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Paul Batura Media Profile

Paul Batura

Vice President, Communications
Paul Batura Media Profile

Paul Batura is vice president of communications for Focus on the Family. In his role, Batura is responsible for media and guest relations.

With more than two decades of diverse experience in the news media, broadcast journalism, publishing, and non-profit administration, Batura has been with Focus on the Family since 1998. Prior to serving in his current capacity, Batura served as a top writer and adviser to both Focus’ founder, Dr. James C. Dobson, and its current president, Jim Daly.

The author of several books and contributor to others, Batura’s writings are motivated and inspired by a desire to encourage and lift the hearts of others. He believes that the right word offered at the right time can transform circumstances. 

He’s authored books including “Chosen for Greatness: How Adoption Changes the World,”“Good Day! The Paul Harvey Story” and written “Mentored by the King: Arnold Palmer’s Success Lessons for Golf, Business, and Life.” Batura has also collaborated with Jim Daly on “ReFocus: Living a Life that Reflects God’s Heart” and “Marriage Done Right.”

Batura and his wife, Julie, had the privilege of adopting their three young boys, Riley, Will and Alex. They join countless other families in celebrating the courageous decision of birthmothers and birthfathers who choose life.

Batura and his family reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado. They are active members of their church, where Batura serves as an elder and Sunday School teacher.
