Kind Words


I am so grateful to Danielle for being the guide, friend, teacher and gentle nudge I have needed.

I truly believe Danielle has been instrumental in helping me make positive and lasting changes. I feel happier and more optimistic than I have felt in years and I attribute a lot of this to Danielle; I feel so much healthier both physically as well as spiritually and emotionally.

She listens more than anyone I know, really takes time to understand her clients and assess the right approach to help them (and her memory is incredible;)). She is incredibly kind, intelligent, astute, tenacious and motivating. I am not someone who opens up easily to people, but I can with Danielle; she creates such a safe and loving environment through her genuine empathy.

I always feel happier and more motivated after we’ve spoken. Beyond this, she is goal oriented and focused on helping me/ her clients move through the negativity and obstacles that limit us, by teaching us the tools we need to truly realize our dreams, and understand they are not just possible but waiting for us.

She is excellent and I am beyond thankful for all of the help she has given me.

—Samantha Dean

I’m one of Danielle’s biggest fans. It’s hard to describe how profoundly grateful I feel for her support and encouragement. She is always ultra helpful and full of wonderful ideas for how to make my life the absolute best it can be.

I am so grateful for the immense amount of positive impact she has brought to my life. I can honestly say that I am infinitely better and living a better life because our paths crossed.

-Azy Buchannan

I’ll be the first to admit that I have a big personality, and I get quite passionate about a lot of things. The trouble is, I have a problem focusing in on what I truly want to do and then taking the next indicated steps to get to where I want to go. That’s where Danielle comes in. She has helped me in so many ways I could write a book, but for now, I’ll give you some of the highlights.

With her instructions and guidance and teachings, I have learned to truly focus on what I want out of life and then make plans to get there! And I have to say, it has worked! Thanks to her assistance, which by the way is always patient and kind and wise, I was able to hone in on what I truly want out of life, including in my work and personal life. Like I mentioned, I get pretty passionate about things. In addition to helping me set goals for myself and keep them, Danielle has helped me navigate my personal relationships. By doing that she has indirectly helped everyone I hold dear. I’m so grateful for all she’s done for me.

Danielle, you’ve truly changed my life forever, thank you. You helped me save myself.


Right from the beginning, I felt like you were a long time friend. You have a unique way of making me feel better and it was so refreshing talking to someone who is unbiased. Thank you for helping me during a low point in my life. Your solid advice and the tools you gave me will continue to help me in the future. Thank you my friend.

— Amanda

Danielle is incredibly intuitive, spiritual, a wonderful listener and has truly found her calling as a life coach. Danielle assesses and offers a view of your situation quickly. She helped me get out of my misery, move on from my high conflict husband and become a strong and independent woman once again.

She was available through my most difficult times often at a moments notice. She sees the best in you and helps you to build a plan for how to put those strengths and passions to work in your personal life and career. Equal parts coach, cheerleader, business advisor and a really good friend.

Danielle helps you to bring your vision to life. I’m very grateful to have worked with her during a challenging period and highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking to transform their life into something magical.

— Alexandra

Reaching a point in my business where I needed significant change, I looked for a coach to challenge me on the topics I felt most confused with and help me clear a path to my next chapter. When I came across Danielle’s site I literally read it end-to-end and felt that, even though the cost was considerably more than I planned, our energy was a good match and I was down to make the biggest investment in myself ever – financially, and emotionally.

Over the months we worked together Danielle dropped numerous gold nuggets of wisdom into our conversations. We talked through numerous topics (that I knew for me were all linked and hindering me in some way), and broke down old beliefs and stories along the way. I came away with a clearer vision of what I wanted from the next chapter of my life and career, and with Danielle’s help started working on that from our very first session.

I’m so pleased to have met Danielle and recommend her to anyone looking to add a serious dose of dazzle to life.

— Sarah Connelly

I will always be grateful for Danielle’s guidance and support. Under her wise instruction, she helped me focus back into a more natural flow. Life’s more enjoyable, and things move more smoothly for me personally and professionally.

Danielle’s innovative assistance helps build an ease in navigating life’s many opportunities and challenges. I’m happy to have Danielle as a resource and a friend. Thank you!

— Sagar M.

It’s been almost a year since we stopped our sessions and in that time I’ve had a chance to live and to utilize the tools that you gave me and I just wanted to write and say thank you.

You gave me some really, really great tools for coping mechanisms and communication and I really feel that it changed my life. Some of the things you told me didn’t really get absorbed for months but almost daily I have a life experience where something you told me comes to mind. I really can’t tell you how much you’ve changed my life and I’m so happy to have met you. Thank you for everything.

— Taylor M.

In March 2020, after leaving a career that made me ill and felt completely out of touch with myself, I decided to go on a once-in-a-lifetime journey to Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Sweden, and Norway. Not only all the trips were canceled, my home, San Francisco, was in lockdown with the rest of the world. Being home bounded days after days, I found myself falling into despair and feeling more lost than ever.

One day I came across Danielle’s blog and little did I know I was going on a grand adventure after all – a soul journey and a deeply reflective experience. Danielle supported me with her kind heart, provided guidance with wisdom, and gave me practical tools to work with so I feel a little bit better, then a little better, then great, and now fantastical. I am so appreciative to have received Danielle’s mentorship!

The mindset, success and manifestation techniques she taught led me to:
greater self-awareness
and direction in life

Today, nearly a year later, I feel consistently happy, live in abundance, and continue to create a life filled with only fun and well-being.

— Ellie

Hello, Joy!™ was just the emotional, feel-good booster my soul needed!

I cannot say enough lovely words and sentiments about my experience with Hello Joy!™ After doing 1×1 coaching with Danielle a few years back, I was so excited to reconnect with her through this class and it was just the emotional feel-good booster I needed! Between COVID, moving states, and jobs I was feeling a little lost. The love and support I received in this class and the community it created got me back and transformed my thinking and way of being in more ways than one. Between the amazing ladies I met, the essential oils, and the recipes/lessons Danielle taught, I’m feeling so much more joy in the everyday moments. I recommend this class for anyone and everyone who wants to feel happier and more excited by life than then have felt in a long time!

— Andrea F.

Fantastic Guest Speakers and An Exceptional Group of Women!

I can’t say enough about Danielle and her Hello, Joy!™ course. Danielle was always positive, prepared, and her messages and lessons relatable and enlightening. The women she brought together were exceptional and I’m so glad I did this for myself. She had some fantastic guest speakers and I learned much from all of them. She encouraged all of the women to connect outside of the course and made sure our community was thriving. Danielle is one of those people that just makes you feel good and it was wonderful to see her in her element and be on the receiving end of her insights. I can’t wait to experience Hello, Joy!™ again.

— Kelly Moran

In the midst of a pandemic I learned that I can experience the grace of abundance

In the midst of a pandemic, naturally I was feeling stuck and my energy level was low. I didn’t feel happy or hopeful. Then my daughter invited me to join Danielle’s sessions of Joy. What Joy! It brought me! It enlightened me. The tone of the sessions were always so light and open. Always greeted with a smile, leading me to a state of Joy. I learned that I can experience the grace of abundance. Practicing gratitude which can be as simple as saying “I am thankful for…” even if we find ourselves in a negative state. Focusing on the wanting of abundance — there is nothing wrong with wanting more and receiving all that the universe has to offer. “Just focus on what you want,” helped me to be dazzled to be in a receiving mode. Danielle taught me that it is a gift to ourselves to shift our mindset to our wants and desires. When we do this, our world, our financial abundance, and our joy will expand exponentially.

— Carol Gavitt

An interactive group of inspiring humans helped me release anxiety and live in greater joy!  

I was not seeking a coaching course to help me release anxiety and focus on the joy and abundance in my life, but an acquaintance of mine posted on social media that she had taken the course and was about to start it a second time. Wow, if she found it valuable enough to take a second time, it must have been helpful! Dr. Danielle Dowling’s Hello, Joy!™ did not disappoint. The tools and guidance that Danielle provided throughout the course truly helped me release anxiety and shift my thinking to focus on joyfulness and all that brings with it. Having an interactive group of inspiring humans to share ideas and talk about our experiences as we progressed through the six-week course was very encouraging. I am so grateful that, by chance, I found Hello, Joy!

— Michelle Rodgers

I met some of the best ladies and now count them as friends!

I’m not a joiner by nature. However, with life’s current state of affairs, I found myself missing the feeling of connecting with others. Danielle is a kind, wise and authentic leader. From daily reflections, affirmations, gratitude journaling to those heavenly oils, Hello, Joy! helped me grow so much on the inside. I’m learning to take up space. I also met some of the best group of ladies and count them now as friends. I’m happy my circle got bigger and I can’t wait to take more courses!

— Tammy Bisco

Six Week Workshop Became an Awakening

Words cannot not express what I gained in taking the Hello, Joy!™ workshop. The things I learned and tools I received connected the dots, narrowed the gap significantly between thoughts/feelings and action. I had pieces of the puzzle, but didn’t know how to fit them together. Danielle provided the pieces I was missing. I got more out of this workshop than I have any other one I have taken in any of my areas of interest. Danielle also presented little goodies throughout the six weeks and connected with each one of us during the week in addition to the class days. I couldn’t recommend this workshop more!

