How to Accept Yourself – 4 Steps to Self Acceptance

young woman smiling

Self-acceptance is the act of embracing all that you are, where you are and how you are.  It’s the ability to acknowledge and find peace with what is while also looking forward in anticipation of what can be. I’ve never been particularly “good” at this but then again few are, yes? It seems our desire […]

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Why More Self-Love Isn’t What You Need

sisters with face painting hugging

Having and attracting what you want has very little to do with self-love. And yet, specifically around Valentine’s Day, there’s a slew of well-intentioned suggestions on how to love yourself more, so you can attract what you desire. I don’t believe this is true.  The constant repetition to women, in particular, to “love yourself first […]

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Motherhood: The Joys and Challenges with Rachael Amarante

Motherhood with Rachael Amarante

I think many mothers would agree with me that being a mother is hard and wonderful all at the same time. It often feels like you’re on a roller coaster ride without a seatbelt, yet you can’t help but be exhilarated. My guest today, Rachael Amarante of The Awakening Motherhood Project, knows all about the […]

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Sunnier Days Ahead. How to Activate Clear Mind & Energy

woven threads that represent that soul journey

I wrote this piece not so long ago for a handful of private clients. COVID-19 was banging insistently at the world’s doorstep and I found the air to be thick with upset and deep panic. We are many weeks from the original publication of this letter and yet, somehow, I felt inspired to share it […]

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How to Break Bad Habits by Creating Meaningful Rituals

table with phone and coffee mug

Do you ever find yourself in the middle of a vicious cycle? You say you’re ready for love, but you’re only attracted to emotionally unavailable men. You want a better work-life balance, but you insist you need to work longer hours to advance your career. You want to have a healthier relationship to your body, […]

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The Surprising Key To Feeling Confident is Simpler Than You Think

The key to feeling confident

There are days where I wake up feeling negative, overwhelmed, disappointed. Days where I am convinced that I have fallen short, am less than, not good enough—almost immediately upon opening my eyes! It’s not that I don’t have anything to be grateful for, and it’s not that I don’t know how blessed I am. It’s […]

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I Think I’m Having an Existential Crisis

existential crisis from again & how I'm learning to love where I am

I think I’m having an existential crisis. And it’s all because of my hair. When I had my baby boy last February, I lost a lot of it. It wasn’t ideal, but I knew it was possible and I was confident it would grow back. Well, it has—and it’s gray! GRAY. I stood in front […]

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How to Forgive Someone Who Hurt You (in 3 Simple Steps)

How to Forgive Someone Who Hurt You (in 3 Simple Steps)

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I’m just not ready to forgive them yet?” I get that feeling. Truly, I do. When you’ve been wronged or betrayed or hurt, it can take months—sometimes years—before you feel ready to forgive and move on. The problem is that being unforgiving harms you far more than it harms […]

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7 Easy, Sure-Fire Ways to Overcome the Monday Blues

How to be Successful: Find your soul to unlock your power

You know how it feels: that Sunday night pit-of-your-stomach dread. You know what you’re in for on Monday morning, so you set three alarms (so you’ll actually get out of bed on time) and mentally curse the traffic you know you’ll battle and that stupid, frost-covered Lean Cuisine you know you will eat at your […]

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8 Powerful Questions to Unlock Your Best Self & Change Your Life

8 Powerful Questions to Unlock Your Best Self & Change Your Life

How much do you know about the deepest parts of you? Sure, you know your likes and dislikes, but what about the complex landscape of your heart? Getting to know yourself is one of life’s most thrilling endeavors, and it’s the only real path to a full life. If you’re feeling stuck, it’s also the […]

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Growing Older: 6 Tips for Aging Gracefully

Age Gracefully

We all grow older. It’s the one thing that every human shares in common. And yet, so many of us fight this inevitability—we worry about how we’ll look, how we’ll feel, what we’ll do with our time, when we’ll die. We perceive only our youth as a time of excitement, ambition, and hope. Growing older […]

