providers are Batman. But if they have a cape, can rappel down tall buildings and own a Batcave, we’re allowed to be suspicious.

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When Can a Fetus Feel Pain? Tue, 06 Dec 2022 16:25:00 +0000 In years prior, the age at which the medical community was sure a baby could feel pain was at 18 weeks. However, new studies suggest that some preborns could experience pain and other stimuli as early as 12 weeks. 

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For some, justifying abortion depends on one question: When can a fetus feel pain? 

The argument comes packaged like this:

If abortion was not painful for a preborn baby, it could be a more compassionate choice given certain circumstances. For example, imagine being given the diagnosis that your preborn baby has Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease). Your baby’s bones could break with every little in-utero movement. If there was no chance of them living outside of the womb anyway, wouldn’t it be merciful to end their life before they could feel that pain? Furthermore, if a preborn baby can’t even perceive being aborted, why should we care about its involvement in the abortion decision? 

When Can A Fetus Feel Pain?

In years prior, the age at which the medical community was sure a baby could feel pain was at 18 weeks. However, researchers now believe a fetus can feel pain as early as 15 weeks. Further data suggest that some preborns could experience pain as early as 12 weeks

This age falls within the gestational age where most abortions occur. According to the CDC, “The majority of abortions in 2019 took place early in gestation: 92.7% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (6.2%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (<1.0%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation.” 

The Pro-life Doc, Dr. Bill Lile, explains the rights of preborn patients.

How Do We Know When A Fetus Can Feel Pain?

Over the past few decades, several studies have helped shed light on what a preborn child can experience throughout different stages of pregnancy. According to various studies conducted on preborn babies, a fetus can:

These studies are eye-opening, miraculous and heartstopping. And they serve as a reminder that many abortion decisions come marketed alongside misinformation. Until now, how many women entered an abortion clinic under the false impression that no one would be “harmed” in the process and that abortion rids the world of a little “pregnancy tissue” rather than a living human being?

Adverse Diagnosis and Fetal Pain

Learning of these discoveries gives a deeper understanding to the idea that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” shared in Psalm 139:14. However, let’s return to our argument for the baby with brittle bone disease. Can abortion be an act of love or mercy? And what about preborn babies younger than twelve weeks who may feel nothing during an abortion procedure?

When arguing in favor of abortion, we tend to forget the goal of the procedure — to end a life. Abortion is only successful when a woman leaves an abortion clinic with one less living child than she had when she arrived. Adverse diagnosis and fetal pain would make good markers for justifying abortion if not for two irrevocable truths:

  1. Diagnosis does not revoke inherent human rights
  2. Pain tolerance does not excuse injustice

To make matters worse, the percentage of pregnancies that end up misdiagnosed via genetic testing is astonishing.

What This Means For Women's Healthcare

For decades, abortions have been justified with the concept that early preborn children were equivalent to tissue. The preborn child was compared to a random bundle of cells, unfeeling and unnecessary. Under this theory, removing that child has less impact on the woman than removing a kidney or gallbladder. After all, preborn babies deemed “pregnancy tissue” do even less to serve a woman as her kidney might, right?

Pregnancy Loss and the Impact on Women

Perhaps, a baby needs his mother more than she needs him (physically speaking), but no matter how loud our culture chants “abortion is safe!” or claims the procedure has minimal impact on women’s bodies, science suggests otherwise.

Consider miscarriage, a form of pregnancy loss, substantially less invasive than an abortion. According to the National Library of Medicine:

"Nearly 20% of women who experience a miscarriage become symptomatic for depression and/or anxiety; in a majority of those affected, symptoms persist for 1 to 3 years, impacting quality of life and subsequent pregnancies. Women at highest risk for psychiatric morbidity following miscarriage include those who are younger, Hispanic, or of lower socioeconomic status and those with loss of a planned pregnancy, a history of infertility or prior miscarriages, and poor social support or coping skills. Clinicians should screen women frequently for depressive symptoms beginning at 6 weeks following a miscarriage and may facilitate the assessment by utilizing the Patient Health Questionnaire-2; those experiencing clinically significant symptoms beyond 2 months after a miscarriage should undergo formal mental health evaluation and treatment."