— Cathleen McGrath

With Covid, Furloughs and an Unsettling Political Climate, I Asked for Help!

Hello, Joy!™ has guided me tremendously in such a tumultuous time in my life. With COVID, furloughs, and an unsettling political climate, I asked for help. Danielle answered and introduced me to a group of women who accompanied me on my journey of transition. Arming me with the tools- recipes- to assist and guide me during this transformation, she reminded me that it was ok to feel and that I can breathe through anything while remaining open. There is a curriculum – which I much needed – and it set structure and the practice in place. This process of practice allowed me to heal and grow. I am forever grateful to the whisper that guided me to Danielle and her Hello, Joy!™ 6 weeks of community.

— Estella Perez

Hello, Joy!™ has allowed me to feel grounded, fulfilled, and at peace.

These six weeks with Dr. Danielle Dowling and a wonderful group of women flew by and I didn’t want it to end. Week by week, we explored new lessons that went hand in hand with Danielle’s amazing elixirs. I truly believe this aromatherapy experience helped take the course to a whole new level, and I can’t stop using the elixirs on a daily basis! It’s amazing how much more grounded and at peace you really can feel when you welcome aromatherapy into your life. One of the most invaluable lessons for me personally, was when we began to look at problems as doorways toward self-growth and self-discovery. Not everything has to be “fixed” nor does every “problem” have to be negative. I am more loving and accepting of myself, and of circumstances. I can now open my mind and my eyes with a bright, new, positive perspective and it feels wonderful. I have learned so much about myself during this journey and I can’t wait to see what the universe has in store for me next! Allow Hello, Joy!™ to illuminate your world. Dr. Danielle Dowling does not disappoint!

— Caitlin Gavitt

I LOVED learning about the healing benefits of essential oils!

Danielle is such a gracious, generous, and knowledgeable instructor and guide. Also, it was amazing to connect with all of the other women — everyone is so loving and supportive. It couldn’t have been better. I walked away from the course clearer about my intentions for this next chapter life and how to go about manifesting them with more ease and grace. The bonus? Learning about the healing benefits of essential oils. I now have a love of aromatherapy thanks to Hello, Joy!™. Can’t recommend it enough!

— Sonja Perryman

Danielle created a sacred space for us to open ourselves up and share. I had a wonderful experience!

It was such a peaceful time for me to check-in with a love filled group each week, to share, connect and learn. Just being in each session felt like I had carved out time for self-care. I love that Essential Oils were a primary part of the course, I had little experience with oils going into the class and I felt like Danielle’s custom elixirs were a perfect addition to each session. Her expertise each week led me to feel grounded mentally and physically, allowing myself to open up and find joy in my everyday life. This was beyond important as the state of the world around us was filled with illness and hate. She made the environment sacred for us to feel confident to open ourselves up. To round out the course she curated guests who fit in perfectly with the curriculum and exposed me to new ways of thinking which I am grateful for. If you are looking to bring a little slice of heaven into your daily life, sign up for Hello Joy!™ with Danielle.

— Brooke Allen

The lessons are well organized, simple to follow and thoughtful. I am so thankful I signed up for Hello, Joy!™

The lessons are so well organized, simple to follow, thoughtfully planned out and easy to implement! I really have enjoyed meeting and talking with everyone in the group and I always feel motivated and energized after every meeting! These joyful lessons I will take with me and use over and over for the rest of my life! This also came at just the right time in my life. Thank you, Danielle!!

— Allie Hunter

Hello, Joy!™ has shifted my thinking in so many positive ways.

I view life and love much differently even on difficult days. I find myself more mindful, calm and inspired. The elixirs are the icing on the cake of life. When in challenging situations I just breathe through it and I can again see the path out. Thank you, thank you Danielle for your teachings. Love you.

— Anita Griffin

Hello, Joy!™ has been a blessing.

The past six weeks have helped me be more gentle with myself and open to the world around me. Danielle’s teachings + her essential oil elixirs + inspiring guest teachers + the vulnerability of the other women in the group created a very powerful experience. Thank you Danielle for creating an uplifting experience!

— Kerri Poe

Danielle brings extremely effective ways to move past anxiety and into prosperity and ease! I look forward to every class.

She brings simple, but extremely effective ways to move beyond my anxiety, offering a new, prosperous way of experiencing life. I love the group format; it’s connected me with amazing individuals that create a new circle of support. I’d encourage anyone looking for an integrated, comprehensive, heartfelt approach to life to take Hello, Joy!™.

— Meghan Reynard

The minute I met Danielle I knew I had to work with her! She’s is charismatic, thoughtful, supportive, intuitive and so smart. When we would chat I always had a soul tickle knowing it was going to be life changing to team up! After my personal coaching session with Danielle I was able to shift my mindset from work horse to being tuned into my deep desires for my life, family and higher self. As a mom of two young children this shift, and ability to manifest my present and future needs is invaluable. I’m so thankful we had our time together – I can’t honestly put into words what it did for me! I highly encourage anyone thinking about teaming up with Danielle to not hesitate for a second. You won’t be disappointed and in fact, you’ll feel more energized, more free and more joyful than ever before!

— Heather Lovato

Dr. Danielle came into my life in perfect synchronicity.  Before our first phone call I was grieving the loss of my mother while working in a job I did not truly love, and I was beating myself up left and right for so many things.  I knew I wanted change, to get the root of my feelings, “problems,” frustrations, what have you… but traditional therapy made me feel like I was just talking about my issues and not getting feedback or help in setting goals and taking action to do anything about it all!

From our first session onward, Dr. Danielle gently yet firmly held the space for me to understand the root of my feelings, feel safe to honor them, and worked with me to set reasonable action steps and goals in multiple areas of my life.  Her authenticity and passion shone through in every session, and I truly felt I could text or email any time I needed to–the support was incredible.

By the end of our work together:
:: I had forgiven myself on so many levels for various things,
:: grew the confidence to dream and ask for the things I know I deserve,
:: developed the most solid meditation practice I’ve ever had,
:: got engaged(!),
:: manifested a new job that I love,
:: and I ended the year as the #1 sales rep in my new company

I am so grateful to Danielle for her patience, support, and guidance in helping me get to this joyful yet peaceful place. Best decision ever.

— Michelle, Los Angeles, CA

Danielle is a dream to work with. She was so knowledgeable about how to best help me release old patterns that no longer serve me, while remaining deeply compassionate and FUN. Since working with her I landed my dream job where I’m making more money than ever, and I’m now in a happy, loving relationship — basically, everything I wanted but could barely allow myself to dream of in the past.

I’m so grateful I invested in myself and purchased a coaching package with Danielle. Best decision ever.

— Sonja P., Writer

Danielle, has been my life+relationship coach on and off for over 6 years. I feel like I’m being held accountable and cheered on by a best friend. Danielle, is a dynamic force of positivity, radiates light, and an empowering coach. I decided to go full force in joining her program +coaching for the Soulmate code. I did the work and all shifted in my mindset and what I started to attract in my life. Right as I was completing the program I met my Soulmate.

Today I couldn’t feel more blessed to have attracted a man that was everything I could have wished for. I have to thank Danielle for preparing me mentally and emotionally to meet him. Thank you Danielle for your friendship and brilliance.

— Erica Lippy, Los Angeles, CA

I am forever connected to the beautiful soul that is Danielle!

I’ve had mentors before, but she was the first mentor of mine that was a woman. She truly felt like a wiser sister passing down lessons to me in a gentle and compassionate manner. This is something I never really had.

Before I found Danielle’s website, I noticed that I was having a really hard time sleeping. In fact, I would often feel anxious when it was time for bed because I was dreading getting restless sleep. I also noticed that my partner and I were fighting all of the time, having recurring issues. I felt depressed, sad, lonely, irritable, and unfulfilled a lot of the time.

One day I googled an article on relationships and an article written by Danielle caught my eye. I was routed to her website and I immediately felt drawn to her. My main hope was to simply feel better, to heal. I noticed that I was focusing a lot on others and recognized I was seeing external situations and circumstances as the “problem.” In reality, the cause of a lot of my pain was from old programming and misunderstandings about myself that I believed and never challenged. I didn’t know what I didn’t know. But she helped me see.

Her program and guidance catapulted me into a profound change journey. Working with her I often felt supported, held, challenged, and guided. She journeyed with me during a time when I was learning so much about myself. By the end of my work with her, I felt so much more expansive, open, abundant. My perspective had shifted. The changes did not happen immediately, but I soon noticed that I began to practice a daily self-care routine that included meditation, gratitude, going to the gym, and more restful and less anxious sleep! The most poignant change was I began to see moments of hurt/irritation/sadness, etc. as opportunities to heal and practice gratitude for the moment to heal memories of pain and past wounds.

I truly believe that I invested in myself working with Danielle. I feel the most authentic, empowered, expansive, awakened, and sexy than I have ever felt in my life! I recommend working with Danielle if you’re looking for someone to help you, hold you accountable, encourage you, and to set your soul on fire!

— Jessica I. Salgado, New Mexico


I’m not exactly sure what made me click on the link when it scrolled across my timeline – it was an ad that linked to a free one-hour seminar about ‘calling in your soulmate’ and normally I would have rolled my eyes and scrolled right past that kind of post, with some snarky thoughts about “Internet Famous Coach” looking to sell me lines straight from an 80s self-help book for lonely women. But something made me pause and told my inner critic to shut up for a minute…maybe it was the warm tone and friendly approach, or maybe I was just in a particularly “what have I got to lose?” frame of mind.