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5 Ways to Be More Vulnerable & Share Your Truth

Be more vulnerable

“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” — Malala Yousafzai It doesn’t seem like it should be so hard to share your truth. After all, it’s your truth—what else are you going to share? Sadly, many of us have been warned against showing up exactly as we are and sharing our […]

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How I Have Manifested Love, Money, and a Body I Love

How I Have Manifested Love, Money and a Body I Love (and you can too)

You don’t have to settle, love. Ever. Trust me on this one. I haven’t always had the life I have now. For a long time, I just “survived”. I had a job that was “okay”. I had a disempowering relationship with food and my body. I dated the wrong men out of fear and scarcity. […]

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The One Thing I Do to Overcome Resentment

Resentment Two Umbrellas Hanging

I don’t have it all together. I think that, perhaps, there’s a misconception that I do. That because I have a successful coaching business and because I got my M.A. and PsyD in psychology, and because I married the love of my life, I’ve got it all figured out. There’s this idea that I never […]

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The #1 Thing You Need to Know to Live an Epic Life

vogue magazine

There are so many things I love about being a woman, but there’s one more than most: we want to have it all; the great home, a thriving biz, world travel—all while making an impact in the world. (Who run the world? Girls!) But too often we stick to the status quo instead; afraid of […]

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Join me LIVE in Los Angles April 21st!

Soul Sessions Live Events in Los Angeles at Wanderlust Hollywood

To all my L.A. sisters! I am absolutely honored and thrilled to be hosting another workshop this Thursday April 21st at 7pm on How to Live Abundantly with Passion and Purpose at Wanderlust Hollywood — a place to practice, listen, taste, learn, and gather. You’ll learn: how to spiritually divide your time and energy for […]

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Shifting Into Practical Perfection

two blue earrings

I was overwhelmed recently. (Maybe you remember?) Or, at least, I felt like I was overwhelmed. I had convinced myself that everything was important, everything must be done perfectly, and I wasn’t really doing anything well. Does that sound familiar? Of course, I had to “rewrite” that feeling for myself. I have worked hard these […]

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You Are Not Responsible for Other People’s Happiness

bouquet of flowers

It’s hard to be a human. It’s the reason that I do the work that I do. For as much as I know that it’s possible to be happy and abundant and successful, I realize just how difficult it can be to get to that place (especially without support). So what I find interesting is […]

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I rarely ever speak about my weight

Why I never speak of my weight

I used to only ever feel pretty when I was starving. When I fit into my skinny jeans. When my stomach growled with hunger pains. When I comfortably fit in a size 0. As you might imagine, my inner mean girl wasn’t kind. “You have too many dimples on your tush.” “Look at your love […]

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Soul Sessions: Live Abundantly with Passion and Purpose (Live Events!)

Soul Sessions Live Events in Los Angeles at Wanderlust Hollywood

To all my L.A. sisters! I am absolutely honored and thrilled to be hosting a six month speaking series  beginning Thursday January 21st on How to Live Abundantly with Passion and Purpose at Wanderlust Hollywood — a place to practice, listen, taste, learn, and gather. Wanderlust Hollywood is a fusion of classes and experiences from […]

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Needed: One amazing intern

plants on wooden table

After more than a year of blogging and speaking + clients + writing, I’m finally ready to do (a tiny bit) of delegating.  I’m hiring an intern!  Is this you or anyone you know? You must have a working knowledge of: * Hootsuite,  Twitter, Facebook * WordPress * Super basic photo editing (like, Picmonkey caliber)  Duties […]

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The Manifesto of Moi + (you and moi)

epic together

I am driven by a cause. A purpose. A belief. I believe in raw truth.  My truth. Your truth. I believe an authentically powerful life + meaningful romance is the result of integrity training + honoring your rightness. I believe this kind of authenticity will raise your frequency level + the universe will have no choice […]

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