If early miscarriage can create these health concerns for women, how much more trauma could occur from an unnatural and invasive procedure like abortion?

Fetal Pain and the Weight of Being "Unwanted"

But wouldn’t a woman feel more grief over a “wanted” and miscarried baby than an “unwanted” aborted baby? Couldn’t that account for the difference in reporting negative aftereffects?

The argument that an aborted baby is “unwanted” and therefore their life less impacted than a “wanted” baby only makes sense if we entirely ignore both the biological truths about women’s bodies and the reasons why women seek abortions in the first place. While a woman may choose to end her pregnancy, her body doesn’t categorize the trauma of pregnancy loss as wanted or unwanted. A sudden halt in the natural process of pregnancy has repercussions, as it should. After all, a life was lost.

And let’s not forget that most babies lost to abortion are not aborted because they are unwanted. Contrary to popular belief, most abortions occur for reasons like:

  • Education or work (76 percent)
  • Financial concern (73 percent)
  • Fear of single motherhood (48 percent)

Eradicating Abortion

Thankfully, we can meet the root causes of abortion with alternatives that don’t take a child’s life. Abortion could be nearly eradicated by providing women with basic forms of support. Something as simple as an at-home job opportunity, maternity leave or a church support group could save thousands of lives. 

These findings remind us that abortion has become a poor excuse not to provide proper healthcare to pregnant women and their preborn babies. Science may be ever-evolving, but the value of human life will always be unquantifiably valuable. The options given to women in the circumstances driving abortion decisions should reflect the value and impact that an abortion decision has on both a woman and her child.

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Reproductive Justice Doesn’t Include Abortion Mon, 28 Nov 2022 20:34:10 +0000 In recent years, the terms “reproductive justice” and “women’s healthcare” have risen to the forefront of the United States’ political, social and moral landscape, becoming a defining issue for many. However, despite the popularity of this phrase, not many people are aware of its true definition, which is fundamental to applying it with integrity. What […]

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In recent years, the terms “reproductive justice” and “women’s healthcare” have risen to the forefront of the United States’ political, social and moral landscape, becoming a defining issue for many. However, despite the popularity of this phrase, not many people are aware of its true definition, which is fundamental to applying it with integrity.

What is Reproductive Justice?

According to NCJW, reproductive justice is distinct from the reproductive rights movement that emerged in the 1970s. It focuses specifically on how intersecting issues such as “race, economic class, disability and identity may disproportionately affect marginalized women in their ability to make reproductive decisions with freedom.”

There are four key components of reproductive justice. These include: “the right to have full autonomy over our bodies,” “the right to have or not have children,” “the right to birth and/or parent our children with dignity,” and “the right to live and/or raise a family in a safe, healthy environment.” 

Abortion isn't healthcare image about reproductive justice

Most people would be in full support of the reproductive justice mission if this was accurate. However, this definition is misleading. Plus, it’s contradictory with the reality of its mainstream application today.

What is Wrong With Reproductive Justice?

Abortion ≠ Healthcare

Abortion access, a key component of the pro-choice definition of women’s healthcare, is the opposite of reproductive justice and rights. The most fundamental human right that exists —the one on which all others stand on— is the right to life. Thus, if this sacred principle is compromised, all the others cease to exist. One cannot advocate for voiceless members of a society when you are actively working to remove the voice and very existence of its most innocent members: children in the womb. Once qualifiers determine human life, it blurs the lines between what is and isn’t permissible. It is a very slippery slope upon which all major human rights atrocities throughout history have gone down.

As pro-life supporters, we believe with every fiber of our being that each life is valuable, no matter the context. No one with an easier existence has more value than someone who doesn’t. Therefore, none of these are valid reasons to say someone doesn’t deserve the right to be born. Furthermore, subjecting women that are already struggling in those areas to the additional pain that abortion can cause is far from a loving thing to do. Nine months of pregnancy versus a possible lifetime of regret and inner turmoil is hardly a comparison.