Whatever the case, I knew I was feeling stuck in my romantic life and had been struggling to find ways to get un-stuck. As a smart, successful woman with a full life and rewarding career, I was more than a little frustrated and angry to have arrived in my early 30s having accomplished so many of my personal and professional goals, but seemingly unable to find a relationship that felt right on a deep and soulful level. 

Enter Danielle: Working the SoulMate Code program with Danielle and continuing with additional coaching afterwards has been the single best thing I have done for myself in recent memory. Working together, I have found away to make a home for myself in my own heart. The lessons shared through the SoulMate Code and through Danielle’s coaching sessions have not only totally rebuilt my approach to dating, but they have carried over into my friendships, my relationships with my family, and the way I show up in the world on both a personal and professional level.

Instead of approaching myself and my relationships as ‘problems to be solved’, I am now able to show up secure in myself and my inherent worth, able to give the best of myself to relationships worth that investment while drawing healthy boundaries  that support and protect my best interests (boundaries that are neither 30-foot-concrete walls nor totally porous floodplains, but feel like flexible, warm hugs).

Danielle’s particular brand of magic has created a radical shift in my life – the tools, techniques, and insights she has shared with me have shed an important light on patterns and behaviours that were no longer serving me, and created space for me feel like my best possible self: aware, awake, and aligned with my values and dreams… and fully empowered to go after the life and the loving relationship that I want and deserve.

If you’re considering working with Danielle, just do it. Send the note, make the ask, give yourself the gift of Danielle’s magic – it will change everything.”

Ashleigh Weeden, Ontario, Canada

When I found Danielle I had no idea what I was looking for in a coach, as the concept of coaching was completely foreign to me. What I did know, however, was that I could not go on the way that I was – one toxic “situationship” after another.

Being a strong and terribly independent person, I rarely reached out for any sort of help or guidance with personal issues. I was both excited and terrified to begin, but after our first call I knew that I had made the right decision and my only regret was not having found Danielle sooner. Danielle walked me through the issues in real time, and allowed me to see a completely different side of things and myself. 

In addition, the coursework uncovered some deeply hidden inner beliefs I held about myself and relationships. However instead of dwelling on them and using them as an excuse, Danielle guides you through letting go of each one, and replacing them with a more accurate and self serving inner story.

Its hard to pinpoint changes, but after I completed the 12 week course and coaching package I had completely let go of the toxic situationship I was in, and felt good about it. I had radically different view of myself and my role in relationships, and no longer felt like I was drifting aimlessly through life and love – totally under the control of someone else’s actions.

Now I feel confident about where I am headed in life, and am able to view ALL relationships (not just romantic ones) in a much more rational, logical, yet empathetic manner.  To say that I would recommend Danielle is an understatement, if you are ready to embark on real change in your life you have come to the right place! 

—Kenzie B., Educator – Texas

Dr. Danielle was a gift from a family member.  It was a time in my life where I had spent years taking care of my children, husband, Dad and then Mom.  Then one day I found the kids had grown, my father passed, my husband passed in a auto accident and in January my Mother passed.  So there I sat, not knowing who I was or what I wanted.

I was afraid to take the reins of my life and own my decisions.  I was using food and shopping as my drug of choice.  As I always did, I just worked harder at my job and yet was doing nothing to lay a foundation for retirement.  After a conversation with my daughter-in-law she said, I want to see you have fun and I think you need help learning how to do that.  From the first conversation, she had uncovered enough of a “mess” that I knew I couldn’t turn back if I was to find joy in my life and yes eventually a soul mate.

I found that it was so easy to talk with Dr. Danielle– she was open and shared her own real life experiences.  Her energy is contagious and I although I may have good and bad moments during our sessions they never leave me unable to function.  She leaves you with the tools you need for the experience you are going through.  She can call you out and yet allow you a safe place to discuss those situations.  Danielle is able to see and hear things in what I am saying that I had never given thought to.  She can hear my pain and my joy and makes me feel that she is right there holding my hand supporting me through it all.

Danielle has taught me how to dig deep when it’s needed and let go of what isn’t needed.  She has taught me how to trust in myself.  To look inside for the love I was missing.  She has also taught me that sometimes things will get messy and that’s ok.  She has helped the little girl inside me grow up and be a strong, loving woman.  I have learned to look internal instead of external for love and validation.

I know now that it’s ok to start the journey even if I don’t know where it will lead.  That my children feel safe when I show them I am in control of my life and that I am dependable.  They can take care of their lives because I can take care of mine.  I also know that I am worthy of being loved and loving fully.   

Danielle, your love, compassion, patience and continued guidance are a gift to me.  I consider you my coach, mentor and friend and I thank for all you have taught me and all you will continue to help me learn.

— Anita G., Healthcare Professional – California

Dr. Danielle compassionately showed me how to identify and conquer what was holding me back and has helped me create and shift into a life that truly feels happy, harmonious and successful!

I originally reached out to Dr. Danielle when I felt like I hit a rock bottom in my life at the age of 34: my five-year marriage and several long-term (1-2 years) relationships failed, and I felt as if something was fundamentally wrong with me and as if I was unable to maintain long-term relationships for some unknown reason. I just had to discover what it was and how to stop that vicious trend.

Our work showed me exactly how to break that disempowering dating pattern and instead attract into my life my current boyfriend! He is loving, open, honest and so much fun! I am enjoying our deep and meaningful partnership and can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Along the way, we also worked on strengthening my self-esteem & personal confidence. Dr. Danielle shared with me simple tools, techniques and resources to let go of the past, take control of my life and release any uneeded pressure that was blocking me from living my most dynamic and radiant life.

Danielle has truly helped me believe that things are possible…as a result of our work together I am happy to report that I experience greater peace, relaxation and deeper satisfaction with work, relationships and my finances!

— Katherine, Project Management Officer, Madison, IL

After a twenty-seven year marriage, I had been single for eleven years. Despite occasionally dating I just couldn’t seem to find my match! I had been single for so long and deeply wanted to be in a reliable, lasting and passionate relationship.

Danielle was such a joy to work with! She helped me release a handful of hidden limiting beliefs and stories that were blocking my ability to manifest a legendary love into my life.  Along the way, we worked through other hurts that were affecting my self esteem and my ability to love deeply. I became clear with all that I want, need and desire.  Danielle was compassionate and resourceful with all of my challenges. She was easy to talk with and like a good friend a true pleasure to spend time with.

Today, I am dating a marvelous, interesting and insightful man who has me cracking up with laughter all the time! I feel centered in my worthiness and are giddy with excitement! I didn’t realize that fresh, profound love would manifest so quickly and so easily.

— Ivy S., Laguna Woods, CA

I contacted Danielle because I kept having failed relationships and if I heard another person say “HOW ARE YOU STILL SINGLE”? I was going to lose my mind. However, upon some self-reflection, I realized the common denominator was ME. I had roadblocks and I needed to essentially re-write the script that I had been repeating all my life. I wanted so desperately to find love but was also afraid to allow anyone in. I invested in The Soulmate Code and it was the best decision I have made for myself in a long time.

I absolutely loved working with Danielle and looked forward to our call every week. Danielle is genuine, caring and sweet and isn’t afraid to have hard conversations to get to the root of it all. The lessons were the perfect cadence and were at times challenging and some were fun as well. The skillset she provided were ones that spoke directly to my love blocks. We worked together on taking 100% responsibility for all I create in love and life.

As a result of working with Danielle, I my past pain and disappointments in relationship is NO LONGER blocking me and now I am open, ready and available for true love. I have been having more FUN dating and I know that I am really close to finding my man! I honor and respect my voice and I believe that I can have a successful career, be a great mom AND have the love of my life.

— Amy S., Healthcare Sales Executive, Pasadena, CA

Investing in Danielle is basically investing in yourself. If you want something you don’t have it helps to have a mentor and coach who has walked the walk and talked the talk.

I married young and felt stuck in a toxic and emotionally neglectful marriage with a man I eventually divorced. After years of being in an unfulfilling relationship I knew I wanted to attract something different and wanted to ensure that I never went back to that kind of relationship.

From day one, The Soulmate Code and Danielle exceeded my expectations. Every video and assignment made so much sense and was so helpful and timely for me. This course was like jet fuel for my healing journey. In a matter of weeks I was feeling more grounded, confident, authentic and honest. I developed better boundaries and became a more confident woman on all of my dates.

I didn’t even finish the course and I am dating a man that is worlds different from my ex-husband. He adores me and treats me like a rare gem and it feels great.

Danielle is a beautiful soul. I felt comfortable telling her all my deepest darkest thoughts and secrets because I knew she could help me heal and would not judge me. I’d like to think of her as a Dr. of Love.

There is a formula to finding a soulmate and this is it!

— Diana M.

I had been in and out of traditional therapy for years before finding Danielle. I was feeling frustrated by the lack of support and direction that I was receiving and decided to look into life coaching. After a lot of googling I stumbled upon Danielle’s site and everything I read really spoke to me.

