Let’s Go on a Magic Carpet Ride! (Video)

creating a dreamscape journal

Welcome back to Dreamscape Journal December! Oh my, how quickly a year goes and yet, it’s time once again to frolic in the magic of the heart’s delights.  What better way to move into the graceful receiving of all you wish than to pay attention to your desires with thrill and possibility alike!  In late 2020 I launched Dreamscape Journal December with enthusiasm, pride and hope.  The hope that disillusioned thoughts and feelings of the past would be readily cast aside.  Replaced with the joy and anticipation and knowing that “my dreams come true.”

Friend, we’re on the precipice of yet and another new year.  Therefore, it’s with a full heart I invited you to grant yourself permission to dream big! Join me for a month of reacquainting yourself with your heart’s deepest wishes and desires. Put a pause on practicality as we release any concerns about how to “make our dreams happen,” and simply allow ourselves to swim in the tranquil and restorative waters of effortless ease and manifesting abundance.

We’ll explore all things magic and manifestation. I’ll teach you how to reach this place of pure power and inner knowing, so abundance rains down on you!

Let’s begin at the beginning. That, friends, is the state of being intimately aware of and connected to your soul’s dreams and desires.

What you’ll need:

⭐ A journal or notebook that feels fun and ideally fits in your favorite purse or handbag. There’s nothing like carrying around the energy of your heart’s desires to keep you in Dreamscape mode!

⭐ A pile of magazines that sets your heart on fire with passion and glee when you look at the photos.

⭐ Glue, scissors, tape, glitter, stickers, ribbons and any other embellishments that have your soul jumping up and down in joy.

⭐ To share! Please share your photos, thoughts, feelings. Please share your dreams and desires, big or small, with the group. We will support, celebrate and love you in return.

⭐ The willingness to put a pause on being practical and instead hop upon a magic carpet ride of fairy dust and pixie wings!

Join me Thursdays through the end of December as we daydream with abandon and revel in the reality of our heart’s delights.


3 Healthy Ways to Cope With Failure

3 Healthy Ways to Cope With Failure

Dear One, you are infallible.  Wow, I’ve never heard this before, you may be thinking. In fact, I’ve been told my whole life that I’m fallible, to expect failure, and pain and upset as a result of such failure. Yet, perhaps the time has come to re-imagine failure as you know it, as you’ve been […]

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How To Find Happiness? + High Performance Skills That Lead to Joy

how do i find happiness drawing

  Choosing you first means living and loving to it’s absolute fullest!  And yet, often we sanctify the well-being and needs of others above our own. We’re taught that we’re good and better people if we cast aside our happiness, at least for the time being, to ensure another’s happiness. We think we’re selfish to […]

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Motherhood: The Joys and Challenges with Rachael Amarante

Motherhood with Rachael Amarante

I think many mothers would agree with me that being a mother is hard and wonderful all at the same time. It often feels like you’re on a roller coaster ride without a seatbelt, yet you can’t help but be exhilarated. My guest today, Rachael Amarante of The Awakening Motherhood Project, knows all about the […]

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How to Tap Into a Powerful Abundance Mindset (Podcast)

Danielle quote

There’s an unprecedented array of goodness one can experience and magnetize into physical reality with the help of a powerful mindset. The value of a quality mindset is spoken of often and yet, many remain unclear as to what they need to do and who they must be to create joy and prosperity. You see, our overall mindset is made […]

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Manifestation Tool: Using “Petals of Promise” + Evidence of Your Dreams Coming True (Video)

manifestation tool petals of promise

Promise is the gift of aligning with possible-thinking and possible-feeling. Promise is the sun rising on the horizon; A morning bird’s first chirp; That first sip of coffee. The “Wait, I think everything might actually work out well” kind-of-feeling! Promise popping up across the landscape of your life is the reward for believing in the possibility of realizing your dreams–and doing […]

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How to Believe in the Impossible & Manifest Your Dreams (Video)

young girl playing with paint dust manifesting her dreams

Let’s talk about possibility. Possibility is that which can be. Could be. Very likely will be.  The human mind often wants to know how and when a desire can come to be before it chooses to believe in its possibility. “Show me all the ways this can logically happen,” demands the ego, “and give me a reasonable timeline!” And yet, the human mind can […]

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How to Control Your Perspective on Life & Why it Matters (Video)

control your perspective on life to control your abundance

Perspective is how you see the world. The colors that color it. The tone of it, the musical score that accompanies it. Is your world draped in a kaleidoscope of iridescent and revolutionary color? Would the musical score of your life be one of upbeat, melodious notes often found to accompany the most delightful of Disney […]

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How Practicing Perseverance Can Make the Perfect Life

woman smiling on a boat in pursuit of a perfect life

Perseverance is a practice as much as anything we desire to “get good at” is a practice. And yet, practice takes perseverance in its own right, does it not? They’re quite symbiotic in that way. So why am I drumming on about perseverance and practice and practice and perseverance? Because, they’re mutually significant in the experience […]

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How Intention Setting Is More Powerful Than Goal Setting (Video)

woman with blonde hair, eyes closed, holding a disco ball

As the deliberate, on purpose creator of your feeling good life, you know and understand that being as such takes loving and patient practice. Humanity has become accustomed to living out the dreams and desires of those who have come before us. Often one believes they’re following the dreams and desires of their own heart. And yet, […]