Real Reproductive Justice Doesn't Discriminate

Real reproductive justice doesn't discriminate graphic

The science is unarguably clear that human life begins at conception. An embryo is a stage of development, not a disqualification of personhood. The size, location or circumstance (also known as the S.L.E.D Test) of how a human being was conceived does not erase their right to life. Everyone on earth today—including abortion advocates—was once a smaller human, developing inside their mother’s womb, reliant on the adults around them to stay healthy and safe. Thus, if we are to champion healthcare for all people, as the reproductive justice movement claims we should, we absolutely must defend the health of babies in the womb as well as that of the mother.

What is often overlooked or misconstrued entirely in abortion discussions is that there are two human beings directly impacted while an abortion procedure is taking place: a woman and a child. They are not the same. Each has their own unique set of DNA, a unique mind and an irreplaceable soul. The right to life, safety, health and human flourishing belongs to both.

Additionally, if a person or organization claims to support bodily autonomy, how can they then support the most extreme violation of bodily autonomy: the termination of another’s life? It is the ultimate irony. “My Body, My Choice,” yes. A woman should always have the choice of what to do with her body. But the baby inside of her is not her body. It may depend on her for survival, but infants outside of the womb are also wholly dependent on their parents for survival, which has never been a justification for ending their life, but rather a moral responsibility to care for and protect them until they can protect themselves. The understanding that no human has the moral authority to decide whether another lives or dies must be the basis for establishing all the rest of our human rights discussions.

What True Reproductive Justice Looks Like

Rights for All

Another issue that often comes up in conversations about reproductive justice is the belief that no one should force a woman to become a mother when she does not feel ready to. As pro-life advocates, we wholeheartedly agree! No woman should have to raise a child in an environment that would be detrimental to her or that child’s well-being. Our efforts in empowering women should center around ensuring that each one facing the prospect of motherhood has all the education and resources she needs to make the best decision for both her and her baby, whether that is parenthood or adoption

There is nothing empowering about abortion. However, there is empowerment in feeling equipped and supported enough to either choose to raise the child, provide a safe adoption situation for them or prevent pregnancy in the first place.

These are the areas we need to direct our energies towards. These are the battlegrounds. The womb is not.

Millions of dollars that could be used towards this pro-life, comprehensive healthcare strategy are currently being funneled into abortion organizations and providers, providing a fraudulent interpretation of women’s healthcare. This money should instead fund things like:

Pro-life quote from Thomas Jefferson about abortion and reproductive healthcare

Women Deserve Better Than Abortion

We should surround women with the education, resources and support to know that abortion is not their only option. We also need to reduce the factors that make women feel like abortion is necessary in the first place. 

The disturbing reality is that abortion is a multi-billion-dollar industry. And, though it is marketed as women’s rights, it is not in the best interest of anyone. It is harmful on every level for all those involved. Unfortunately, many women have abortions without ever having been informed of the actual medical procedure or the health considerations, consequences and risks. These details not being depicted accurately, if at all, is an astounding level of medical malpractice. Besides the lack of consent from the baby, a woman cannot honestly give consent unless she is fully informed.

In addition to the potential physical complications, the emotional and spiritual cost of an abortion can be heartbreaking and long-lasting. Consequently, women of color experiencing poverty and other marginalized communities have significantly higher rates of abortions – an even further injustice to these communities. Abortion adds harm – not healing – to their lives. 

We must always channel our energies into helping human life flourish and thrive instead of extinguishing it. Thomas Jefferson said, “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government.” We would add that it is also the only legitimate object of any good reproductive justice or healthcare. Many organizations work day in and day out towards precisely this goal. This includes Focus on the Family, Live Action, Students for Life, March for Life and numerous others – but more are needed.

This is the call to action. This is the future of pro-life reproductive justice. We must continue to uphold equality, freedom and empowerment for women and children worldwide. We must continue to unite people across all demographics in pursuing reproductive truth and justice. And we must continue protecting the sanctity of the most precious gift we have ever received – life.