I had been having a hard time adjusting to Los Angeles, finding my place, and making friends. Exciting things were happening all around me, and I found myself incapable of enjoying them. In my first call with Danielle she was able to pinpoint the root of these issues. For the first time in a long time, I felt optimistic, that maybe I could create the life I had come out here to build.

I’ve spent the last six months working with Danielle, and I feel like an entirely new person. She gave me the tools to battle the years of negative self talk in my head, allowing me to create a life for myself that I truly enjoy. With her help I’ve strengthened the relationships I already had, built numerous new ones, moved to a new neighborhood that I love, and got a big promotion at work. Choosing to work with Danielle is one of the best decisions I ever made. I highly recommend her!

— Andrea Del Frate, Los Angeles, CA

I first contacted Danielle a few years ago because I was feeling frustrated with my 5 year relationship. I’d read all the books and tried various ways to fix the issues, but something still wasn’t working. Plus, I was spending so much time thinking about my relationship that my business was becoming stagnant. I needed help and accountability.

With Danielle’s help, I uncovered blocks and areas where I was settling for a relationship that wasn’t the right fit. I thought my “dream man” didn’t exist, but those beliefs were part of the problem! I’m now in an amazing relationship with someone who adores me and balances me out in all the right ways. He cheers me on in the work that I do and always has my back. Being an entrepreneur is a roller coaster, so having a supportive relationship is a must!

The best part is that I wasn’t even searching for my current partner when he showed up. Once I removed my limiting beliefs about love, I was able to attract the right person into my life. I now feel confident in my relationship and the love spills over into my business. I can’t recommend Danielle enough!

— Danielle Zeigler, SEO + Digital Marketing Strategist,  Pittsburgh PA

Before working with Danielle, I was totally unaware of who I was being in relationship to myself and those around me. I thought I was picking up the phone to receive career advice and instead what I received was an abundance of knowledge, love and respect for myself and a newfound appreciation for my constant evolution. 

I remember our first call I said, “Well, I am not a broken woman, I don’t NEED help!” Boy was I wrong. Without even knowing it, I was on a path of a total spiritual and mental make over and man, has it been worth it!

She was so patient, so compassionate and also so willing to go where I wanted to go and also give me space to fail and pick myself back up again. If you are wondering if it is worth the investment, I would say, 100%.  YOU are worth anything that can be so life changing. I am still and always will be growing, but after working with Danielle this last year, I can safely say I have become a stronger, happier and more successful human in this world.

— Aly Raymer, Senior Lead Instructor & Director of Talent at B/SPOKE Studios Indoor Cycling, Boston, MA

Coaching with Danielle has been an amazing source of guidance, support and inspiration at a time when I have needed it most. Danielle allows me to be raw and real, while listening and offering meaningful feedback, actionable solutions and shifts in perspective that I’m not always capable of seeing on my own.

Since working with Danielle I have made some big changes in my life: I switched jobs, completed grad school, launched a business and have become more comfortable with scary-and-exciting-as-hell life transformation along the way.

Working with Danielle has allowed me to stay grounded in the midst launching my dreams. She has also helped me remain gentle, kind and patient with myself, while still focusing on the things that matter most in my life. Danielle has been a fierce mentor and is a true example of the transformative power of an insightful, empowering coach. Danielle is a kind-hearted, kindred spirit and I’m so grateful she has shared her life’s work with me.

— Rebecca Stapley, HigherEd Marketing professional, Yoga Teacher + Owner of Honey & Thistle Co.

In the 6 months that I worked with Danielle, I was able to make a huge transformation with my life! After being stuck in a rut for far too long, she helped me to become mindful, joyful, and peaceful again. Hallelujah! Through her program, I was able to gain control of my thought life which provided the fertile ground needed for me to get healthy spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially. She is worth every penny. I would highly recommend. Two thumbs up!

— Jennifer Washington, Evo Marketing

I have found Danielle’s courses and our one-on-one telephone sessions to be so enlightening, and they’ve helped clarify so many issues for me. My life is wonderful but with Danielle’s assistance I feel confident that my life will be even bigger and better than ever before, and my dreams are going to move from the dream to reality.

Danielle quickly pinpointed the mindsets and behavior that left me feeling overwhelmed and anxious. In our countless rich and meaningful conversations I felt seen and heard. Danielle is not only a coach, she’s your friend. Together, we carved a path forward into my true potential to feel more happy and at ease- no matter what.  And for this, I’m so grateful. 

Running a successful Australia-wide company with several staff, traveling overseas on business, being a wife, mother, daughter to an elderly mother, running a large home plus life in general is a constant juggling act and can often leave one feeling exhausted and unmotivated.

And yet, when Danielle showed me how to give myself the same support I so freely give everyone else, I flourished. Life is still chaotic but I now have the confidence and tools to root down, ground and find my happy place amidst the storm! 

I have established a beautiful new routine in my life which has left me feeling very calm, in control but most surprisingly very happy and peaceful. Danielle has given me a new perspective and a new lease of life which I am relishing.

— Sue Marks, MarketLink Promotions, Australia

Working with Danielle afforded me the insight, perspective, and guidance I needed to navigate some significant life changes when I was feeling stuck. Danielle has an uncanny ability to help others move past personal roadblocks with real, actionable steps.

Before working with Danielle, I was feeling stagnant in my career path, unsure of how to best use my talents in a way that brought me a sense of fulfillment and joy. I knew I needed a change, but having a mentor and coach like Danielle was instrumental in moving forward.

Since working with Danielle, I’ve gained clarity in my career goals, launched a business, and learned how to find more balance and ease in my life. I am so thankful that working with Danielle helped me gain the courage and confidence to make positive changes that once seemed overwhelming.

— Kristin Imber, Wellness Coach, Venice CA

Earlier this year, I realized that I was surrounded with toxic people, relationships, and environments not understanding what toxic really meant. No matter what I did to get out of this cycle I found myself in the same situation facing the same type of people. I felt hopeless and started putting myself down.

I Google searched life coaches and came across Danielle’s life coaching website. After browsing her site and trying out some of Danielle’s workbooks for a bit, I saw progress and change within my life. This is when I decided to give life coaching a try.

Through Danielle’s very warm, loving and friendly coaching sessions I was able to change my mindset and pull myself out of this cycle. I felt stuck and now I feel free with new direction for my life. I feel very grateful that I stumbled upon Danielle’s website that day, to have this opportunity to change my life around!

— Cynthia Kim, NYC, NY

I have been a reader of Danielle’s blog since I saw a video interview with her a few years ago and have always been a fan of her style. After doing the free discovery call, I made the decision to work with her and I am so happy that I did! My life is in a primarily good place-I have a great relationship, wonderful friends and an active social life, a job I enjoy that provides me with financial stability, and the opportunity to work on my passion project. But, I felt at a place where I wanted to uplevel and take my life from “mostly good” to “amazing” and so decided I needed to put in some additional work to get there.

One of the main things I wanted to accomplish was working towards a move to Los Angeles- I have been in a long distance relationship for several years and we have been talking about moving in together.  My ideal vision was to work remotely for the company I currently work for, but I was scared to approach my boss. Danielle helped me work through my fears and also helped me put together a practical plan to approach him. When I did speak to him about it, not only did I feel prepared with what to say, I also felt in a positive mindset about the request. And he said yes! This is something I have been going over mentally alone for over a year and it took only a few weeks with Danielle to turn this into a reality.

I now notice my thoughts more and pay more attention to questioning and changing those thoughts that do not serve me. I would recommend Danielle to anyone looking to create her dream life- She will help you work through the things that may be holding you back, help you believe that your dreams are possible, and also give you practical guidance on how to make those dreams a reality! 100% worth the investment.
— Krissy Froelich, Chicago, IL

Having found Danielle through her articles on one of my go-to wellness sites, MindBodyGreen,  I’d always thought: “I dig this gal. She seems like my combination of whimsical and practical- not to mention her spunky, magenta-lipped, red-headed, Jersey-girl swag! If ever I wanted a professional take on some of the things I’d like to see grow in my life, she’s who I’d call.” Well, that day came. And, lemme tell ya- best thing I’ve done this year, so far.

From Moment One, Danielle felt like a friend. She gave me energy, hope, support, and validation. I’d come out of my bedroom after a session and my roommate would say, “Was that a Danielle call?” She could always tell.

For those working through some romantic “tough stuff” like I was, Danielle has the most beautiful way of validating what was, to prompt a celebration of what is- and what’s to be! Many times over the months that we worked together during her program Mindfulness, Money and Men, I’d go back to one of her phrases: “If it’s a benevolent Universe- and I think it is- and absolutely everything that happens serves our highest good, then [insert Life situation, tough or triumphant, here] must be the best thing ever!” Any time I asked the question “why,” she insisted that I journal, meditate on, pray about what the answer might be- as ever, from the standpoint that Life exists to serve, not to punish, the people through whom it works. I learned to use “why” as a method of self-discovery, another step along the path to peace, rather than its more common use as a lamentation that kept me in suffering. 

I’ve gained clearer ideas of what I want in work and love and every day, I become more grounded in the knowledge of how deserving I am of just exactly these things- no exceptions! Indeed, Love can only do its best work when its creation is thriving, right? Working with Danielle has helped me embrace the Truth that we’re all here to find out what “thrive” means to us- and get busy living it! It’s not only our right, it’s our duty to the continuation of this beautiful Life!

