Mom. Mystic. Coach.



I believe in both manifestation and grit, magic and tenacity. Building a beautiful life you feel proud of requires all of the above; and you must be intentional about it.

Cassette Tapes, Chardonnay + Epiphanies

I’ve been helping people make extraordinary life changes and create deep healing since before I was old enough to order a glass of chardonnay.

I’ve been fascinated by human potential since I was just 9 years old when my father introduced me to Norman Vincent Peale, Tony Robbins and the mystical world of Jerry and Esther Hicks. Walkman clipped to my hip, Wayne Dyer cassette playing, I relished long, soul-inspiring bike rides around my childhood home. “It’s only going to get bigger and better from here,” I beamed!

It’s my soul’s sacred mission to help others make their way back to this exact feeling and thought. That happy, smiling corner of the heart and magical state where the true fairytale-feeling of being alive can be remembered, accessed and indulged. What’s the point of life if not to be delighted by it?

Your Secrets Are Safe With Me

After a decade in corporate America, I enrolled in graduate school and earned both a master’s and doctorate in psychology, (Psy.D). I realized my entrepreneurial dream as a life coach in sunny Los Angeles. I’ve led courses and workshops in person and online in the wellness community. A mystic at heart, I later earned my Reiki I-III certifications and created my own line of high vibration, healing essential oils.

For the past fourteen years, I’ve spent nearly six hours a day listening to clients share their fears, frustrations, and heartache. That’s over 15,000 hours of coaching, friend!
Each and every deep dive has been profound and immensely cherished. It’s allowed me to develop high levels of compassion, and the necessary skill-set to help clients release limitations and sail toward their big, beautiful, epic desires.

PS. More than a few friends, clients, and dear ones have dubbed me “the world’s best secret keeper.”

these are a few of my favorite things

  1. / Smashed avocado (on everything)
  2. / Angel Cards, palo santo, mysticism
  3. / Chocolate chip cookies
  4. / An open window
  5. / The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
  1. / Red lipstick
  2. / Ella Fitzgerald + Thelonis Monk
  3. / Rainy days
  4. / Pen + paper

of my favorite things

Love, Marriage + A Little One

I’m 45. Not so young that I can’t appreciate the challenges faced by older women and not too old to forget what it’s like to be young and single. Not surprisingly, what I learned from my experience as a life and love coach is exactly what led me to marry my husband, Jose in 2014.

(By the way, I’d thought I’d be single forever. I questioned everything. My intelligence, body, bank account and aging face. There was a period of despair. Deep self-inquiry. Tear streaked journal pages. A release and then…most thrillingly…love.)

There was a diamond ring, a wedding at 38 and uncertainty about getting pregnant. Would it happen, could it, maybe we’d missed the boat? And finally, one late winter evening, an adorable baby boy named Aiden.

Speaking of being a mom – it’s rewarding and lovely and, yes, hellish. Motherhood is the Olympics for self-growth. If you haven’t yet been called to the carpet on your limiting thinking and feeling blind spots, parenthood will drag you there in the most humbling of ways. It can be messy and literally life giving, if you let it.

I am deeply proud of the person Aiden has helped me become. I’ve never been so worn
or so real or so loved.

Most of all…

I don’t live in an ivory tower

I live in the real world where life can be messy and complicated. I’m a middle-aged mom to an energetic 6-year old and a business owner. I’m married to a wonderful man who has a dangerous, nerve-wracking job.

I spent the last handful of years helping my mom navigate stage four cancer, hospice and most recently her funeral. This resulted in a six-month long anxiety disorder that made me feel extremely fragile and then somehow…more resilient than ever.

I’ve often felt like whatever I’m doing isn’t enough – there are too many hats to wear and wear well. I have big, wild dreams and only little slivers of time to nurture them.

But when I focus on these things – my busy schedule, my son’s meltdown, the challenges of self-employment – my anxiety peaks and my happiness dwindles.

Between my professional training and learned-the-hard-way life lessons, I knew it was possible to create a happier day-to-day life without hiring a nanny, forcing my husband to change careers, or dramatically overhauling my life.

It’s become my life’s work to honor the tired, complex feelings and ENJOY myself nonetheless. Through a set of powerful but simple systems I’ve learned how to create a gorgeous, rewarding life – regardless of what sort of drama might be erupting behind the scenes.

I don’t just teach these systems, friend.

I use them every single day to manage my own life. The programs I’ve created work in the REAL world. While life will always be a bit messy, we shall make it beautiful anyway!

Interested in working together?

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