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Identifying the Signs of Human Trafficking Wed, 23 Nov 2022 20:58:32 +0000 In order to be able to help the victims who are caught up in human trafficking, we need to understand how this crime works.

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Human trafficking is a vast web of traffickers and victims. To understand this growing tragedy, and to help the victims who are caught up in this crime, we need to understand how to spot the signs of human trafficking.

About Human Trafficking

The perpetrators of this crime (the traffickers, johns, pimps) don’t fit a single stereotype. They represent every social, ethnic and racial group. Some perpetrators are involved with local gangs, others are members of larger nationwide gangs and criminal organizations. Some have no affiliation with any one group. Traffickers can also be women. In fact, many women run established rings around the country.

Victims of sex trafficking are often young girls who have run away from abusive situations at home. They are quickly picked up by traffickers who coerce them into prostitution by promising food, shelter or clothing. Other recruiting methods include befriending vulnerable-looking girls at malls, movie theaters and even schools. The recruiter could be a young man posing as a doting boyfriend or another girl who appears to be friendly.

Alternatively, victims of labor trafficking are often non-U.S. citizens, brought into the country to work under false pretense. These victims preform forced labor for little or no pay. Usually, their employment is fueled by force, fraud or coercion. 

According to the International Labor Organization and Walk Free Foundation, “there are 24.9 million people trapped in forced labor with 16 million victims of labor trafficking in private industry, 4.8 million victims of sex trafficking, and 4.1 million victims of state-imposed forced labor.”

Victims of Sex Trafficking

According to the FBI, traffickers use force, drugs, emotional tactics, and financial methods to control their victims. Often, recruiters may find ways to form a strong bond with young girls. For instance, they may promise marriage or a lifestyle the girls have not had in their families of origin. They claim they “love” and “need” the victim. Then, they claim that any sex acts are for their future together. In cases where the children have few or no positive male role models in their lives, the traffickers take advantage of this and, in many cases, demand that the victims refer to them as “daddy” – further ensnaring them in their web of deceit.

Nita Belles discusses Human Trafficking on the Focus on the Family broadcast.

Sometimes, the traffickers use violence, such as gang rape and other forms of abuse, to force the youths to work for them and remain under their control. The traffickers can also use their ability to supply drugs and alcohol as a means of control. Traffickers often take their victims’ identity forms, including birth certificates, passports, and drivers’ licenses. In these cases, even if youths do leave they have no ability to support themselves. Sadly, these victims often return to the trafficker.

Signs of Human Trafficking

Too often, human traffickers are able to keep their victims in the web of exploitation, because trafficking can be hard to identify.

It’s important to understand there are patterns and signs that can help identify perpetrators and rescue victims. Victims of human trafficking are often vulnerable because of homelessness, poverty, domestic violence, substance abuse, mental or physical disability or lack of legal immigration status. 

Characteristics of Victims

It’s easy to think human trafficking is limited to certain segments of society; however, it’s vital to remember that vulnerability to being trafficked knows no boundaries. Traffickers often prey on people who hope for a better life, lack employment opportunities, have an unstable home life or have a history of sexual abuse. These are characteristics that are present across age, socio-economic status, nationality and level of education.

Age of Sex Trafficking Victims

Age is one of the most significant factors in a child being vulnerable to sex trafficking. Pre-teen or adolescent girls are more susceptible to the calculated advances, deception and manipulation tactics used by traffickers and pimps; however, no youth is exempt from falling prey to these tactics. Traffickers often target locations where youth frequent, such as schools, malls, parks, bus stops, shelters and group homes.

At-Risk Youth

Traffickers also prey on runaways and at-risk youth. Within 48 hours of running away from home, a young person is likely to be bought or sold for prostitution or some kind of commercial sexual exploitation. Pimps and sex traffickers are skilled at manipulating child victims and maintaining control through a combination of deception, lies, feigned affection, threats and violence. 