Give Danielle a call, y’all- you won’t be sorry.

— Melissa H.


I took advantage of Danielle’s free discovery call after following her work for several years and it’s the BEST action I have ever taken on my path to self-discovery and fulfillment. Our initial call changed EVERYTHING and FAST. With Danielle’s unwavering encouragement and support, in less than 6 months, my passion project is launching into a full-on business, I’m ready to start dating again and I’m feeling more happy and fulfilled in my life than ever before. Through her program Mindfulness, Money and Men, I had a truckload of “aha” moments and “holy shit” discoveries and I’m moving forward with more clarity than I’ve ever had in my life. And what’s even better? I know Danielle will always be there for me when I need her so I can move forward with a confidence that if I fall, I have someone to help me get back up.
What it boils down to is this: Danielle is a unicorn.  Like, no lie…a REAL LIFE UNICORN and EVERYONE needs a unicorn to help them fly!
— Amanda Meyer

I am stronger and braver than I ever thought I could be, and healthier too! So much love for Danielle!

— Christine Lear, New Jersey

I worked with Danielle in a state of so much self-doubt that I was not even sure if I should commit to coaching. I leaped into trusting her, the process and her program Mindfulness, Money and Men and I am so happy I did. Danielle has a beautiful spirit and provided a strong net to catch all my fears and wrap them into an action plan that we devised in a beautiful partnership. Danielle has mastered the art of being an expert coach, friend, astute observer and master organizer. In a few short months, my friends and family have talked about how happy and confident I am. Most importantly, I have built a solid foundation of self love and trust in myself. I have released my struggle on life and replaced it with joy.
— Annie  B.,  Washington, DC

I can’t even fully express the gratitude and guidance that this course and Danielle has done for me! Danielle is an awesome listener and fully attends to your passions and dreams. She is like the best friend/big sister you’ve always needed in your life. She is encouraging and truly authentic. Mindfulness, Money, and Men was a life transforming course for me. The course was presented by the Universe at a transition period in my life.  I feel that I learned how to attract and manifest the things I want in my life. The thin I took the away from the most was that creating the life you want is for you. No one has to understand it because it is for you, your own path. Lastly, realizing your thoughts are not you, they are not real, and you can change them ultimately to change your entire life. I highly recommend taking this course to change your life and your thoughts!!!
— Shanee Fulton

Call it divine intervention, luck, or fate, but Danielle came into my life at a time when I needed her- in the few weeks we have been working together, my life has changed drastically for the better. Mindfulness, Money and Men is full of helpful and inspiring videos and worksheets, and the one-on-one calls have helped me discover things about myself that 25 years of therapy couldn’t even get close to. I am more confident, focused, and self aware. This is the best money I have ever spent; I couldn’t be more grateful for her authentic assistance and support.

— Laura Frances Merin, NYC

I’ve been a client of Danielle’s for the past 6 years during key times in my life.  She is a blessing to work with!  Throughout pivotal moments in my life she’s provided support, strength, acceptance, and guidance allowing me to move from my challenges into my greater purpose and authentic self.  She has a divine quality to know when her clients are ready to soar and make their next move in life, love, and belief in oneself.  She has a gentleness of a lamb and strength of a lion in her coaching and passion for you to showcase your amazing self.

Throughout my years with Danielle’s coaching, I’ve learned so much about myself.  Some examples include:

  • what I have to offer another person,
  • what I’m passionate about and how that fits into my career path,
  • how to move past your younger self struggles,
  • what it means to hold true to your commitments
  • how to ask for forgiveness
  • how to lower your emotional shields (body, mind, and spirit armor that we equipped ourselves with)
  • and most importantly what I have to offer back to myself

I’ve always been someone who did for others while depleting from me.  I now understand and live by the importance of self love and preservation in order to then reflect it back to love ones and the world.

She will honor you as you are, without judgment.  Danielle will be your cheerleader to go past your fears and conquer.  I can’t say enough about Danielle as a coach and mentor.  She’s an expert at what she does, she’s an entrepreneur who will assess how to best work with your strengths and weaknesses, and will get you energized!

— Melissa Wayno

Danielle helped me when I was first hit with the very thing no other woman or anyone tells you about after birth . The topic deemed shameful that no one wants to admit happens ! Post partum depression.. … As a young mother with my first child I was petrified to feel alone and depressed after giving birth. Those feelings were not what I was expecting to be feeling. Many women came up and were beaming and smiling at my baby and I, only I could not understand the joy that was floating around in the air. Post Partum depression is extremely scary and alienating , and that is when I turned to Danielle for help. Danielle let me open right up, and assessed my situation so that she can help me make the appropriate changes to help battle post partum. She helped me from a therapeutic approach as well as a nutritional . She felt my lack of nutrition after birth played a small part in my depression and that is when she assisted with putting together a nice nutritional plan as well. Danielle! You definitely helped me. Every woman I came across looked at me funny and treated post partum as something to be shameful about . You let me open right up and helped me make the appropriate changes . I can not thank you enough for your kindness and empathy. Your big heart lets your clients connect to you instantly and not feel shameful about their challenges and situations. The world and women need more people like you. Danielle your amazinggggg!!!

— Noha Z.

Before I found Danielle, I had this feeling that something just didn’t feel right. I felt like I was running in place both in my career, and in my relationships. I knew I needed a new perspective and a tangible plan. So I consulted with Google and I came across Danielle’s website and immediately I felt like I had found what I was looking for in a Mentor/Coach! Her coaching style seemed both positive and impactful, so I called her right away and we have been jamming ever since! 

It’s hard to put into words the amount that Daniele has helped me. Things came up during our conversations that I never knew existed in my thought process. She has a way of gently guiding me to my own answers and that is an amazing feeling. Because of our sessions I feel empowered, truthful, and more kind to myself after just a few months of working with her. I wake up early now after never being an early riser, I work out (happily), I have been making incredible strides in my television career, I feel resolved regarding  past hurts, my relationships are so much better, and the list goes on!
Now Danielle feels more like a friend who happens to be freaking Awesome Life Coach and Mentor and I’m so happy that Google sent her my way.   Thank you Danielle!
-Jennifer O. Reed, Singer, Songwriter & TV Producer, Los Angeles, CA 

When I decided to shift my business into coaching, I knew I wanted an established coach to help me through the process.  Which is why I’m so glad I found Danielle!  I was able to get all of my questions and concerns addressed + lots of resources to keep me moving forward long after our call was over.

And it’s not just the logistics of starting a business that Danielle shared with me (in the GORGEOUS Workbook that comes with the session) as she also helped me address the personal aspects of entrepreneurship.  I knew from working for myself for over a year that your fears and limiting beliefs in life will show up in your business if you don’t handle them.

Danielle talked through ALL of my concerns, fears, and wildest hopes with enthusiasm and sensitivity.  I left our session feeling so supported and with a clear vision of what to do next.  Danielle is extraordinarily generous of heart + time and I highly recommend working with her.

-Samantha Harper, Chef

I realized very early on in my career that the job I moved halfway across the country to pursue wasn’t everything I hoped or thought it would be; I felt lost and unsure of my next steps. When a dear friend of mine introduced me to Danielle, my head was clouded with confusion, my soul was filled with fear, and my heart was in a very unhappy and empty place.

I had never worked with a therapist or life coach, so admittedly I was very hesitant, guarded, and frankly a little skeptical. Less than 15 minutes into my first “informational call” with Danielle, I felt my defensive shield start to fade away. I am not exaggerating when I say that my attitude and outlook did a complete 180 by the time our conversation came to an end. I knew in my heart this was meant to be, and my search for a professional was over just as quickly as it started.

What was initially so appealing to me about Danielle was that she is both a psychologist and a life coach. It was important to me that I found someone who has the education to explain the “why” behind my thoughts and feelings, but also capable of providing clear direction for moving forward. Aside from her credentials and experience, Danielle is a warm, caring, compassionate, empathetic, joyful, and beautiful person both inside and out. She has a calm, uplifting presence that is soothing to the soul. I always look forward to our conversations and know without a shadow of a doubt that I will hang up the phone feeling rejuvenated, encouraged, and fearless.

In only six one-hour sessions, Danielle helped me gain clarity to identify my true passion, realize I can turn that into a fulfilling career, provided guidance in creating a doable action plan, and gave me the confidence I needed to make it all happen. Thank you, Danielle, for all you’ve done and all you continue to do. You’ve changed my life for the better, and I have never been more excited to see what the future has in store!

-Mallorie S., Los Angeles, CA
When I first connected with Danielle via phone I knew that she was a compatible match for me. Her bright, witty, down to earth and practical approach to things really resonated with me in a deep way. She has a way of taking challenges that feel dense and heavy and making them feel doable and light. She’s taught me to be kind to myself, to keep moving forward in spite of my own fear and celebrate every step while doing so(which I’ve loved) !! She’s organized, creative and thinks outside the box. I find her inspiring and would recommend her to anyone who is interested in growing personally and in their business ventures. This lady has some real know how to offer!!
-Bobbie Boggs, Los Angeles, CA

I was first introduced to Danielle through a friend of mine, who also happened to be one of her clients. I was looking for guidance in my career, as it had always been a struggle in my life. I could always find a job, but nothing ever really seemed to “fit”.

