The Most Effective Stress Management

reading a book

Ah, stress. It’s a doozy, is it not? Ongoing stress can trigger increased levels of cortisol in the body, resulting in exhaustion, inflammation, lack of focus and a really sour mood, if I do say so myself! We’ve all experienced the physical and emotional side effects of stress, and yet, these symptoms are simply a reflection of one’s energetic misalignment. 

You see, the physical, emotional and energetic realms are inextricably linked. Meaning: what is happening in one area is occurring in all areas. According to energetic law, physical manifestation always follows the energetic manifestation. 

If we were to create a flowchart in regards to stress, it would look like this:

Stressful Feelings  +  Stressful Thoughts (felt and thought over a period of time) =  Physical manifestations in the form of inflammation, exhaustion, lack of focus, anxiety, depression, insomnia.

Therefore, if one is seeing and feeling the physical effects of exhaustion, inflammation, irritability and lack of focus, the stress has manifested energetically first. Keep in mind stress is not a moment of upset or a flash of anger. Stress is ongoing pressure and upset, due to a variety of reasons.  

The key then to effective stress management is to catch stress in its early feeling stages. Before it manifests physically and must be dealt with in sometimes extreme ways. Doing so is an art, a skillset and one that I would very much like to share with you. 

Here’s how you can live and be and create:   

Feeling good feelings + feeling good thoughts (felt and thought over a period of time) = The physical manifestation of my dreams come true.” 

The energy field of this new year is one that invites you, in the softest of ways, back into balance with your aligned and highest self. The you who’s unequivocally in tune with the vision of her destiny and available to thwart stressful interference. (Wave that magic wand!)

2022 is the year you gently but masterfully take charge of manifesting your destiny.  

This will call for:
clear-sighted vision,
sense of purpose,
consistent, inspired action steps,
and feeling good (not stressed) 

All of which, I am most thrilled to offer you with January Jumpstart. This is a limited, private coaching opportunity only available in the month of January. The program consists of four 60-minute sessions together at a drastic, one-time-a-year financial discount.  January Jumpstart is truly the answer to the question:  Can dreams come true?

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January Jumpstart is a limited, private coaching opportunity only available in the month of January. The program consists of four 60-minute sessions together at a drastic, one-time-a-year financial discount.  

More details here…

January Jumpstart