Join hundreds of smart, successful women just like you who are rewriting their love story……and calling in their husband!

Schedule A Discovery Call With Danielle!

You’re smart.

You’re attractive.

You’re loving.

You have close friends, a career that lights you up… You feel like you have everything… Except the unconditional love of the right man.

If you’re like most women, your LOVE goals have probably been hard-wired into you since you were a few years old…

Fall in love. Get married. Live happily ever after. Just like a storybook romance…right?

But for many women, despite all their best attempts to find The One…it just hasn’t happened yet.

You know the “attempts” I mean…
The nice guy that you had no spark with…
The not-so-nice guys that were super sexy, but way wrong for you…
The guys you met through friends, set-ups, and even online dating…

(Put yourself on an online site, and watch Mr. Right flock your way…right?)

And even if you do meet a guy, they leave you exhausted…
Exhausted from the lack of connection.
Exhausted from starting over at square one with each new potential guy.
Exhausted from the disappointment and damage that old boyfriends have left you with.
Exhausted from the all the self-help books and YouTube videos that get you nowhere.

And you’re left wondering…

“Why is it so hard to find a quality man?!
“Is it really too much to ask?”
“Am I getting too old?”
“Maybe I should just give up?”
“Is real love even out there?”

YES. Lasting love is out there.

And YES… I can show you how to find him.

SO…Why is it then…that some women can effortlessly find their SOULMATE, while others search for years and years… (only to feel like it’s their fate to end up alone?)

Finding a good man & future husbandThe truth is, EVERYONE has soulmate-level LOVE available to them.

But unfortunately, most women have never learned the skills necessary to access it…

Yep – that’s right…. Finding love is a SKILL.

…which may sound completely counter-intuitive…

Love should just be “natural”…right?

But think about it… The kind of love that you want is WAY different from what your grandparents (and their grandparents) had.

For centuries, LOVE meant “finding a mate”. But this old, outdated “love paradigm” is currently shifting.

And you desire more for yourself…
…you want to feel cherished.
…you want to be loved unconditionally.
…you want to be accepted (and even celebrated) the way you are.

You want a SOULMATE.

I can show you the skills necessary to not only develop a healthier, happier relationship with yourself…

… but also a healthy, loving relationship with the man of your dreams (faster than you could have ever imagined!)

Let’s face it…
You don’t want to find your Soul Mate in 5 years…
Or 3 years…
Or even 1 year from now…
You want to find a loving relationship with the man of your dreams NOW.

I will share with you a step-by-step blueprint of how to quickly let go of the pain from your past…
…and welcome in a man that will love you, support you and believe in you for the rest of your life.

how to find your dream relationship & future husband

Check out these real results from women just like you!

I contacted Danielle because I kept having failed relationships and if I heard another person say “HOW ARE YOU STILL SINGLE”? I was going to lose my mind. However, upon some self-reflection, I realized the common denominator was ME. I had roadblocks and I needed to essentially re-write the script that I had been repeating all my life. I wanted so desperately to find love but was also afraid to allow anyone in. I invested in The Soulmate Code and it was the best decision I have made for myself in a long time. 

I absolutely loved working with Danielle and looked forward to our call every week. Danielle is genuine, caring and sweet and isn’t afraid to have hard conversations to get to the root of it all. The lessons were the perfect cadence and were at times challenging and some were fun as well. The skillset she provided were ones that spoke directly to my love blocks. We worked together on taking 100% responsibility for all I create in love and life.

As a result of working with Danielle, I my past pain and disappointments in relationship is NO LONGER blocking me and now I am open, ready and available for true love. I have been having more FUN dating and I know that I am really close to finding my man! I honor and respect my voice and I believe that I can have a successful career, be a great mom AND have the love of my life. 

— Amy S., Healthcare Sales Executive, Pasadena, CA

After a twenty-seven year marriage, I have been single for the past eleven years. I didn’t understand why I had been single for so long and wanted to marry one more time.

Danielle was a joy to work with. She helped me see what blocks from my past I needed to work through, and how I could manifest a legendary love in my life once again. Along the way, we worked on other issues which were also affecting my self esteem and my ability to love deeply. I became clear with all that I want and need.  Danielle was compassionate and resourceful with all of my challenges. She was easy to talk with and a true pleasure to work with.

As a result of our work together:
I am in the process of getting back together with a man I had dated in recent years.
I clearly see my own worthiness along with the best of him.  We are talking about getting married!
I didn’t realize that fresh, profund love would manifest so quickly and so easily.

— Ivy S., Laguna Woods, CA

Investing in Danielle is basically investing in yourself. If you want something you don’t have it helps to have a mentor and coach who has walked the walk and talked the talk.

I married young and felt stuck in a toxic and emotionally neglectful marriage with a man I eventually divorced. After years of being in an unfulfilling relationship I knew I wanted to attract something different and wanted to ensure that I never went back to that kind of relationship.