Danielle was able to show me what I had always known about myself, and maybe what I was too afraid to admit — I didn’t want to be behind a desk! I wanted to be outside, working one-on-one with people improving their health and wellness. I also, at 32, wanted to go back to school for nursing!

Growing up I was always taught that success came from hard work, in the form a 9-5 desk job. However, I just wasn’t finding the success I wanted and I couldn’t figure out why. Turns out, that’s just not what my soul was here to do.

Danielle removed all barriers for me, and created an actionable plan, that allowed me to explore these opportunities. While she couldn’t eliminate fear for me, she showed me how to lean into that fear…and leap. She taught me how to trust the timing of my life.

Since that first session, Danielle has supported me showing me encouragement, honesty, and compassion every step of the way. She is a coach, a mentor, and a friend. I will continue to work with her through my career, and will owe my happiness in large part, to her.

-Laura Flynn, Los Angeles, CA 

Danielle came highly recommended from my personal life coach for business coaching. From the moment I was connected with Danielle I felt valued, appreciated, and talented. Her thoughtfully crafted intake questionnaire got me thinking hard about the values, ideas, and talents that I wanted to share with the world- even before we had the pleasure of meeting (!)- and left me feeling super set up to have a powerful conversation about how I want to show up for the world, both personally and professionally.

I was so impressed by how well she knew me and how powerfully she read through my blog to give me insights into creating a new business. She quickly and easily showed me how to generate my own content for an upcoming business website and left me with a few takeaway assignments to keep the ball rolling. I am so grateful for her encouragement and for showing me it is not as impossible as I was making it seem to create a life and business that I’m in love with!

I would highly recommend Danielle for any budding entrepreneur(ess) looking for some great tools, wisdom, and actionable steps to make a difference in this world!

-Wren Peters, The Mighty Wren

After following Danielle’s blog for several months, I knew she was the right person to reach out to when I hit a crossroads in my career and life. I contacted Danielle online, and she was very responsive in setting up a phone session to discuss my challenges. Danielle was understanding of my predicament and offered advice and perspective that I never would have realized on my own. After just 90 minutes with Danielle, I felt better armed to move forward in the right direction. She also was quick to send me follow-up information and contacts that helped me take action on the items we discussed. Danielle is truly caring, warm and enthusiastic about helping her clients, and I would encourage anyone on the fence about making the connection to just go for it!

-Jen Zick, Newport Beach, CA

“I was so very lucky to find Danielle at the right time in my professional and personal life. Danielle provided me with the direction and confidence to re-brand my wedding planning business. Danielle comes with a team of highly skilled women who were willing to work alongside me as I learned how to re-build my website and become a stronger content blogger. Danielle has fantastic ideas and a sharp eye for beautiful design.
Personally, Danielle gave me the reassurance that it is ok just to be me and not to be afraid of judgement. She still reminds me not to listen to negative chatter and instead focus on love and gratitude. Just like a personal trainer, Danielle provides you with the enthusiasm and direction and you do the heavy lifting. If you are ready to put in the work then Danielle is the perfect person to coach you through anything!”
-Victoria Flame, Victoria Flame Events, Los Angeles, CA

From the moment I stumbled on Danielle’s blog I was hooked – I immediately went to spend the next 3 hours consuming everything on her site and downloading her fab eBook the Soul Sessions. Then in our first coaching sessions I was blown away by Danielle’s incredible generosity and kind-hearted spirit. I love that Danielle has ‘been there and done that’ – she is a woman who stands by her values and helped remind me what mine are.

Working with Danielle was one of the best investments I’ve made in myself – to get clarity, perspective and bounce around the many things I had on repeat in my head was invaluable. Following our sessions I knew I could move forward with confidence and a fresh perspective.

Rachel Gadiel, Creator of Nourish a wellness and inspiration blog, Sydney, Australia

I’ve been working with Danielle for over six months, and I can’t say enough good things about this girl! I came to Danielle when my life had hit rock bottom -I was depressed, overweight, and lonely. In six months time, she has really helped me to change my life around. I’ve lost over 30 pounds and have stopped eating emotionally, I’ve made new friends and created a more full social life for myself, and I’ve even started dating again. I had been struggling for a few years to make these changes, and I couldn’t have gotten there without her coaching, encouragement and support.

She has given me so many useful tools to implement, and taught me how to change my thought patterns by thinking of thoughts in terms of love versus fear. I had been trying to make important changes in my life for several years but had been repeating the same patterns over and over again. I am grateful that I found Danielle and credit her with pulling me out of my old patterns and ways of thinking.

I was originally drawn to her because she is so bright and intelligent, and her ideas and ways of attacking the problems that I raise are very creative. I’ve always looked forward to our weekly calls, and I’ve always felt acceptance, encouragement and excitement from her. I truly feel that she applies the principles she teaches me in her everyday life- and the objective results that she has gotten in her life (finding love, launching a successful coaching practice and writing (the kick-ass Soul Sessions book) inspire me to continue down my own path with her assistance.

If you are tired of the same-old advice and are looking for something new (like I was!), I highly recommend Danielle. You won’t find a more compassionate, smart, creative, hard-working, and joyful person – and you will learn A LOT about how to change your life, very quickly. I’ve made huge strides in my life, and I couldn’t have done it without Danielle by my side!

-Jessica F., Attorney, NYC, NY

I am very grateful to have Danielle’s support and counsel in my business and in my personal life. Danielle has helped me in getting things done on the goal-line and also in being more free to go out and date. I have now set up my business consulting practice thanks to the accountability, advice, and encouragement from Danielle. I also have been super busy dating this whole summer almost on a weekly basis! Overall, I have experienced an increasing amount of joy and satisfaction in many areas of my life. Before I hired Danielle, I was actually quite frustrated with myself in my romantic life because dating just seemed so overwhelming. I found myself not willing to go out and meet guys. Of course, I didn’t get a date! However, after I started coaching with Danielle, I listened to Danielle’s encouragement and became more open. I went online dating, speed dating, and even dating at Wholefoods!  I met guys everywhere and it was a great experience for me to get out. I realize that there are actually a lot of good guys out there. While I have yet to meet the One, I am hopeful and do not feel stress like I used to about dating. It is a BIG progress for me that my heart is finally open once again. On the practical business front, I also didn’t have much movement before our coaching, mostly out of my personal fears. My energy was scattered because I was running a business in Chicago, another business here in LA, and I knew I wanted to change direction, but I just couldn’t make myself do it. Now, my head is much more clear about what I want. It did take some work, but Danielle patiently and lovingly guided me through each step. Now, I finally feel like I have a handle on my business and how I generate income. My business life is now coming into alignment with my personal values.Thank you, Danielle, for the all of your support, guidance, and inspiration. You are such a role model and example to me that I can have ALL that I want in my life. I look forward to our continuing coaching together.
-Xixi Cheng, Business Consultant & Spiritual Psychologist

Danielle Dowling is a a true visionary. She has been by my side since I first had the thoughts of launching my own business. Now less then 6 months later my dream is a reality. She took my vision and broke it down into simple steps that allowed me to achieve it. She also introduced me to her amazing network of contacts to assist with marketing, social media strategy, graphic design, website development, SEO and copy writing.

Danielle is a shining light that has guided my journey!! I am grateful to have her support, expertise and love throughout the entire launch process and into the future of my life coaching career. If you are thinking about launching a business or just need a positive life inspiration, Danielle Dowling is a MUST!!

– Morgan Northway, Life Coach and Founder of Morgan Northway

I was stuck, no motivation, no direction, overwhelmed by everything and at the same time feeling like I wasn’t doing enough. Nothing was obviously wrong, but I was never satisfied with where I was. Frozen by the guilt of feeling like there “should be more” and the disappointment of not doing something about it.

I wanted to find that sweet spot of doing the “big work” I know I was  born to do while also relaxing into laughing, loving and enjoying. I wanted to fall back in love with my partner, come home to a home that feels like a true and beautiful refuge. I wanted to look amazing and just take a deep breath.  

Danielle has helped me become clearer, braver and more confident in my career and my heart.  I say no to people, circumstances and demands that make me feel heavy and yes to opportunities that light me up! Danielle is also a big reason why my boring brown bedroom curtains are now a peaceful sky blue and my boudoir feels like a sanctuary! 

I am forever grateful for the guidance she has given me to help shift my perspective and attract positivity. She is a constant source of inspiration and I look forward to continuing the journey!

-Natalie Hagnee, Los Angles, CA

Danielle is an amazing life coach! I started my own non-profit for animals last year and shortly after receiving my 501(c)(3) status I realized I needed some guidance, direction and clarity. I researched life coaches and found several articles written by Danielle. After reading the articles and looking through her website the material really resonated with me so I reached out to her.

During our first phone conversation I instantly connected with her. Every time we talked she inspired me in so many ways. She also gave me actionable steps to take and held me accountable for completing those steps. Sometimes in life we are held back from doing things we truly want to do because of limiting beliefs but Danielle makes you believe that anything is possible.

She gave me a variety of tools to work with and also put me in touch with a graphic designer who I continue to work with. I’m so grateful to have worked with Danielle and I will continue working with her in the future. She truly feels like a friend to me and I can’t thank her enough for her guidance and encouragement.