How to Spot Human Trafficking

If you are concerned about someone you know, consider these warning signs (compliments of Shared Hope International) that an individual is being trafficked:

  • Signs of physical abuse, such as burn marks, bruises or cuts
  • Unexplained absences from class
  • Less appropriately dressed than before
  • Sexualized behavior
  • Overly tired in class
  • Withdrawn, depressed, distracted or checked out
  • Brags about making or having lots of money
  • Displays expensive clothes, accessories or shoes
  • New tattoo (tattoos are often used by pimps as a way to brand victims. Tattoos of a name, symbol of money or barcode could indicate trafficking)
  • Older boyfriend or new friends with a different lifestyle
  • Talks about wild parties or invites other students to attend parties
  • Shows signs of gang affiliation (i.e., a preference for specific colors, notebook doodles of gang symbols, etc.)

If you see any of these signs or suspect someone is being trafficked, please don’t wait — use these phone numbers to report a tip or connect with anti-trafficking services in your area.

To read more about recognizing the signs of sex trafficking, check out more resources from The Polaris Project.

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Why All Men Should Be Against Abortion Tue, 15 Nov 2022 16:24:23 +0000 Many men feel they should stay out of the abortion debate. Leave it to women. Yet their voice matters and is wanted for many reasons.

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The Issue: For or Against Abortion

Abortion is an injustice against human life that harms everyone involved. It not only ends a unique and valuable life in the womb but also often leads to decades of shame and regret among women and men. The wide demand for abortion points to the breakdown of marriage and the reality of many societal ills that many men often contribute to. For decades, however, most men have been content to stay on the sidelines of the abortion debate, not sure if they should be for or against abortion.

For some men, the circumstances of unplanned pregnancies seem too complicated to speak into, especially when they consider they will never be pregnant themselves. Instead of leaning in to learn more, they embrace a seemingly compassionate alternative: leave the decision (and the whole topic) to the women involved.

Men that do stand against abortion seem to do so only politically, often with little understanding of the difficult factors that lead people to seek an abortion. Thankfully, there are not only sound reasons men should be against abortion, but also loving, positive, and practical ways to do so as well.

Why Men?

The most notorious cry of abortion rights advocates, “my body, my choice,” has been successful for decades at keeping men from feeling they have a valuable opinion, even when their opinion is asked for and needed. Science has made it clear that the unique DNA of new life forms at conception is not itself “her body” but the body of the child she is carrying inside her body. Nevertheless, pregnancy brings intense personal and physical implications that a woman faces when she says, “I’m pregnant, now what?” 

However, when men use those biological realities as reasons to “step back,” women are left isolated to make the choice on their own, possibly now missing the exact support they needed. In surveys of women who had an abortion (2015) and men whose partner had an abortion (2021), men proved to be the greatest single influence in the decision, even though almost one-third of men said nothing.

The father of the baby is vital in the decision both because he had an active role in creating the pregnancy and because he has the potential to play a profound ongoing role. From pregnancy onward, a father’s involvement leads to a host of better outcomes for mother and child. Imagine, then, the frustration of facing a difficult unplanned pregnancy as a woman, but when you ask if your partner is in it with you, he says, “Well, it’s your body, so it’s your choice, right?”

1/3 of men say nothing when talking about being for or against abortion

Why Should Men be Against Abortion?

If men have such a big influence and stake in the decision, why should they be against abortion? Because, again, abortion is an injustice against human life that harms everyone involved. Abortion in all three trimesters takes the life of a unique human being, devaluing their potential and robbing them of any chance of a future. Abortion poses understated risks to women’s physical, emotional, and spiritual health. And abortion robs men of their unborn sons and daughters, impacting them regardless of what part they play.

When speaking with men involved in unplanned pregnancies, I often ask them what their knowledge is of abortion. Most of the time, they say something like, “I think she takes a pill….” I help them process 1) where their child is in development, 2) what the various procedures would entail for their partner, and 3) ways the decision could impact their life and relationships as well. After this discussion, a statement like, “I’ll support whatever she chooses” takes on more meaning.

