Focus on the Family
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After Roe, moms and babies are still at risk of abortion.
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Support Your Local, Pro-Life Pregnancy Medical Clinic

Woman standing in front of medical professionals supporting her pro-life medical clinic
Pro-life medical clinic. Adobe stock.
The societal role of pro-life medical clinics has become increasingly vital after Roe V. Wade. Here's how to join the movement.

The societal role of pro-life medical clinics has become increasingly vital after the 1973 Supreme Court landmark decision Roe V. Wade. In fact, a majority of abortion-minded women who visit these clinics choose life after seeing their child through an ultrasound. This is just one example of how they make a difference; centers are constantly striving to inform women surrounded by a pro-abortion culture there are positive alternatives. Here are a few ways to pray for, serve and support these vital members of the coalition fighting for life.

Pray with purpose

Through the course of daily ministry, a medical clinic undergoes a wide array of hardships and relies significantly on God’s protective hand over their work. Christ calls us to be precise in our requests, exampled in the book of Matthew, when two blind men petition for aid from Christ without specification. Instead of immediate healing, Jesus first asks, “what do you want me to do for you?” It is only after the blind men distinctly elucidate for Christ to restore their sight that they are granted healing. Similarly, Bartimaeus asks for widespread mercy rather than his specific needs in the book of Mark. Jesus tells him the same. God continually reiterates this point throughout the Bible – be specific.

With all of that in mind, what are the specific needs of medical clinics? Reach out and ask how they communicate their requests, but here are a few examples of what to pray over:

  • Abortion industry workers’ eyes to be opened and hearts to be softened.
  • Government officials and leaders to be granted discernment and wisdom concerning the value of life.
  • Our nation’s culture to change and protect the rights of unborn children.
  • Staff and volunteers of the medical clinic to be encouraged and strengthened.
  • The church and it’s community to take a hands-on approach to the pro-life movement.
  • The fathers of babies at risk to support the choice for life.
  • Women who are struggling and seeking an abortion.
  • God’s protection over the clinic.

Serve in any capacity

Centers depend heavily on volunteers from a range of backgrounds. To combat major abortion companies while simultaneously providing free services requires a professional staff, environment and resources. Maintaining that high level of care leaves many gaps for centers in essential areas. Consider these fields:

  • Advisory committee (bringing particular expertise into a higher level of service for clients.)
  • Church liaison
  • Client advocacy (including male volunteers!)
  • Education
  • Fundraising
  • Marketing
  • Mentorship
  • Post-abortive healing
  • Registered nursing

Suppose someone feels they aren’t adequately prepared to serve – medical clinics have training through their affiliate national networks. Taking all of that into account, bring your God-given abilities to the pro-life movement and centers will utilize them.

Support drives the movement

Over half a billion dollars of the nation’s largest abortion provider’s revenue comes from government funding. On the other hand, pregnancy resource centers and medical clinics are left to predominately rely on private donations. Consequently, it is crucial pro-lifers continue to support clinics so they can continue to support women. One way to solidify the truth of their value is to focus material donations on the mother. Consider supporting moms-to-be through anything that can offer her comfort and confidence, like:

  • Cleaning services
  • Maternity clothes
  • Morning sickness remedies
  • Pregnancy planner
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Travel vouchers

Additionally, financial support is instrumental to a medical clinic’s operation. They host annual galas and informative events to help raise funds that you are always encouraged to attend. Furthermore, through the generous support of donors, Focus on the Family offers pregnancy medical clinic grants for ultrasound machines, pregnancy resources, digital marketing and nurse training. There are so many opportunities to financially, physically and spiritually contribute to the movement, so don’t wait.

Quote from Dr. Wong: Abortion is intolerable, irrational and it has not place in civilized society

Your local, pro-life pregnancy medical clinic can be found at:

Empowering women in a fearful and vulnerable position requires action. Thousands of pregnancy centers and medical clinics save lives and substantially impact others; they step out each day against a world that is blind to the value of life. So, it’s become clear – our medical clinics are fighting on the frontlines of the abortion movement and need us. The question is: what will we do about it?

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