-Mindy Falzarano, Founder & Executive Director, Happy Animal Project, Inc. (HAPI)

For the past 17 years, my core aspirations have been personal growth and finding joy independent of external circumstances. I’ve tried yoga, retreats, therapy, group sessions and multiple religious avenues in the hopes of achieving this. Instead, I’ve spent a great deal of money and ended up more confused. Knowledge of WHY I act in a particular way is important, however, introspection can only bring me so far. I’m about as self-aware as I ever would want to be in this life; self-knowledge is not the issue. Rather, my struggles come from not taking the proper actions to get different results.

This is where Danielle changed things and consequently changed my life. She continues to find new ways to remind me that a belief is just a thought I keep on thinking. She has cultivated real life and actionable items for me to take in order to begin a real period of transformation. Through her targeted guidance I have been able to see results quickly.  Not only have the “outsides” started looking different, but more importantly,

I finally understand the concept of self-worth and self-love, the most priceless gifts in my life. This is a direct result of my implicit trust in her guidance. Moreover, Danielle’s empathy, wisdom and true compassion make her the best type of coach I could ever envision.

-Jacqueline Kravette, Los Angeles, CA

I was going through a lot and really wanted to explore working with a life coach. I did a Google search and found Danielle. I reviewed her website and some of her posts. Her material and message really resonated with me. From what I saw, she seemed super knowledgeable, very approachable and both funny and fun.I’ve been working with Danielle for a little over four months now and it’s been amazing!  I love her approach to coaching and to life.
She is very knowledgeable, straightforward and fun to work with. I feel like I can be myself. I’ve been able to re-focus on the important stuff in my life.After our sessions, I feel a renewed sense of purpose and a clearer vision of where I want my life to go. I’ve been able to incorporate her advice into so many aspects of my life with great success.
She’s also very punctual and often sends inspiring feedback from our conversations the day after a session. I go back often and re-read her emails in between sessions.I know I am capable of greatness and worthy of happiness.
Danielle’s just helping me get “there” a lot faster.
I recommend her to all my friends and am truly grateful I found her.

-Mary Hawkins, Los Angeles, CA

Two words that I use to describe Danielle … LIFE CHANGER! Thanks to Danielle I feel lighter + boundless. She’s helped me to rediscover my true self, to redirect my energy + focus on the things I needed to get done. She has shared effective tools with me to help settle my soul + set me on the right path to accomplish my dreams. I will be forever grateful for meeting Danielle and consider her a dear friend!

— Sarah McGovern, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Timing. Is. Everything. Danielle serendipitously came into my life at the right moment, the right *exact* time… a time where I *knew* I needed radical and sweeping changes, but felt paralyzed…. I could not find the focus or the clarity to get me to my next level, the next shining step in my life that I knew I needed to take. I was spinning my wheels and not getting anywhere, and I knew I needed someone or something to help get me there. Danielle helped me with such focus, clarity, compassion. She comes from such a loving place and empowered me to take my life back into my own hands. To see who I am, what I am fully capable of, and best of all- empower ME to get to where I need to be, all with an approach of loving and kind guidance. Danielle helped to awaken the power that was within me, that I knew I had, but that had been suppressed, repressed and forgotten. She listens, she talks and she guides with empathy, grace and love that translates into tangible results.
— Jessica Yaw, Owner, Meadowlark Botanical Organic Bath and Body Products

After a year of therapy, I still felt the same feelings of emptiness and unhappiness. Determined to overcome these feelings I hired Danielle. We worked together over a couple of months and she was an absolute blessing. Not only did we define the issues that were causing these feelings, but she also provided some tools to help me move into the light. Through working with her I realized how special my life is. Danielle provides a safe environment to speak freely and her method makes one truly reflect on themselves through love and positivity. I couldn’t be in a happier place in my personal and professional life; Thank you Danielle!
— Christina Diaz, Young Professional

Danielle is wise beyond her years.  She siphoned through my personal, professional and life challenges, helped to redirect my thoughts and emotions, and offered solutions to looong-standing issues I had battled with.  Her soft spoken, compassionate heart and non-judgmental approach made me feel like I was talking to a sister or girlfriend.  Danielle is able to articulate what sometimes is difficult to put into words.  Such a kind, patient and supportive soul.  Danielle has been a beautiful gift to me, and I think of her as a friend. Forever grateful.
— Chandra Jean, Beauty Coach + Founder, The U Project

I came to work with Danielle during a period of change in my life. Unlike other counselors I’ve worked with in the past, Danielle quickly honed in on a couple of key patterns that I have struggled with, and am continuing to learn how to deal with. Working with her was about finding practical, no-nonsense solutions to these roadblocking patterns, and it was always done with humor and grace. I instantly connected with her, even over the phone, and her straightforward approach helped me move through a difficult period with far more ease than I could have predicted. I cannot recommend Danielle enough!
— Courtney Scott, London England

After a very unexpected divorce, I found myself with a head full of a hundred voices telling me what to do with my life, but pointing me in all different directions.  I knew that there was more to life; I wasn’t meant to just go out and get any ol’ job, and merely exist for the rest of my life.

Working with Danielle helped me to sift through all those voices, to find the ones that were most important to getting to my truth.  And once I figured out what that truth was, we started setting goals and focusing on them.  Focus, sweet sweet focus.  And I never would have had it if I hadn’t worked with Danielle.  I cannot tell you how much more confident I am knowing that I didn’t pick the easiest and quickest options, but Danielle helped me do the soul-searching that helped me figure out just how important it was to me to go back to school and get my degree, the right degree. But our work didn’t just stop there.  Many years ago I started a spiritual journey – the kind where you find yourself asking so many questions but not finding any of the answers.  Again, Danielle helped me down a path where I’m finding my answers and finding my truth.  And she makes it so easy – even though I make everything so hard.

I have found myself on the other side of a MAJOR transition, thanks to Danielle.  And I’m so much happier and so much more secure knowing I’m on this path of adventures and not crazily spinning out of control as I was before our work.
— Donna Chance, Dallas, TX

Danielle Dowling is a visionary life-changer.  She will make you question everything you are, turn your universe upside down and build you back up into a new, authentic, fearless YOU. She is the non-judgmental best friend who pushes you to question everything you ever thought you were.

Sometimes you go through life doing things because you “should”.  Society says you “should”, family says you “should”, friends say you “should”.  She forces you to look inward and ask yourself the authentic, earth shattering question, “what do YOU want?”What are you currently doing that doesn’t align with your pure truth.  She challenges you to look at your habits and annihilate any inauthenticity surrounding your actions.  She leads you down a path of exploring who you really are, why you are here and kick the unnecessary habits of fear, worry, and anxiety.

She makes you believe that anything is possible. Because it is.  I am a truly empowered woman because of our work together.
— Danielle Chayot, NYC, NY

I  began speaking with Danielle a few month ago when I felt a bit lost in my life in terms of dating relationships. All else was great; work, family, friends but I just felt like I had so much to give to someone special and couldn’t seem to get this part of my life to work. I knew i deserved more… so, how to get it?

Danielle has such a warm soul that you instantly feel at peace in your discussion and that you can trust her with your thoughts & feelings. She offered me a safe place to lower my shields and show vulnerability to get to the heart of the issues that were standing in the way of my happiness. She taught me to put me first, I am who I have for life and I am my first priority. In loving me first, I am capable of receiving the love I deserve in a healthy way.

We focused first on the understanding of me and who I am, what experiences have created my current me in order to understand why I’m at this point of my life. Once we understood me, we had discussions that delved into current situations as well as how they tied into my past. Most importantly we always stuck to me, what I needed, why I felt the way I did and how to achieve my happiness.

Within a few weeks I noticed a change within myself, a new perspective if you will. It was exciting to notice it and see the change in my behavior. It was a “letting go” of what I couldn’t control and shifting the focus to me. It was an internal reassurance that it will work out and all I can control is me and what I deserve and demand for myself. Know me & Love me and it will come. Thank you Danielle for that.