From day one, The Soulmate Code and Danielle exceeded my expectations. Every video and assignment made so much sense and was so helpful and timely for me. This course was like jet fuel for my healing journey. In a matter of weeks I was feeling more grounded, confident, authentic and honest. I developed better boundaries and became a more confident woman on all of my dates.

I didn’t even finish the course and I am dating a man that is worlds different from my ex-husband. He adores me and treats me like a rare gem and it feels great.

Danielle is a beautiful soul. I felt comfortable telling her all my deepest darkest thoughts and secrets because I knew she could help me heal and would not judge me. I’d like to think of her as a Dr. of Love.

There is a formula to finding a soulmate and this is it!

— Diana M.

I first contacted Danielle a few years ago because I was feeling frustrated with my 5 year relationship. I’d read all the books and tried various ways to fix the issues, but something still wasn’t working. Plus, I was spending so much time thinking about my relationship that my business was becoming stagnant. I needed help and accountability.

With Danielle’s help, I uncovered blocks and areas where I was settling for a relationship that wasn’t the right fit. I thought my “dream man” didn’t exist, but those beliefs were part of the problem! I’m now in an amazing relationship with someone who adores me and balances me out in all the right ways. He cheers me on in the work that I do and always has my back. Being an entrepreneur is a roller coaster, so having a supportive relationship is a must!

The best part is that I wasn’t even searching for my current partner when he showed up. Once I removed my limiting beliefs about love, I was able to attract the right person into my life. I now feel confident in my relationship and the love spills over into my business. I can’t recommend Danielle enough!

— Danielle Zeigler, SEO + Digital Marketing Strategist,  Pittsburgh PA

Hundreds of women just like you taking success into their own hands and finding the passionate, fun, lasting love they have always dreamed about!

The Question Is…

Are You Next?


The Soulmate Code by Love Coach Dr. Danielle Dowling

The Soulmate Code is a tried and true roadmap of fun, actionable steps that will help you:

  • Rewrite your future by learning the skill set you need to attract a husband
  • Stop settling for men that don’t match what you want in a partner (…WITHOUT worrying that there are “no good ones left”)
  • Use both your head and your heart to fix HOW you choose men (yes, it is a CHOICE)
  • Master the power of your feminine energy. This power allows you to easily attract quality men by increasing your attraction factor and love frequency
  • Act in confidence on all your dates, and with the man of your dreams
  • Stop obsessing over whether he’s interested. Instead, you will deeply know that if he doesn’t follow up, it’s just not the right fit and you will easily move on
  • Put up a great online profile that attracts a husband! (A profile that makes him stop in his tracks and want to reach out and connect with you!)
  • Determine whether a man is a “keeper” in just a few dates… or if you are wasting your time!

After working with hundreds and hundreds of women over the past 10 years I can tell you that warm, selfless doting men DO exist, I absolutely promise you!

So let’s make this the year you give zero time and energy to men who can’t give you what you truly want.

Instead, let’s make this year the one you learn HOW to meet your future husband, your forever match, and begin the fun, passionate loving relationship you both desire and deserve!

Part One:
Clearing Your “Love Blocks” & Rewriting Your Love Story

Week 1
Lesson on Modern Day Love
You Don’t Need “Fixing”
Taking 100% Responsibility

Week 2
Adopting a LOVE vs FEAR Mindset
Everything Is Happening FOR You
• Stop Putting Your Life on HOLD (you CAN have it all!) Week 3
Prepare Your Home for Love
Honoring Our Need to Love and Be Loved

Week 3
Prepare Your Home for Love
Honoring Our Need to Love and Be Loved

Week 4
Trusting Loss
The Power of Forgiveness (Forgiving Yourself & the Past)
Your Parents, Beliefs, and Hidden “Love Blocks”

Week 5
Shedding and Taking Charge

Week 6
Breaking Unhealthy Dating Patterns
A Vision of LIfe Fulfilled
Transforming Identity & Graduation Ceremony

Part Two:
Activate Your Feminine Power

Week 7
What Is Masculine and Feminine Energy? (And why does EVERYONE need a balance of both?)
Modern Day Love-Part 2 (Energetically how did we get here? And how are men responding to the contemporary woman)
Welcoming the Feminine: Becoming the “Queen”
Week 8
Receive Like the Queen
Give Intuition the Wheel
Body Love and Sensuality

Part Three:
Become a Magnet for Soulmate Love

Week 9
The Three Core Master Manifestation Laws
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Intention
The Law of Allowing

Part Four:
Smart, Successful Dating & Lasting Connection

Week 10
Designing Your Love Blueprint + Daily Dating Manifesto
Successful Online Dating
Successful In-Person Dating
Week 11
How to Know If He’s Into You
Flirting 101

I’ll also be guiding you step-by-step along your journey to attracting your soulmate…

dating & love coach Dr. Danielle Dowling1:1 Coaching sessions
We’ll meet via phone or Skype for 50-minute sessions 3x a month for 6 months to celebrate the progress that you make week by week, and shed light on areas to work on for personal growth. Together, we’ll identify any obstacles that are holding you back from the relationships you want…and learn the skill set necessary to attract (and keep!) the right man faster than you ever could have imagined!