No Easy Answer

The situations surrounding unplanned pregnancies can be incredibly complicated. In fact, those that serve in pregnancy center ministry cope with compassion fatigue, burnout, and even secondary trauma. But we believe there is hope for every situation and recognize that abortion is not an “easy answer.”

John 10:10 says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Abortion steals hope. It ends innocent lives. I’ve seen it destroy relationships, marriages, families, and consciences. It promises to be an escape from difficult circumstances, yet it often adds a burden of grief that pushes people further down into sin and despair and makes it doubly hard to rise out of those circumstances. It’s the opposite of the abundance that all men should desire for their fellow humans.

How Should Men Stand Against Abortion?

When it comes to how men should stand against abortion, the best way to start is with the gracious words of the man, Christ Jesus. He teaches us to be merciful, meek, and mournful in The Beatitudes. He directs us toward righteousness and purity and to be peacemakers. And Jesus promises blessing and reward even if this all leads to false accusations and persecution.

Quote for decade most men have been content to stay on the sidelines of the abortion debate, but this needs to change

With such a heart of humility, there are many ways for men to make a difference in the abortion issue. As you read this, hundreds of pregnancy centers are expanding their services and launching new programs to help expectant fathers find their voice and learn how to be good dads. The men that are joining this initiative as staff members and volunteers include pastors, businessmen, medical and counseling professionals, retirees, and manual laborers… not to mention me, a professional violinist.

The Church Community

Significant progress is also being made to help churches become the central point of compassion on this issue rather than a place where people fear judgment. Recognizing that many people in the church are wrestling with current and past pregnancy decisions, pastors can preach not only on the sanctity of life but also on forgiveness. Men in the church can stand against abortion by leading small groups for single dads, marriage classes, or youth ministries.

Any man can learn more about how to serve by going through Making Life Disciples, a basic training for individuals and small groups to help them offer compassion, hope, help, and discipleship to those considering abortion in their church and in the broader community. And Care Net would like to invite all men to attend our annual “Called & Missioned” Pro-Life Men’s Summit with Tony Evans in Dallas, TX.

Why All Men Should be Against Abortion

I have a friend who is not a Christian but who recently surprised me by saying he was against abortion. This came about because someone close to him was facing an unexpected pregnancy and shared with him that the baby’s father was pushing her to get an abortion. My friend did some research on what an abortion would entail and said to her, “No way, we’re going to help you!” He and his wife have been there for this mom and her child ever since.

Men's voice matters

What would it look like for all of us to do the same for those close to us? To not only be willing to speak against something that is wrong and harmful but to do so in a way that also allows us to walk with people through all the ups and downs towards something better. Serving in this way is how all men can find a stake in this issue and where we’ll witness true solutions for unimaginable hardships.

Additional Resources:

The post Why All Men Should Be Against Abortion appeared first on Focus on the Family.

Debunking The Violinist Argument Wed, 31 Aug 2022 15:35:50 +0000 When confronting pro-choice arguments, it is always vital to remain gentle, caring and truthful. The person you are communicating with holds divine value, just like the little people in the womb who we are fighting to protect.

The post Debunking The Violinist Argument appeared first on Focus on the Family.


The Violinist Argument first appeared in a 1971 text from Judith Jarvis Thompson. In her essay, “A Defense of Abortion,” Thompson presented a metaphor for why women should have the right to an abortion. She claimed that a woman choosing to abort her child was equivalent to someone “disconnecting” themselves as life support for someone to whom they did not give consent.

Additionally, Thompson argued that the value of that person’s life should not have any impact on the rights of the person disconnecting themselves as life support. Even if that person were a renowned celebrity, forcing one person to remain as life support for the other violated their constitutional rights.

Thompson was an influential philosopher with thought-provoking illustrations. But how does the Violinist Argument hold up in our post-Roe world? And, as Christians, how should we engage in this conversation?

Engaging in the Conversation

A commonality across every person, no matter their background, interest, or worldview, is the desire to know the truth. The truth is sought after by every person. The search for truth can look simple or complex, but every human searches.

The abortion conversation is a conversation about truth.