Danielle sent me inspirational messages and re-cap notes after our sessions that I keep with me to keep me on track. She still feels like a close friend who cares about my future. Its a good feeling to know she is there and is invested in me. I strive to do her proud in my daily ventures, not just for her but because I know that doing her proud is doing Anna proud and will give me all that I Deserve and Dream of.
— Anna Johnson,  V.P. Design & Merchandising,   Orient Express Furniture

I came to Danielle after a period of great change in my personal and work life, and after a few good knocks to my confidence. I was craving focus and direction and desperate to create a life that left me excited to start every new day. In a couple of months Danielle has help me find the way back to my authentic self, strive against my weaknesses and reconnect with my strengths. I am pursuing my passion projects, creating balance and reaching for everything life can bring. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be who I am today without Danielle and cannot express enough gratitude for how she has changed my life. My days are now filled with exploring, dreaming and whole-hearted living – and I have a feeling this is just the beginning!
— Clare Thomas, London England

As someone that is seeking to be my best self, I am so glad that I contacted Danielle.  She has been so helpful in listening, guiding me, encouraging me and giving me tools to help myself.  When you get to know Danielle you know that she is doing what she is meant to do, she is just THAT GOOD.  She’s also a riot and I feel like I’ve made a friend.
— K. Vinot, Atlanta, Georgia

I’ve worked with many coaches and teachers and a therapist, but never felt the depth of connection as I did with Danielle. We’ve only recently begun working together but from my first session with her, she hit the nail on the head and pinpointed exactly what I was struggling with in my life, both professionally and personally. She cuts through the chatter and gets to the point, deciphering the deeper meaning out of what I’m trying to express, and giving me the tools to find clarity and understanding. When I’m working with Danielle, I feel like she really “gets” me and sees the best in me – then helps me to see it in myself. I’m so grateful to have met her and look forward to continuing working with her!
Christina Topham, Writer & Chef
WOW – isn’t it incredible how hard one can fall from the punches that life delivers? What a gift to have found Danielle! It has been the needed hope and belief that I was looking for to build the change I knew I needed.  She listened and said yep that is messy and complicated but you get to choose how you deal with it and what happens next.  She has been like that amazing girlfriend who guides you and reminds you of how incredible you are and that you are capable of being the change agent for yourself. The stuff we know but doubt and fear when roads get rocky.  While I asked Danielle to help me solve and prioritize for what felt like a massive uncontrollable vortex of life chaos – she has really lead me to adopt a new life philosophy which will always be bigger than any obstacle and will provide grounding and application to all my next chapters.
— Kristi Lind, Managing Director- Omnicom, Endurance Athlete. Laguna Beach, CA
My experience with Danielle is immeasurable in value. I started seeing her because I was at a transition point and knew I wasn’t living my best life but couldn’t pinpoint the problem.  Within the first session she helped set me on a path towards peace by untangling my thoughts and circumstances with compassion, wisdom, and guidance.  Danielle was able to find the language and techniques that extracted the most out of me so that I was eventually able to get out of the fog and live the life I intend rather than be a victim.   Danielle’s coaching is something I always look forward to because I know that regardless of what is going on in my life, she will help me find the best path for me which in turn is energizing, positive, and empowering.
— Arielle Adelman, Wellness Coach, Relish Life L.A.


Every time I feel my head is just going to pop right off my head, I contact Danielle.  Danielle always makes me feel like I’m talking with my girlfriend.  She is professional, but at the same time very real and caring.  Often with a scattered brain, I babble about three different issues – interchangeably.  Danielle somehow, in a very short period of time, hones in and gets to the meat. Danielle is not only friendly and understanding, she knows how to say it like it is without judgment and offers alternatives and tools to help clean out the mess. Danielle is an organizer of emotions – unclutters the mind.  She validates where you are, but helps you see forward and move in that direction. She has given me tools to deal with the very large life-changing situations I have recently found myself in.  Thank you, Danielle!
— Cathleen McGrath, photographer

Danielle did a soul sparkling job on me!

I hired Danielle to support me with some blocks I was experiencing in my life. She did a fabulous job at identifying underlining issues that I needed to come to term with. Working with her is pow wow amazing! We digged, scooped out some stuff that need to come out and now I am at a place of creation in life. Danielle has a gift at reading pretty quick in between the lines and calling one out on sabotaging behaviors with grace or even with just a question! It is scary-good how she does it. I experienced quite a few “I better recognize signs.” I feel lighter in a sense. I went through a soul and emotional cleansing working with her. Since working with Danielle-I have taken consistent bold actions in my life which are impacting my business, my life and my happiness.
— Luz, Founder, Happily Working

Working with Danielle has been a wonderful experience for me.  I find that she holds a strong and warm space for us to really get some work done.  I love the way she presents the world, how positive she is, and yet very practical, really encouraging me to be brave in specific ways.  She has really given me room to re-examine some old fears I’ve had that have kept me stuck for a long time and I am so grateful for our work.  Particularly, I have found myself to be more brave in my art, which means the world to me.  Thank you, Danielle, I am so grateful to you.
— Wendy Piatt, Singer & Songwriter

If you’re looking for someone to not just listen, but to get to the root of your roadblocks and teach you the life-long skills you need to create real, positive transformation in your life, Danielle is your answer. She is smart, spirited, empathetic, and an incredibly insightful coach and mentor. I came to Danielle looking for help with anxiety, but I’ve come to find that the wisdom she teaches is universal and applicable in ALL areas of life. Since working with Danielle, I’ve learned how to effectively manage fear, become more productive, begin (and stick to!) healthier exercise and eating habits, grow my business – and most importantly, how to be grateful and HAPPY! I can honestly say that working with Danielle has been hands-down the best investment I have made in myself.
— Meg Sylvia, Founder of Artful Publications
I knew many coaches I could work with, but none felt quite right.  What I wanted more than anything was to feel like I was talking to a girlfriend, a very wise girlfriend.  I found Danielle online and after reading over her website and a couple blogs, I knew she was the one. Love at first read!  I had business stuff, relationship stuff, and life stuff…Danielle was the perfect fit. She is super smart, fun, generous, compassionate, supportive, a fantastic listener, and WISE.  She held the space beautifully for me to download, sort, celebrate, and decide…I’m stepping into my next chapter feeling aligned and refreshed. Thank you Danielle!
— Hollie Flynn, Wellness Spark

Let me say I’m not a touchy feely type as Danielle can attest but she has eloquently coaxed what had started out as a tiny meow into a gentle roar.  I gain confidence every hour of everyday.  Mostly, she has given me the tools to be the best version of me, because as you may or may not know yet, you really can’t be anyone else... It’s a shitty game that you will never win.  Rock on and Mwah 🙂
— Tammy Bisco, Sales, New York City

Danielle! What hasn’t she helped me through? From breakups to business to breaking through fear to pursue my dreams, Danielle has been there every step of the way.

It isn’t just her impressive credentials, her fun and energetic approach to coaching or her ability to oh-so-kindly tell it like it is, that makes her the wonderful coach she is. Its that under it all, she truly cares about the people she works with and wants to empower us all to lead better lives. Having someone in my corner to push me, encourage me and inspire me has truly been a gift.

If you are struggling or stuck in any aspect of your life…Danielle’s your girl!

-Erica Mundy, Quebec, Natural Nutrition Student 

Danielle came into my life at a critical time and I’m so grateful she did. I was feeling lost, insecure and unsure of my next steps. I was interested in working with Danielle because of her dynamic credentials. In the past I’d steered away from any affiliation with “life coach,” but, Danielle’s medical background gave me total confidence that she wasn’t just another life coach. 

Her thoughtful and approachable technique of digging into my past and helping me harness my interests and strengths was absolutely essential to my growth. After six sessions I felt more in tune with my thoughts, goals and desires. She also helped me learn to be present — not just in the moment, but with channeling what’s important. 

I walked away from my experience with Danielle feeling empowered and motivated, and with a tool kit to continue to flourish. I would recommend Danielle’s services for anyone feeling lost, unsure of their next step or just wanting someone to talk to. She is life-changing!   -Elizabeth Johnson

To me, Danielle has been an inspiration, a guide, a ray of light, a soul mate, a friend… Apart from her extraordinary inner beauty, honesty and love which shines through every sentence, punctuation mark, word, smile and laughter, she has the ability to see you – the real you, the unseen you, the forgotten you, the you full of wonder, of light and potential. She can pick up from a random set of information the essential points that can help you remember who you are, the key words that are your real truth and shine on them her light and wisdom so you can see them without doubt or fear or confusion.

Working with Danielle has been an extraordinary and transformative experience. Her genuine joy for life and her passion for service of others is intoxicating. Being in her presence, even thousands of miles away, recharges you, gives you hope and trust that you are not alone in your journey, but you are seen, supported and guided with love by someone who has your back. What more can one want from a coach?
— Daniela Popa, London England

On her website, Danielle says she will help you “get unstuck” and “unlock insights into yourself.” And she’s right! When I met her, I was bogged down with feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy. During our first meeting, Danielle told me those things were untrue and she kept telling me until I could see it myself. She knew when to listen patiently and when to give me a swift kick to help me see through my own BS. Danielle gave me the tools and encouragement I needed to change my thought patterns and learn to love myself. I’m grateful for Danielle’s expertise and for her friendship.
—Kerri Morin, Los Angeles, CA

I love Danielle Dowling’s inspirational coaching. She’s like that wine drinking, straight talking best friend who will eat cupcakes with you but then drag you to go for a run with her to work off the calories. All the while telling you that you’re a pretty awesome person no matter how many cupcakes you eat. Does that makes sense? Either way: I agree with her: Expect Amazing
— Jamie Rose, Momenta Creative

Danielle is one of the most incredible women that I have ever met, she has not only helped me professionally but personally as well. She helped me through one of the hardest times in my personal life thus far and without her support I don’t know how I would have coped. Danielle is so down to earth and genuine that no matter what I am feeling I know I can turn to her without hesitation and I always walk away feeling more and peace and connected with myself and my purpose. Thank you Danielle!
— Chelsea Napuri,  Mom + Cake Bite Goddess, Los Angeles, CA

The beauty of working with Danielle, for me, is that she offers support and guidance in whatever areas I need to focus on in the moment. She helps me to determine life priorities and refocuses me to step by step reaching of goals. She has been an important confidant, guide, and cheerleader in both my personal and professional lives!
— Jennifer B., Santa Monica, CA