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How to Truly Embody “Life Is a Journey, Not a Destination” (Video)

practice worth perfecting life is a journey not a destination

You are the creator of your reality, and should you choose, you can be the deliberate creator of your reality. You can design and manifest your wildest dreams and desires with easy grace and efficiency. And yet, this is not a role most are accustomed to, is it? For most of us spend our days being motivated by conditional constraints […]

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Embrace Your Magical Reality (Video)

hand writing on paper saying "the magic happens right where you stand"

It’s time for you to “win” at the game of life. Rather than hiding in the shadows of scarcity and limitation and mediocrity, it’s time for you to rise to your proper and appropriate experience of joy and prosperity. You are Source energy in a human body and as such are powerful beyond measure. Certainly, […]

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How to Use Good & Not-So-Good Memories to Empower Yourself

Danielle and her husband portrait memories

MEMORIES. Memories come in all forms, shapes and sizes don’t they?  Take, for example, this “good” memory of our pregnancy photo shoot a little under 5 years ago. ⁠ Some memories feel so good to look back on, encouraging warm feelings of luck, gratitude, serenity, peace and joy. And other memories, not so much.  ⁠ […]

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MONEY. Best Friend or Foe?

Danielle portrait

People have a tricky relationship with money, don’t they? Some see it as the root of all evil and others as a savior of sorts, and yet, money itself is neutral. An energetic partner in the energetic game of Life. In fact, all things in life are neutral, really. It’s our energy that defines the […]

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JoyJourneys: An Extra Day to Do Whatever You Please?

quote image that says, "If there was suddenly an extra day in the week to do what you wish, you would..."

Welcome to the “JoyJourneys” series! Designed to provide you with the much needed, brief and imaginary respite the heart and soul craves in a busy day. You’re encouraged to set aside logic and practice feeling into your most joyous, feeling-good response to each fun-loving question. PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANSWER WITH ME AS I WOULD LOVE […]

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Why There’s No Need to Feel Guilty About Being Happy (Video)

Image of woman looking to the ocean

We tend to feel guilty about being happy when someone we know is in pain. We feel callous, insensitive and cruel when we rejoice or bask in our joy as the world experiences different states of unrest or strife. Yet, your happiness does not deny another’s pain. You can be happy and compassionate of others. You do […]

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JoyJourneys: If You Made Your Own Confetti, What Would You Create?

quote image that says, "if you made your own confetti, what would you create?"

Welcome to the “JoyJourneys” series! Designed to provide you with the much needed, brief and imaginary respite the heart and soul craves in a busy day. You’re encouraged to set aside logic and practice feeling into your most joyous, feeling-good response to each fun-loving question. PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANSWER WITH ME AS I WOULD LOVE […]

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Why Wanting Something is a “Good Thing” (Video)

woman in a blue dress in a field with a mountain in the back

Hi friends and welcome back to the Dazzle of the Day series where we prioritize feeling good feelings and thinking feeling good thoughts! The “Dazzle,” as we lovingly refer to it around these parts, is a high vibrational happy event, circumstance, occasion, affirmation or mantra. Basically, anything along the spectrum of pleasant to awesome that […]

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JoyJourneys: What Animal Are You Most Like?

engagement topic quote image that says, "what animal are you most like/feel most akin to?"

Welcome to the “JoyJourneys” series! Designed to provide you with the much needed, brief and imaginary respite the heart and soul craves in a busy day. You’re encouraged to set aside logic and practice feeling into your most joyous, feeling-good response to each fun-loving question. PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANSWER WITH ME AS I WOULD LOVE […]

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Me and My Dreams Are Worthy of the Spotlight!

coffee mug on top of note books

Welcome back to The Dazzle of the Day! “Dazzles” do keep us high vibing and in high energy. And as we uplift our energy, we automatically and with greater ease become an emotional match to all the heart desires. Do you know of the importance of becoming an emotional match to your dreams? Oh, it […]

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Being at Ease Is Wise Not Weak (Video)

Woman laying and smiling among large leaves to represent being at ease

What would it feel like to always be at ease? A deeply profound question to spark our loved and anticipated “Dazzle of the Day.” A hard working mind is likely to scoff at the idea of always being at ease, insisting it’s lazy and irresponsible. Sure, we’ll allow ourselves a moment of ease here or […]

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Introducing JoyJourneys: A New Series of Fun-Loving Soul Prompts

quote image that says "Question: If you had your choice of a magical mode of transportation, what would it be?"

Welcome to the “JoyJourneys” series! Designed to provide you with the much needed, brief and imaginary respite the heart and soul craves in a busy day. You’re encouraged to set aside logic and practice feeling into your most joyous, feeling-good response to each fun-loving question. PLEASE SHARE YOUR ANSWER WITH ME AS I WOULD LOVE […]

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The Puzzle Pieces Always Fall Into Place for Me

woman wearing a hat surrounded by flowers looking at laptop

Welcome back to what I hope has become a beloved and anticipated event for you–”Dazzle of the Day!” A Dazzle is a high vibrational happy event, circumstance, experience, affirmation, awareness or realization. A Dazzle is anything awesome and of abundance that happens in your day. Something that you recognize is worth paying attention to, because […]

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I Am Where I Am and That’s Alright! (Video)

woman in the middle of a flower field focused in life

Hello, and welcome back to The Dazzle of the Day series! I am in great hopes that today’s “dazzle” will serve you as it has been serving me. A dazzle is a high vibrational, happy event, circumstance, experience, affirmation, awareness or realization. Basically, a dazzle is anything awesome and of abundance that is worth paying […]

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