Unlimited email support
Between our sessions together, you may have additional questions… Maybe you’ll want to share or celebrate a win or breakthrough! Maybe some weeks will challenge you more than others… Challenges won’t always occur magically during our scheduled meet-ups which is exactly why I offer Email Support. You can expect to receive a personal email response within 24-48 business hours.


Interested in The Soul Mate Code program? Here’s What You Need To Do Next:

Step 1: Schedule a breakthrough call with Danielle!

This is a complimentary 1-on-1 call with Danielle for women who are serious about attracting LOVE into their life, and are ready to start creating a new path/story for themselves. Expect your call to last approximately 45 minutes. During this call, you’ll get clear on what’s working in your love life, what’s not and the next steps needed to finally meet your “one.”

 Schedule A Discovery Call With Danielle!

Step 2: Fill out the short application form

Once you’ve scheduled your discovery call, you’ll be directed to a short application form. (It’s only about 4 questions). BE SURE to fill this out, and submit the application before your scheduled call.

**Discovery Call sessions that do not have an application submitted will be cancelled**

Schedule A Discovery Call With Danielle!

In the past when people asked me why I was still single, I would jokingly answer ‘if I knew, I probably wouldn’t be single right now’.

The Soulmate Code course and Danielle’s coaching have helped me understand WHY I am still single and have been for such a long time.

The course is structured very well and provides powerful exercises, some immensely difficult, others fun and light and all incredibly effective and helpful. Combining this with regular coaching sessions, this has been a radically transformative couple of months for me, both on a personal and a professional level.

Danielle was with me throughout the entire journey acting as my biggest cheerleader, celebrating my breakthrough moments, sharing her wisdom. She helped me look at life and dating from a different more empowering perspective and gently encouraged me not to skip over the tougher exercises, but take my time to work through all of them.

Danielle’s support, genuine interest and uplifting energy made learning the skills of successful partnership exciting and motivating!

The course and coaching have filled me with hope for a life filled with love, for a wonderful romantic relationship with the right man for me.

I am now equipped with a treasure chest of dating and confidence building tools to express myself in the most genuine way and to attract and manifest what I desire most!


— Shanna, Brussels, Belgium

Dr. Danielle compassionately showed me how to identify and conquer what was holding me back and has helped me create and shift into a life that truly feels happy, harmonious and successful!

I originally reached out to Dr. Danielle when I felt like I hit a rock bottom in my life at the age of 34: my five-year marriage and several long-term (1-2 years) relationships failed, and I felt as if something was fundamentally wrong with me and as if I was unable to maintain long-term relationships for some unknown reason. I just had to discover what it was and how to stop that vicious trend.

Our work showed me exactly how to break that disempowering dating pattern and instead attract into my life my current boyfriend! He is loving, open, honest and so much fun! I am enjoying our deep and meaningful partnership and can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Along the way, we also worked on strengthening my self-esteem & personal confidence. Dr. Danielle shared with me simple tools, techniques and resources to let go of the past, take control of my life and release any uneeded pressure that was blocking me from living my most dynamic and radiant life.

Danielle has truly helped me believe that things are possible…as a result of our work together I am happy to report that I experience greater peace, relaxation and deeper satisfaction with work, relationships and my finances!
— Katherine, Project Management Officer, Madison, IL
When I found Danielle I had no idea what I was looking for in a coach, as the concept of coaching was completely foreign to me. What I did know, however, was that I could not go on the way that I was – one toxic “situationship” after another.
Being a strong and terribly independent person, I rarely reached out for any sort of help or guidance with personal issues. I was both excited and terrified to begin, but after our first call I knew that I had made the right decision and my only regret was not having found Danielle sooner. Danielle walked me through the issues in real time, and allowed me to see a completely different side of things and myself. 
In addition, the coursework uncovered some deeply hidden inner beliefs I held about myself and relationships. However instead of dwelling on them and using them as an excuse, Danielle guides you through letting go of each one, and replacing them with a more accurate and self serving inner story.
Its hard to pinpoint changes, but after I completed the 12 week course and coaching package I had completely let go of the toxic situationship I was in, and felt good about it. I had radically different view of myself and my role in relationships, and no longer felt like I was drifting aimlessly through life and love – totally under the control of someone else’s actions.
Now I feel confident about where I am headed in life, and am able to view ALL relationships (not just romantic ones) in a much more rational, logical, yet empathetic manner.  To say that I would recommend Danielle is an understatement, if you are ready to embark on real change in your life you have come to the right place! 
—Kenzie B. – Texas