When two people or groups discuss abortion and the sanctity of life, the dialogue is only meaningful when the conversation leads to locating that which is truthful. The truth is the prize because beliefs about truth always overflow into actions. Understanding and believing a truthful idea leads to righteous actions. When the truth about abortion is understood, actions of righteousness are the overflow.

Both pro-lifers and pro-choicers have spent years developing compelling arguments for the right to life and the right to abortion. When engaging in conversations with those who think differently, we should listen with intent and care. We must not merely listen to prove the other party wrong but seek to partner in a mutual pursuit of truth.

The pro-life movement grows in strength and impact when eyes open to the value of life in the womb. We are candid about our desire to change hearts and minds. We want to see pro-choice individuals change their minds about abortion. But, we must engage with them in love and partner to pursue truth together.

So, let’s interact with a pro-choice argument rallying in popularity: The Violinist Argument.

What is the Violinist Argument?

The following paraphrases Judith Jarvis Thompson’s famous defense of abortion:

The Violinist Argument

Imagine waking up one morning in a hospital bed with your kidneys attached to the unconscious body of a world-famous violinist. As you regain awareness of your surroundings, you notice that the Society of Music Lovers kidnapped you and connected your body to the violinist. They tell you that your unique blood type is necessary to save the famous musician's life. His kidney ailment has a certainty of fatality without the intervention of connecting you to him. They say to remain calm, as the violinist only needs to be connected to you for nine months. The hospital director knocks on your hospital room door and apologizes for what the Society of Music Lovers did to you but continues to say, "The violinist has a right to life. Thus, you cannot disconnect yourself from him without murdering him and violating his right to life."

As you likely have gathered, Judith Jarvis Thompson constructed this argument to defend abortion in cases of rape. Many pro-choice activists attempt to use this argument to combat abortion restrictions.

When stepping into the shoes of the individual who the Society of Music Lovers kidnaped, you may feel that you would be justified to disconnect your body from the famous violinist, even knowing your actions would result in his death.

Of course, the moment you suggest you are justified in disconnecting your body from the violinist in this challenging and obscure hypothetical scenario, the pro-choice activist would immediately expose an alleged double standard.

How are you justified in disconnecting the violinist’s body from your own, but a woman who conceived a pregnancy in rape can’t remove an unwelcome person from her body? Though this argument seems compelling to some, it is flawed in various forms and misses the heart of the Sanctity of Life message. Let’s explore.

What is Wrong With The Violinist Argument?

When you listen intently to the argument presented, clear and unavoidable problems drain the hypothetical scenario of its power. The primary flaw in the argument is based on the distinction between taking another’s life and someone dying.

When considering the life of the violinist, there was a moment when he received the diagnosis of a fatal kidney ailment. This kidney ailment was the condition that posed a threat of death. Various factors could have caused kidney dysfunction, but it is clear that the dysfunction stemmed from problems within the individual.

A quote from the violinist argument article from Jess Ford with a Doctor illustrated on the front.

This illustration cannot be correlated to abortion because another individual causes the death of the preborn child during an abortion procedure. There is a clear distinction between letting an individual die and intentionally taking their life.

Judith Jarvis Thompson performs gymnastics with the written word to avoid the harsh reality of what abortion is: the intentional ending of a life.

The Violinist Argument is not an argument at all. The logic fails to address the reality of abortion. It is undeniable that surgical abortions require abortionists to interrupt a pregnancy with intentional actions to end the life of a preborn. It is indisputable that the abortion pill interrupts a pregnancy with powerful drugs that remove a baby from the womb. 

In Love, Speak Truth

In conclusion, when confronting pro-choice arguments, it is always vital to remain gentle, caring, and truthful. The person you are communicating with holds divine value, just like the little people in the womb who we are fighting to protect.

In the case of abortion, we are unashamed of our intentions of attempting to change hearts and minds. We want to see pro-choice people open their eyes to the value of children in the womb. But we must remember that the greatest persuader is love.

The post Debunking The Violinist Argument appeared first on Focus on the Family.
